He's already advocated spreading nuclear weapons to more countries, murdering civilians and committing war crimes, punishing any woman who gets an abortion, toss out the Geneva convention and torture people, withdraw from NATO, and ban an entire religion from the country, and create a database of muslims.
He said he would deport US citizens and thinks global warming is a hoax created by the chinese, thinks the US should default on its debt, defends the interment of Japanese Americans in WW2.
He thinks Obama is a muslim and accused him of not being american and accused him of being an ISIS sympathizer, insulted war heros because they got captured, racially insulted a sitting Senator. He bragged about his dick size in a GOP debate and has suggested he might quit if he's actually elected.
He consistently thinks women are only valuable for how they look, with at least a dozen high-profile misogynistic comments.
He's called nuking the middle east a plausible option. He has a suspicious number of ties to Putin, and has a history of business deals with organized crime. He's called mexicans rapists and criminals, been successfully sued multiple times for racist rental practices, and said he wants no blacks only jews counting his money.
He semi-threatened the pope, mocked disabled people in front of a crowd of thousands, outright threatened violence towards the media and protesters, made sexual comments about his daughters MULTIPLE TIMES, praised Kim Jong Un and Putin and Saddam Hussein, praised the Tianenmen Square massacre.
He's flirted with white supremacy - retweeting them, reposting their images with anti-semitic symbols, playing coy about David Duke's endorsement. He's a verified lunatic conspiracy theorist - he thinks the Clintons murdered one of their aides, Obama is a sleeper agent and Ted Cruz's dad helped kill JFK.
He's already advocated spreading nuclear weapons to more countries, murdering civilians and committing war crimes...
Other urls found in this thread:
shut up bitch
Yes. Go to bed Kai
At least hes not a cuck
still better than hillary
You're a cuck tho.
trump for president
Nah. I will be voting for her.
Can't wait to see conservacuck tears when she wins
Damn OP you should get this to Hillary. You can end Trump's campaign with this.
Already posted it everywhere my good friend.
all you got is a youtube conspiracy video
all we got is the dumb faggot Trump's very own words coming out his very own dumb faggot mouth
+1 internets for you my friend.
You didn't watch it
give the bull the succ, you cuck
Good, we need an iron fist now to counteract the leniency and degeneracy of the regressive left.
Got a classic hand mixed home made cuck over here.
I'm not sure you know what a cuck is.
Those skeletons could be performing a total heterosexual interaction.
Not happening tho senpai.
Dude mane i got danker pics on my pc but im in the middle a nowhere rn. Still diesbt make u any less of a cucc tho
- Hates people of other skin colour
- Hates people of other religion
- Has connections with other warld leaders
- He's not a cuck
- Up to start WW III
- Doesn't give a fuck
- Spreads bullshit
looks like the perfect president, OP
I just love how you conservacucks have nothing better to say than to call me a "cuck"
oh i love shill threads too
ebig win for u, now get your money
I forgot Sup Forums is filled with a bunch of faggot edgelords.
nice bait, here's your you
Not even bait.
Your shilling will never work here.
Thanks nigga
>He's already advocated spreading nuclear weapons to more countries
Obama set it up so Iran will get nukes. He wants civilized countries like SK and Japan to be able to deter countries like NK with their own arsenal.
You're such a faggot. Took you a sentence to have your narrative shat on.
You sound like a mahogynist.
Lol looks like I'm winning tho.
>expects in-depth conversation
nigga do you know where you even are? If you want shitposts to be taken seriously theres this neat little tumor called reddit. Youd feel right at home
Can you skew information any harder?
Are you people even human?
Kill yourself.
Literally didn't read a single word of your post
Lol. Nope.
I'm not talking about Obama here, faggot.
We're talking about bitchass trump
>cold war just ended
>world wide web just invented
The Libertarian VP guy who was governor of Massachusetts during the 90s also takes credit for the dot-com boom.
Hillary is not going to win.
Yes, we are very human.
Last time I heard you Canadians were a lot more Lib than us.
I think it's time for you to go to bed. It's time to stop shitposting
Trump is my best chance to get more quality memes such as this. 1488.
Wanna make a bet, faggot?
Thank you for correcting the record
uh oh
This is actually a good point, that the 1950s style trophy wife is pretty archaic. Note how few successful men actually to this. Bill Gates and Marc Zuckerberg both have professional wives, not harems like most of us would have.
Pic related, it's you, faggot.
Haha your thread sucks
>.02567 shekels
I think this tool usually shitposts on Sup Forums.
I'm not sure why he's here.
they say the same thing. CTR has them copy and paste,sad.
I don't think he's even CTR tier.
I recognize the simplistic post style.
He is from Sup Forums.
Just wait until the thread hits it's bump limit, he'll frantically try to get the last post like it means he won or something.
Pretty entertaining actually, like a gibbon with down syndrome trying to open a jar.