Its low birth rates, which is forcing western governments to open their borders to mudshits since they fear Japan teir deflation as a result of population decreasing. Everyone in Pol likes to complain by immigrants but what are you doing to solve the real problem which is low birth rates amongst Whites?
The problem isnt Immigrants
Make raising children less expensive.
Encourage Monogamy.
Discourage women from pursuing careers.
All in all, abolish feminism and embrace traditional gender roles.
>need to have sex to increase birth rate
>implying Sup Forums is doing anything to help the birth rate
>The problem isn't people breaking in and moving into your house, the problem is that you're not renting out your rooms.
No cunt. Even if the white birth rate was as high as the nigs and spics here it'd still be trumped by the non whites coming in. Kill yourself.
It's the current economic model that prioritises growth at all costs over everything else and is willing to flood countries with welfare sucking shit that is the problem. End this fucking meme there are to many people on the planet already. I'd take living in a slightly poorer Japan over a multi culti shit hole anyday btw.
op your argument comes from globalists who see whites as a threat to their existence.
proof: the (((central banks))) are not allowing america to provide financial incentive to the family unit.
And what is wrong with declining birthrates?
All the college babbies are complaining about lmaonojobs
Build the wall & deport illegals, then restore Chinese & Russian relations, and then grant citizenship and transportation to all Chinese & Russian laborers who wish to migrate.
(Unless they're Chechen or Uyghur, or other non-white minority groups in those countries.)
Russians and Chinese might not be totally white, but after a few generations of assimilation the differences would be minor.
Less people means more job openings, less competition in the arts, less competition in academics, larger surplus of food, larger surplus of space, etc, etc.
Human lives like any other commodity will go up in value as population declines.
Too many humans and humans become increasingly disposable, this is why BLM will never be taken seriously. There are so many niggers they literally have no value.
Trump's not the answer, because he talks too much dumb shit about China.
The manufacturing is never coming back. The trade deficit with China is not ever going to change.
It's why Trump imports all of his products from Chinese factories, to sell at a markup here. Something called capitalism.
The shredded onion & powdered garlic I buy from the grocery store comes from China. Why? It's because they're better at capitalism than we are.
you're stupid. onions and garlic grow in the dirt.
how do you like them apples?
This is exactly the fucking problem. White people need to have more children, being safely financed isn't doing to do shit when my people and niggers keep popping babies like no tomorrow and those children grow up poor and resentful of the responsible white people who are on top. Whites are fucking themselves by not taking risk and having children. There's actual fucking white people now that'll go their entire lives without having a single child, funny thing they're usually very attractive also. White people are so fucking retarded for not having children and all my white friends tell me "well i cant afford to have a child and i'm scared to get married" meanwhile my fucking dad got 5 girls and got them all pregnant and had 12 kids. Its going to reach a boiling point where the poor spics and niggers are going to raise the white neighborhoods because of the misunderstanding that whties breed responsibility while spics and niggers dont.
White people need to have at least 4 children or else they're fucked. They got lucky that blacks abort half their children but Mexicans dont believe in abortion. The only thing whites can do is have children or get fucked in the future. It doesn't matter if you're not financially secure, you'll figure something out. If not then its your own fucking fault your going extinct.
Or you know
Tie tax benefits to children rather than marriage (a.k.a. lies)
you know what, why do i even give a fuck that white people are going extinct. Mother fucker my team is winning. Seriously i dont fucking get why i give a fuck about white people, i just dont get it.
You're so right OP. The birth rate in western countries is really low, while in the 3rd world they're humping like rabbits shitting out kids. The economy is so shit so people doubt they'll be able to raise kids, and culturally most people my age, when I talk about my gf and how we're going to get married when we're both done school and have a family (we have been together 4 years), they say "ew kids, I'll never have kids. Ill have a cat". The majority of people in their 20s are going to ruin the west if nothing changes. Why couldn't I have been born post WWII
whites don't believe in teams. not american whites anyway.
did u know the founding fathers thought if uk parlimentary party system came to america, it would be cancer? literally the repub/democrat parties are cancer.
we're all one here. thanks for your advice user
>Its low birth rates
Not really, there's too many people we don't need as it is. Our pension schemes are failing because they were pyramid schemes, a social experiment gone wrong no amount of extra NEETs can fix.
Look at dependency ratios rather than the meme unemployment figures, imagine self-learning narrow AIs and software automation has barely kicked in yet.
Increased productivity means we can do more with less human input, in a world of finite demand, that means less jobs and only so much wealth to share.
Immigrants are a political and economical expedient, they provide subsidized cheap, unskilled labor and eventually voters which our economies don't need. Mass immigration is suicidal and needs to be stopped, the asylum laws need to be updated or even revoked because they're so easy to exploit.
> solve the real problem which is low birth rates amongst Whites?
More than that, we need more highly functional, smart people. Not fuck ups born to a single mom whore on benefits. We could use a bit of Eugenics, we only need so many ditch diggers.
Bring back updated traditional values, they kind of worked :
* Close the borders to relieve housing and social infrastructures. The cost of life needs to go down.
* Cut benefits, welfare shouldn't be comfortable. You shouldn't be able to live in your on home, own a car and have shitty kids on benefits alone.
* No more welfare for single moms, replace it with benefits for stay at home married moms in low income households or widows.
* Encourage people to marry early, to have kids sooner. Do that through generous tax breaks for those that do.
* Stop telling womyn they need to be stronk and must have shit careers. Feminism needs to reconcile with marriage and motherhood.
We're all team America when we all integrate into everything it means to be American. You cant integrate if there's more Mexico around you. Once someone chooses to adopt ideals over race then we can be team America, but apparently that's not the case with Mexicans burning flags.
>1 post by this ID
Low birthrates wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't for immigrants.
"Low birthrates" is largely a scam, an excuse to get the public to accept the necessity of immigration. Here we have no need for immigration at all from an economic standpoint.
Go suck some freemason cock you dumb aussie. Get raped by Kalergi's ghost you retarded faggot.
Fix popular culture : stop portraying men as incompetent buffoons or 30 years old teenagers, project more positive gender based roles like men getting shit done and women happy to be married and have kids.
Fix education : get rid of angry lesbian marxist teachers, don't push everyone in higher education, promote trades and apprenticeships. Put an end to the idea some careers are not good enough for ordinary white people, we can't all entertainers, journalists or scientists.
The solution to the chinese problem is automation. Once auomation is good enough, factories will be built where most of the product is sold aka the west.
perfect time to post this
>Not really, there's too many people we don't need as it is
malthus plz go
Is that why a quarter of French teens are muslims despite the fact that France has only 7 million muslims (in a nation of 70 million)?
The french are going to be extinct in a few generations because of your low birth rates.
Be happy being cucks
In 20 years time France will become a caliphate.
Good goy
>western governments
jews with investments
Guys, why are you so intent on everyone having babies? If people had fewer children it wouldn't be the end of the world if it included brown people
Gotta have babies to fuel the debt pyramid scheme that our economy has become.
Then why aren't the migrants women?
Restore freedom of association. This sounds idiotic, but a big reason people don't have kids is because good public schools (or private or homeschooling) cost too much (from not working in the case of home schooling). So, home prices have gone way up in areas that people who want kids want to live in. Ditto the situation on living in a low crime neighborhood. Hell the Obama administration is actively moving criminals into communities and thereby raising crime rates under the affirmatively furthering fair housing act. Long story short, it's gotten too expensive to raise your kids decently, so people are having less of them. You have to attack the problem at the roots, which are radical progressivism.
Birthrates are a meme. They are not that low.
The problem is that everyone are becoming overeducated and don't want to work in craftmanship etc. because of loss of social status.
That is why we need to import immigrants, not
>muh birthrates
Low birth rates is being encouraged. People without children are on the labour market longer, can work for more hours, are more mobile and so on and on. For the government, skipping the entire "child rearing" phase is extremly beneficial.
Low birth rates mean fuck all m8. The only issue is the the leaders will have less go I'm to juice.
Lower taxes, incentivize having children, kill unfair divorce courts (women won't leave if they're not going to get 90% of the belongings), generally encourage marriage, having kids, and monogamy. Discourage polygamy, and social welfare. Simply stop importing people for the sole purpose of filling up low skill jobs, since it makes it untenable for teenagers to get any sort of work experience and keeps wages down due to worker surplus.
Stop the shilling already; low birth rates aren't forcing us to do anything. Automation should take care of a lot of it, if anything we need even fewer people. The west is starting to be overpopulated and so is the rest of the world. We need to keep to ourselves and use our advantageous position to make sure we are safe in terms of food and water when all hell breaks loose. The last thing we need is dindus and sandnigs taking our recourses.
And even if we couldn't take the hit on automation, these people don't even produce more than they consume.
How much of Sup Forums is old enough to remember the time when it was the exact opposite and instead of ranting about birth rates politicians ranted about overpopulation?
It's a fucking meme. The problem isn't birth rates, the problem are the completely unsustainable social systems and debts. Even if we'd start to shit out children like there is no tomorrow, neither of those problems would disappear because our politicians have no interest in solving them, only delaying them. You'd still eventually hit the point where your country just can't support any further population growth and be fucked just like before.
>And what is wrong with declining birthrates?
That it doesn't support our current suicidal fiscal policies. When your population shrinks, your GDP shrinks. Which means the debt you already accrued now makes up a larger share of your GDP.
But having more kids wouldn't fix that either, just stave it off for a while.
>malthus plz go
The world isn't running out of resources but our societies cannot deal with that many unproductive people, it's about our dependency ratios. NEETs, college students, pensioners and shit-tier immigrants aren't contributing shit.
Previous waves of technological progress displaced people, this time there isn't millions of factory or service industry jobs waiting for us and the UBI is a meme. Welfare doesn't create wealth.
But surely "skills shortage" is real and not just employers trying to spend less on wages.
In Germany, they consider it a "skill shortage" when they have 'only' 8 applications for a position. For the statistics, they then multiply that number by 3 to "make up for all those positions that are never even advertised on the market because they are filled in house".
We never had a skill shortage.
No, it's mostly them doing two things.
-Driving down wages across the board solely by building up fear. "Look at all these unemployed, you don't want to be unemployed user, right?". They're actively driving out skilled and highly educated people with low wages around here. While bringing in people who will NEVER ever work even if they wanted as they can't actually do these jobs for various reasons.
-They produce demand. Any mudslime coming into Europe needs somewhere to live, food to eat, various goods to consume. Which means they just out of nowhere conjured up a new customer. This obviously ignores that he's using tax money to buy all these things. But hey, better he spends it on their products than the tax money be wasted on education, infrastructure and the likes or taxes be lowered! Can't have that!
>they fear Japan teir deflation as a result of population decreasing
Maybe we should ask our government if deflation isn't better than having niggers in your country?
>societies cannot deal with that many unproductive people
Fuck off. No one much does anything useful, just cutting each others hair and writing the next Angry Birds or whatever.
Machines do most of the useful work and technology is driven forward by the tiny fraction of society in research.
The rest of us are just making up the numbers.
If a government can't deal with a declining economy then it's fucking stupid.
I do slightly remember that time. Didn't know shit about politics when I was like 10, but I knew enough logic to figure that if everyone is saying there isn't sufficient food in the world, then why not just reduce the population?
I don't understand how GDP is calculated, but if there are only so many positions in the workforce, how is having useless and/or homeless people a benefit to what a country produces?
>Its low birth rates, which is forcing western governments to open their borders to mudshits
This logic fails. How does A (low birth rates) imply B (the need to import Muslims)? In what way is a declining population "bad"?
I'll also put it this way. If you lost your job and lived in a one bedroom apartment and couldn't pay the bills. Would you ask a Nigger from Africa to move in and share the bills?
Are there any politicians or public figures who even talk about this?
Because I feel like it's the biggest elephant in the room and everyone just accepts the "we must avoid population decline" like it's gospel.
They are in the pockets of banks that lives of interests.
Also democracy is the problem.
No candiate would won if he said "we are gonna get rid of pensions"
Every society has some amount of homeless and/or useless people, no matter how prosperous. Their existence is irrelevant to discussions of population changes, just as they are irrelevant to everything else.
What matters isn't even GDP, it's quality of life. The best numerical way, one which doesn't rely on perceptions or bias of 'good' and 'bad', to measure quality of life is real (i.e. adjusted for inflation) GDP per capita. Norway's GDP is about 1/50th that of the United States, but it doesn't matter because their population is about 5 million people. Their quality of life is just as high if not higher.
The only relevant problem to a declining population is national debt management. Importing people from the third world does not solve this problem in the long term because even they will eventually fall below replacement level reproduction. Once the world population starts to decline, importing people is no longer an option. The problem of national debt must be addressed in a different way.
The real solution is to significantly change or abolish wealth transfer programs. Once that is done, there will be zero threats to quality of life which are tied to population size.
No, or if they do it never makes it into the media.
Everyone who is currently in a position of influence has been involved in this whole shitshow for decades. If they openly admitted why they are doing this they would also admit how much they fucked up and thus end their careers.
Which is why they will just try to stave it off as long as possible. The only way to fix our mess is a complete replacement of the leading class.
The political class is closely intertwined with that of the mass media and bankers. They are one and the same. What the banks want, they want.
Wouldn't the answer be to just kill more shitskins? We don't really need more people.
I have a kid and trying to have another. Personality-wise I belong on wizardchan so I'm doing more than my fair share.
>Its low birth rates, which is forcing western governments to open their borders to mudshits since they fear Japan teir deflation as a result of population decreasing.
This is Ponzi scheme thinking. Czechia and Poland have stagnant populations but their GDPs are increasing. With automation and innovation GDP per capita can increase. Western governments increase GDP by borrowing money to fund welfare.
No point in having any replacements if all they do is leech.
Thanks Jews!
I want children but women don't want anything to do with me.
If you don't have 3 kids no pensions for you.
Problem solved.
Birthrate is only a problem if you run a ponzi scheme/socialist government (The West in general). You require more and more tax livestock and fodder for the wars. The cherry on top is the importing livestock votes left which is great if you want to continually over reach and keep the power creep coming.
You are a moron.
Btw, how save is your retirment plan. Forget those indoniggers, they wont pay for it.
Now kill yourself, will be cheaper fucking boomer
so in your acapistan your just let old people starve
low birth rates are caused by feminism
Based Jews.
black women are feminists but they don't stop breeding
People should be responsible for themselves. Either they save/invest some of their earnings for the later years or they have children who can support them.
If they didn't manage to achieve either of that in the ~5 decades they spent working, there really is no help for them.
Freedom comes with responsibility. If you want to be more than a slave you will also have to live with the consequences of your actions.
Good point. But black women don't work and are supported by white men and women tax payers. The very bottom chart shows a strong correlation between female participation in the workforce and low fertility.
Yes the problem lies with fucking immigrants, because they decide to have 19 children per generation and need more gibsmedats to support all them offspring.
The true redpill is that the Unabomber was right all along and modern medicine is at fault for basically most of the world's problems, since modern medicine has allowed inferior genes to pass on and live on.
The second truth is that there are indeed too many people. Again, modern medicine and gibsmedats allowed it.
>Unabomber was right
He was right about almost everything.
One of the greatest minds this century.
Should be studied on unis famalan
>Russians might not be totally white
I was thinking something along the lines of this:
- Make abortion illegal where the woman's life isn't in danger.
- Give fiscal incentives to families with a mother and father and a minimum number of children.
- Remove or severely limit alimony and child support. This one is a no-brainer.
This one is a nice to have:
- Force people to abort retarded or disabled children. If they're born, instruct the doctors to just set them aside and let them die.
My grandmother was telling me it's what they used to do, and it's what she prefers that they do.
What's it like having a kid? Does it get on your nerves? Have you been fucked over for child support?
There is another way
You propose for white people breed like nigges/kebabs
But seems better if you make niggers/kebabs breed like white people
No, Its Immigration, high birth rates of brown people, low birth rates or natives, anf the fact that natives start moving abroad once migrants show up.
There's never only one explanation for something, Straya.
>forcing western governments to open their borders to mudshits since they fear Japan teir deflation as a result of population decreasing
This would not be a problem if jewish bankers had not placed puts on the future productivity of western goy by being 'too big to fail'.
The more I read and think about the population decline "problem" the more I realize it's not a real problem.
Yes, it has some economic cons in the short run, but also some pros and mainly pros in the long run (more resources per capita). Not to even mention the social benefits of not having random dindus/terrorists live next to you.
And then I listen to some shithead EU politician or read some stupid article in The Guardian and it just pisses me off.
Fuck the bankers and all those faggots.
government issued girlfriends would help
I second this
I say we import russians into Europe to increase the white birth rate because russians are not pussies they will have those european shitting out babies in no time.
Russia has the same problem the 1st world has.
Communism destroyed the family culture without the money that capitalism gives.
>Implying Niggas/kebabs have the capacity to change their behaviour
>Implying this hasnt been tried by the Nigga population in the US.
Muslims are intent on replacing whites. Its in their goals to make Europe a caliphate.
Ill be homest as the OP., Im a redpilled kebab whos concerned for the surivival of white race as unlike most Kebabs, Im truly greatful,for white race, and I know the nature of arabs. The Quran is basically a manual on how to dominate foreign lands. They do this through conversions, high birth rates, hyper patriachy, close community where they are protected from the population deflationary effects of Feminism etc. I mean in britain, theres many white women converting to islam, as Islma is currently breeds more alpha but stupid men. In a hundred years time, Europe will have major muslim minority. Id say 20 percent of Europeans will be muslim by 2100. Europe has to wake up.
>Fix popular culture : stop portraying men as incompetent buffoons or 30 years old teenagers, project more positive gender based roles like men getting shit done and women happy to be married and have kids.
>Fix education : get rid of angry lesbian marxist teachers, don't push everyone in higher education, promote trades and apprenticeships. Put an end to the idea some careers are not good enough for ordinary white people, we can't all entertainers, journalists or scientists.
This. It really is so simple... yet so hard
Its not low birth rates, we don't need so many people in a technologically lead society.
That is why native birthrates dropped, we no longer need 10 kids to every family.
Yet for some reason we still need more & more people to migrate here.
This would solve almost every problem in the western world.
But it wouldn't happen because they don't care about fixing it and feminists and libertarian autists don't like it.
Well for the majority of people life ugetting better and in fact the biggest cockblockers to further improvements are right wing authoritarian states like russia china and isis.
Lower populations should be encouraged. Finland has good population density, rest of the world should try and match it. Crowded cities etc feed degeneracy.
No. The borders here the in the USA were opened when the fertility rate was still above 3.
The 60s culture shift and the collapse of the working wage brought about by immigration and free trade have depressed birthrates since.
But slavs are rape beast and still alpha so they cant boost the breeding rate.
Not really. Most countries that has had a reduction in their population like Ireland in the 20th century usually go though long economic recessions and deflation . Currently our economies/monetaey systems are dependant on increasing debt that is paid by the next generation. This is a debt based monetary system. Unless we switch to,a resource based monetary system, negative population growth will always be diabolical for the west. But the problem with a resource based monetary system is that it limits economic growth and the power of powerful Banking dynasities and industrial magnates who are intent on maintaining this economic system. Not to metion the west is empowered by this system, at the expense of poorer nations. We would be destroying western hegemony if we tried to go back to a resource based economy.
That's gonna take a while desu. The Chinks have already automated a bunch of their manufacturing and found that you can only automate the most basic tasks -- human workers still outperform in areas of customization and general adaptability. The only thing that's gonna get automated in the near future are low-skill repetitive customer service jobs
>We would be destroying western hegemony if we tried to go back to a resource based economy.
We are doing the same right now with the debt based economy.
>WAH WAH WAH those plebs aren't breeding enough brainless robots to feed our endless hunger for money
t. Goldenstein Tanenbaum
>>Implying Niggas/kebabs have the capacity to change their behaviour
I implyed that US can eventually use their carriers for good purpose and FORCE kebabs/niggers to breed like white people
Colonialism 2.0
But West is lack of balls to declare its own moral and civilizational supreority and accept responsibility for humanity.
Which is exactly why abortion should be illegal. Women should not be allowed to murder white babies just because they're emotionally children.
That's not how you spell Koreans, user.
>Id say 20 percent of Europeans will be muslim by 2100
Way more than 20% by that time.
Then why doesn't the west focus on increasing birth rate rather than importing it?
>small homogenous population is bad meme
Some of the richest nations are the wealthiest ones like Luxembourgh. The idea is to look at the gdp per capita instead of the total gdp of the nation and you see where people are most well off. Decreasing population is absolute zero issue and merely a meme politicians are chasing to boost their growth numbers.