You will never be American due to Trump

>You will never be American due to Trump

Thanks Trump. My american dream is dead.

Other urls found in this thread:

you'll head back as soon as your tour is over ensign.

Can i be american?

Can i please be Russian?

yes boris, cyka blyat

Ofc you can :3

kawaii cat desu ne~ :3

got any state secrets you're looking to sell? maybe we can talk

You should be proud to be Japanese.

We value you more than the communist scum that threatens your existence.

Tough luck, Korematsu. Shouldn't have done Pearl Harbor.

I know how to cook pancakes

What is this meme with Nips wanting to be Americans?

Inferiority complex? daddy issues? freedom crave? puppet feels?

>pic unrelated

>tfw all the qt 3.14 Asian waifus don't know how to fill out visa aplications

Make Japan Great Again.

We don't need people leaving their countries, we need them improving their own.

blini are not real pancakes m8

кoт и бл- чтo?
posting better verson

"Кoт и блины"

are you planning on overstaying your visa, or are you going to do it legally. No one has problems with people immigrating legally (unless youre a muslim)

fug forgot the "ы" in the file name .
thanks ruski bro

You are welcome

Why should anyone want to be an american when China is clearly the new nr 1?


Trump literally said we need more immigrants from East Asia because they come here for school and go home when they should stay.

China was a bust just like India and Brazil

What did he mean by this?