Its Not Enough

I don't think that the trump border wall would be enough. I propose that we use plastic anti-personnel mines and lay a minefield from the wall to 200 yards out towards Mexico.

Night-vision cameras will monitor every mile of wall and be aimed at the minefield. also, the Rio Grande will have to be booby-trapped on our shore. spikes, caltrops, that sort of thing...

Thoughts Sup Forums?

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First the wall, built a bit beyond our side of the border, then we chisel off Mexico so that we're separated by some ocean expanse, sort of like a moat.

just make a small channel and ill send tony abbott over.
cheap, effective, plus you can make fun of his ears.

if we have to stay attached and it's too hard to chisel off Mexico then we're going to need ground penetrating radar hubs along the wall so that they dont burrow under

Build a wall with law and policy, not sticks and stones.

We are the most strongest race. shoot us sharks, anything can stop us.

>have wall
>employ guards
>kos to any invaders
>spike the border crossers

why not both, idiot

bro we guna have dedicated satellites and drones loaded with cruz missels

fuck it, lets just irradiate the fucking wall.

>Anything can stop us

Because it would be a waste of money and you don't want to increase your deficit, you imbecile.

Because physical walls are expensive to build and maintain when you have people determined to get here for the gibs.

You think Mexico is going to give a damn if the cartels start blowing up your precious wall?

They'll probably provide the explosives.

>Anything can stop us
My sides

I hope to move to the USA and become a boarder guard for god emperor Trump.



no need for a wall. it's the 21st century you idiots.

1) designate a dmz along the border.
2) patrol dmz with small airplane-like drones equipped with thermal optics for target designation.
3) hexacopters armed with tasers and submachine guns are dispatched automatically when targets are acquired. tase once, tase twice, if subject continues trespassing, open fire.

what the West lacks is balls, and it will be our undoing

>anything can stop us.
Juan, please.

>le wall meme

Just need to do something like how the Jews did when making the Palestine walls.

Wouldn't need solid concrete but steel fencing should do the work for rural areas, concrete for city border lines.

It would be much easier to shoot and kill trespassing Mexicans, but the US is too PC to accept that.

The costs should be evened out and baselined after construction is complete.

>Predator drone strikes on mexican families/drug camels

>Seismic detectors for tunnels

also, extort mexico for cash.

Like that wouldn't be expensive as fuck.
This is a better idea:

walls work fine, it also puts our people back in production, and uses our labor production which we so desperately need.

Damage control. Good try, admit you fucked up Pedro and move on

>Le keynesian economics meme
Back to Economics 101, burger.

>anything can stop us
good job there

>anything can defeat us

>Anything can stop us

What about the SEA lanes, here in San Diego,Ca the Mexicans are coming by boat,they crash on all the local beaches

Along with the minefield, we set up cameras, and turn the whole thing into a tv show.
It'd be like Ninja Warrior.

not as expensive as you think and it would mean massive government investment in a cutting edge technology with profound military utility rather than just building a fucking wall

B-but If I stop you, you win

The wall is just the start next comes the dome

yeah lets pull millions of able-bodied people out of home & office construction and onto a massive government project that produces 0 housing and 0 commercial or industrial capital, thats great for the economy

Tu muro no me detendra, blanco. Hare tuneles y te seguire robando y violando jajajajajaja

I say just dump radioactive waste along the length of the Mexican border

Anyone crosses they die of radiation sickness

kek. put tacos every 50 yards

Are there any mexibros in favor of the wall?

>cruz missels

>massive government investment in a cutting edge technology with profound military utility rather than just building a fucking wall
Or they could eliminate welfare and punish business that pay below the average wage and solve it. But that would be way more difficult, right?

Fucking idiots who enjoy to expend billions of dollars in miltary companies instead of investing them in normal research.

that will lead to radioactive pollution getting into the sea, thanks to the river, and ending up in your food. You have just proposed a long-term suicide. Besides, you really need to concentrate a lot of radioactive waste in order to have any lasting effect. But even then, the best effect from radiation can only be achieved by directly consuming alpha particles, which will not happen either. You can try radioactive gases but that's also unfeasible - you'll need a lot of it.

Why can't we just shoot them with tranquilizers and then throw their limp brown bodies back on their side of the wall?

Why would you make a picture 274x240?

i like the radioactive options.
i like the drone patrol options.

is there value in irradiated human corpses? does japan get off on that porn yet or do we need to get octopuses to attach themselves to the corpses?

that's one way to look at it but eliminating welfare is political suicide. It's simply not going to happen and we both know it.

They'll come back.

It's kind of like with rogue penguins, even if you were to drop them off at their colony, they'd just head right back to the mountains.

Better to put them down.

I'm thinking if we mine the wall, it will give a HUGE boost to the military industrial complex for producing billions of landmines. economics 101

I fully support this idea

That is only the first wall

Here is the second wall

I like this setup.

>Implying your option isn't political and international relations suicide.
At least mine would be much cheaper.

this will not be efficient. The US-Mex border is 3201 km. The farthest a man can see is 5km until the earth starts to curve out, or realistically 2 km for anything to appear intelligible enough. This means that you will need to put at least 1 person per every 2 km of the border. That's 1601 persons. Each one of them will have to be armed with latest technology. So, given that the US used to spend at least $1 m. on every soldier, we can estimate it will be $160 m, plus additional salary bonuses, etc. That's $160 m for a bare minimum, without any hi-tech drones nor cameras, nor anything else. Just a man with a sniper rifle.


>anything can stop us

Glad we're on the same page

does australia have some raptors we can buy? put an invisible fence collar on them to keep them in the qurantine zone.

If Bugs Bunny can take care of Florida with only a handsaw, we should be able to handle Mexico.

I'm hoping for an advancement on the Yuma Sector setup.


you have just explained why democracy is hazardous for international peace. good job my canucky friend. But I think you're right. It's a paradox of our time.

Use smart sniper turrets

>it will cost 1 million dollars for ONE soldier

reddit pls go

you will need engineers to maintain it, and people will be prone to social engineering. Expansion of such system will create many backdoors that could be entered by malicious elements, e.g. you have a small town located on the US side of the border, and a group of 2-3 engineers will be able to reconfigure the "smart" turret to start shooting at the US civilians, which will lead to the outrage at home. You can, ofcourse, not install these at the populated places but that kinda defeats the purpose.

this was just 4 years ago, user.

>average $1.2 m. per troop

>Harrison said the center arrives at its figure by taking "the amount of money spent in Afghanistan for a year and dividing it up by the number of soldiers."

>One thing is clear, the soldier impacts only a small percentage of that cost. A typical army sergeant with four years service makes a base pay of less than $30,000 a year.

So they spend tons of money on drone strikes, rebuilding efforts, outreach programs teaching mudslimes not to beat their wives, tanks, vehicles, and shipping costs for food/water/munitions all the way to the middle of afghanistan.

You are a fool if you believe numbers like these are relevant to the cost of deploying a few thousand troops on American soil.