Trump tries to reschedule the debates so they get more viewers and does not go up against NFL games and this is the headline the fucking kikes come up with
CNN- Clinton News Network
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That'll make more people watch hoping it's a disaster. Bad more for cnn
Every thread needs one of these
If you got em/ different ones, post your own.
When are the debates?
I can't find it on Google anywhere
Hillary tried messing with Football.
That's a rule you don't test.
To be fair, he gave the media enough ammo by squirming out from FOUR DEBATES.
They could schedule it anytime they wanted. She'll still blow him out of the water. Even if Trump does well, hell, even if he does amazing, he'll come off as an idiotic blowhard rather than a professional, and make people hate him even more.
There's a reason I support Hillary. I always support the winning side.
CNN will lose either way
Why do you people do nothing but lie? This is a bald faced lie.
Nice troll XD
No, Trump is the unreasonable one, the media isn't against him FAUX news is a perfect example of this lol drumpf is so scared his new nickname is chicken drumpf hehehe
You support Hillary because you're a beta male millenial cuck that is afraid of masculinity. But that's besides the point. Trump is going to dominate that robotic cunt. It doesn't matter that a handful of pearl clutching effeminate wimps like you will find him too aggressive, it only matters that the country will be left with the memory of Trump humiliating crooked Hillary in front of the world, just like Jeb. You know, Jeb supporters used to say the exact same thing about Trump that you just said. Where are they now?
Supporting Hillary is my guess.
Hell to CNN, Hell to Globalism
Funny, your comment about Jeb supporters raises an important fact; Hillary has an insane amount of support from crossover voters.
Debates don't matter. This isn't the 60s. People already know who they support by the time they come. Win or lose, we win.
She is losing on every poll.
Sure thing kid.
Now, I already know what's gonna happen. You're going to say they oversamples Democrats, or were paid by the jews, or any other number of delusional statements upon finding out your narrative is wrong, when a quick internet search outside of Sup Forums could snap you back to reality.
But the thing is, for a group of people who talk about facts so much, when confronted with them, you really don't react too kindly.
Oh I have no doubt that the neocons are supporting Hillary. She's a globalist warmonger that wants war with Russia just like they do. They're the same people. Funny though how the polling is so close even with this crossover. And let's see who's most excited to turnout on election day. The "I guess I'm with her, sort of" Democrats or the enthusiastic Trump Republicans who can't wait to get him into office so he can rip the throat out of liberals ASAP.
And if people don't care about debates, why did you bother making your boring boilerplate post about how Hillary is going to best Trump in the debates? Were you a Jeb supporter by any chance? You have the signs of low testosterone to be one.
WashingtonPost, check the sidebar.
They are getting really blatant with this corruption
Check the weekend polls. Hillary got a 15% convention bump and is up by 12% now.
NFL games have been played on the same days of the week for atleast 25 years.
>Enthusiastic Trump Republicans.
Yeah, because there's so many of those, right? The country's just bursting at the seams with them.
Please. He loses support every opens his mouth. But hey, maybe he'll get another imaginary letter that teaches him how to win an election.
1. You're talking about cross over votes. Your article does nothing to support this.
^trying to move goal posts.
2. Look at poll internals, Democrats are over sampled. Weather it's justifiable or not? we won't know till nov.
3. Reuters has a Democratic/Liberal bias. You can fact check this by looking at their polls historically. Or just check their (failed) polling for Brexit.
4. The media, which is running most big polls is against Trump. They are not an independent actor but an agent of the Hillary propaganda machine. See pic related.
Your paid too much for your shit nigger.
2nd debate is the same time as the Packers/Giants Monday Night Football game. I'm pissed.
holy fuck, that image makes me rage
>Yeah, because there's so many of those, right?
Trump rallies bring out tens of thousands in each city he visits. Meanwhile Hillary rallies are near empty.
Denying reality much?
>He loses support every opens his mouth.
Heard the same drivel during the primaries. The effect is opposite.
At first he loses a bit support. Then people realize he is actually right, which leads to Trump getting even more support.
Muslim ban
Re-negotiating trade deals
Against TPP (it was never popular with the people, but now even Hillary, which pioneered and pushed the TPP is role playing like she is against it)
Brexit can't be compared to Trump at all. I understand it's a popular fallback option, but a question of boundaries and borders can't be compared to voting for a psychotic. On top of this, even if the media is wholly corrupt, as you claim, the American people swallows it every day. There's been no outcry, no rebellion, no backlash.
Know why? Because people agree.
The Commission on Presidential Debates announced on Sept. 23, 2015, the schedule for three 2016 presidential debates and one vice presidential. The current schedule is:
First presidential debate: Monday, Sept. 26, 2016, at Hofstra University in Hempstead, N.Y. The first debate will consist of six 15-minute segments selected by the moderator and announced ahead of the debate.
Vice presidential debate: Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2016, at Longwood University in Farmville, Va. The vice presidential debate will be divided into nine 10-minute segments.
Second presidential debate: Sunday, Oct. 9, 2016, at Washington University in St. Louis. The second presidential debate will be a town meeting, where half of the questions will come from participants and the other from the moderator. The moderator's questions will be based on public interest topics determined via social media and other sources.
Third presidential debate: Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2016 at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. The third presidential debate will have the same format as the first, with six 15-minute segments.
i meant SUNDAY night football.
>People will realize he's right eventually!!!!
Ok. Yeah.I find that tends to happen to me too, when I treat people with unwarranted hostility at random times.
Shills were saying the same all day today.
And I'll just go ahead and say this. Maybe I'm wrong and you're right. Maybe I'm totally out of touch.
But the electoral college will do the talking for me. It ain't looking good for Trump. That's a pretty solid indicator of how it will go.
>but a question of boundaries and borders can't be compared to voting for a psychotic.
Please, do you think we are oblivious to you resorting to ad hominums when your weak arguments are driven into the ground?
The campaign against Brexit was as vile as the propaganda machine against Trump. It has used the same motifs too.
Why both Trump and Brexit were labeled racist by 'intellectuals' for the very same reason:
A push to uphold borders and stop the wave of immigration.
>Racist, xenophobic and anti-intellectual: Academics threaten to leave Brexit Britain
>Racism lies at the heart of the vote to leave the EU
But the similarities don't end there, in both cases the media/establishment alluded that Brexit/Trump would cause a world war. Not providing much in the way of a logical explanation:
>'Brexit' could trigger World War Three, warns David Cameron
>trump is a psychotic
Shills like you labeled Brexit as a psychotic, crazy, uneducated move that will never happen. And look now. Come to think of it, you cucks like to do that with just about everything don't you? Call it psychotic, egotistical, racist, bind, lots and lots of buzzwords. Eventually everyone just gets sick and tired of it and stops listening. And when the real psychotic racist comes along, and you try to tell people, nobody cares, because you do this shit with everything you don't like. Boy who cried wolf, amirite?
Yeah that early season matchup between the Saints and the Falcons is pure gold. No way to compete with that
Trump has only known about the dates for nearly a year since they were announced. Or probably not, given how clueless he and his campaign seem to be. What a fucking dildo.
Trump is ahead in the polls
Just go get a job at McDonald's instead of shilling for 2 cents a post
someone should shoop that so it says cuck
Speaking of facts and quick internet searches, Reuters announced that they've "tweaked" their latest polls in favour of Hill. You're a really smug fucking idiot, like most Hillary fools...
Meanwhile it's Clinton who didn't want more than a handful of debates with Sanders. The ones they did have were on the weekends.
>ven if the media is wholly corrupt, as you claim, the American people swallows it every day. There's been no outcry, no rebellion, no backlash.
False, again. I guess that's what propagandists are good for. Lying.
You wouldn't expect the MSM to report about their own bias.
>Let me repeat what I wrote in this article back in April when it first became apparent to me that the media establishment and Wall Street had succeeded in swaying the election in favor of their chosen candidate
Millions of Bernie supporters got the butt end of the media for months. They are disillusioned. Often there is more hate for the MSM emanating from that camp than any other.
The viewership for MSM is plummeting.
Hello Thread.
I found Another One.
Damn, I didn't even knew that fancy word until now.
Fantasy polls from right wing tards maybe
>Shills like you labeled Brexit as a psychotic, crazy, uneducated move
exactly, this is what these people do. It's a prime tactic that happens all the time.
>deposited 'fatal exception error 11154'
as opposed to fantasy poll from left wing tards for sure. Which are you? because you're clearly a tard xD
im a shill help theyre holding us hostage in a room by the time i post this theyll probably have killed me already somebody please help
lol. People are starting to wake up. They won't be getting away with their dirty jew trickery anymore. The Jewish liberal media is starting to lose their grip and they're throwing a tantrum and writing ridiculous hit pieces even a retard would call out.
Post yfw there is going to be a real holocaust and its going to happen within the next 10 years.
I can't fucj g wait for Therese debates
Of course, Nov is the only poll that matters. But the thing is, no one can really know how things are looking based on the polls that are coming out.
Too high of a chance these are manipulated by the corrupted media establishment (including FOX).
Tying up with my previous statements You said:
>even if the media is wholly corrupt, as you claim, the American people swallows it every day. There's been no outcry, no rebellion, no backlash.
>Americans' Trust in Media Remains at Historical Low
According to BBC (data predates current events which trashed the trust in the media further):
>Americans stand out from citizens of the other countries surveyed on a number of dimensions
>69% percent believe the media does not report all sides of the story.
>only 46% believe that the media reports news accurately.
>Only 6% of people say they have a great deal of confidence in the press, about the same level of trust Americans have in Congress
Source for pic related:
Well that's the idea isnt it?
The more people watching the game and not seeing how awful Hillary is at the debates is better right?
They can just be told who won later on by the unbiased (((media)))
NFL games take place 3 out of 7 nights a week. Trump is getting desperate. He even lied about the NFL sending him a letter agreeing with him. Surely he could produce such a letter if he wasn't completely full of shit.
I hate to say it, but that post reads just like the "conservative" version of people who thought Obama would actually bring "hope and change" back in 2008. You will be lucky if Trump accomplishes 1/10th of what he claims to want to do, even luckier if he actively even tries to achieve 1/8th. The wall will fade, the ban will fade, BLM will still protest, trade deals will still be varied, etc. America won't suddenly become an SJW-free Shangri-la devoid of terrorists and illegal immigrants.
>Win or lose, we win.
If Hillary wins everyone loses
We're literally looking at WW3
>trump trapped in elevator
I want off this ride
If you think that is bad
Try cbc
Massive hilldog boner, they had an article about how there is a confederate American descendants town in Brazil and how "they don't like trump so much"
Pretty much every comment was slamming cbc for being shit and bias
And there will MLB playoff games too! Like every year. This is obviously a massive conspiracy.
>nfl games
they play on fucking sunday, theres nothing to determine
Yeah this Khan shit has been at the top of the Google News feed for the past four days, it's fairly obvious they are trying to push a story nobody actually cares about in some pathetic attempt to spur outrage. It's as though they've forgotten that Trump has been saying outlandish things for months now; this isn't going to change a goddamned thing.
hell to cnn, hell to globalism, heil to trump
And Mondays. And Thursdays.
Guys this is a shill thread let it die
JIDF thread
which are one game each, NFL owns sunday.
>JIDF thread
Found the hill shill. Gtfo.
>all less than 2 hours
Fug, that's within Hillary's stamina limit. Hopefully Trump can drain her early during one, I'd love to see her collapse on stage.
And Sunday nights always feature one game, which would be probably be the one conflicting with the debates.
I don't like hearing the truth. F-fucking shills! You sound like an even bigger bitch that Trump.
>citing evidence to one of the emails
>link to email ID in the wikileaks archive not provided
Its a good headline. It forces Clinton to accept Trump's terms.
8D chess
Oh man, the Clinton's are just so evil that it has become comical to me. Fictitious villains would be in awe of them. Their utterly ruthless self serving behaviour truly has no limits. If the Clinton's want something, they will do ANYTHING to get it, so long as they can get away with it. Fascinating, really.
>monday night football doesn't always happen on monday nights
>Senior staff in the Kremlin have been allowed to see the emails, however Putin alone has access to them and keeps them on his personal laptop, under lock and key. He has been heard staying up until 2am, reading their contents out loud, roaring with laughter.
President Vladimir Putin is said to be amused by Democratic Party attempts to portray him as the villain, when their own failings are on display for all to see. “They always need a babayka [boogeyman] to frighten people with. I am the Eastern boogeyman, it seems.”
The real news:
>Hillary doesn't want anyone to see Trump humiliate her so she called in favors to put the debates head to head against big NFL games. Trump called her out on it and is not going to play ball unless they give the debates a prime time slot for the maximum number of viewers.
What CNN and other media shills are reporting:
>That manbaby Trump is too SCARED to debate our dear leader Hillary! He is just using the football games as an excuse, even though none of you were going to watch the debates if there was a game on anyway. How can anyone let this cowardly man be PRESIDENT?
>trying to find a list of Trump's successful business ventures to compare to his failures
>search 'trump business successes'
>page after page of 'trump's business failures'
I know he has over 500 successful businesses and a handful of failures, the man turned 1 million dollars into 10 billion. Most people if given that much money would just piss it away.
They ought to face the firing squad for this.
To be honest famalam, she might have called in those favors but I dont think she was expecting Trump in the slightest at the time the schedule was made. Keep in mind that around that time absolutely nobody was taking him seriously and the final showdown was still considered Clinton vs Jeb!
So even if she did call in those favors because she's a fucking lightweight, that might have been completely for naught as Trump has people wanting to see more. Whether its the desire to see him make an ass of himself, or dancing circles around Hillary, people will likely tune in despite handegg being on because he has singlehandedly turned this election into the most quality entertainment ever conceived.
You underestimate the amount of people who don't give even the slightest of fucks about politics.
In Normie Land, no one starts caring about the election until one week before election day.
If the debates aren't rescheduled, the football games will have 10 times as many viewers.
No orders need to have been given. NFL game times have been the same for decades, with the exception of Thursday Night Football, which is relatively recent.
This is corruption.
(((Jeff Zucker)))
Rasmussen is the only poll worth a shit. Last cycle showed no real convention bounce for Shitlery.
I'm eager to see the next cycle for confirmation. But it wouldn't surprise me if she really does have a bounce and it shows up in the only honest poll out there.
In any case, all you dumb shits getting excited over convention bounce one way or the other are morons. Convention bounces dissipate. The conventions won't determine the winner.
Every pundit and every poll have underestimated Trump at every stage of the game. If he slowly but surely gains on her between now and election day, like he did on the cuckservatives in the Republican party, she is toast.
Trump has a history of gaining ground over time. She has a history of losing ground over time, even when she has managed to win.
I'm cautious, but calling it for Trump.