>Hillary gets elected >first two years = another Obama >Hillary and friends decide it's time to start shit in Iran >USA demands another negotiation in Iran >Iran declines, already struck a deal >sanctions on Iran >gas prices rise back to over $4 >many murricans complain that the democrats are making gas trips as painful as taxes >Hillary starts speaking out on Iran on behalf of her plummeting approval rating >"we can't have them nuking Israel :^)" >msm starts running anti Iran strips >American public demands action >2019, US marines and armor units sent to Iran >Iranian nuclear sites taken with airborne troops >in comes Afghanistan 2.0 >large terror groups seize regions of Iran >increase troop presence >puppet government can't work efficiently >Russia isn't liking the increased troops >starts arming and funding terror groups and rebels >Tehran as bad as fallujah after a month >summer sees a beating of US troops >Americans are mad more body bags coming home >Hillary in the spotlight >Hillary asks the help of NATO and orders more US troops into Iran to save her falling image >small success throughout the fall >a fleet of more marines and equipment is sent to the area >America gets fucked on another tax hike >Russia sees massive NATO threat below them >place troops near region >US troops caught off guard, start fortifying >stalemate for a few weeks, due to tension small skirmishes happen >whole world watching, US demanding we pull out as to not start conflict >start asking questions about Hillaries strong interest for Iran >GOP points finger at Hillary for hard taxes and oil price >somewhere in winter >things turn sour
>tension between Russia and US at Cold War levels >Unclear who fired first, but US Marines and Russian soldiers engage somewhere north of Tehran >battle can't reach a conclusion, heavy and dense fighting ensue as both sides assault the month long built fortifications >due to heavy fighting and rerout of troops, terrorist groups reign supreme >many FOB's can't get supplies to troops up north >NATO starts to run out of supplies >Airdropping supplies is innefective >about a month into the conflict NATO is engaging/defending on all fronts >due to low supplies, US troops are pushed all the way back to Tehran >US troops entrench heavily >Menwhile Europe is a clusterfuck around old Soviet satellites, lines change everyday >ships off the coast of Alaska clash >rumors of China gearing up Three months in Tehran is under heavy bombing/attack on Russian forces >Pajeet Army mobilizes >Pajeet army invades Pakistan with the help of the Indian Ocean fleet and soldiers from Australia >Pajeet army grants a supply line to Tehran troops >NATO regains composure and defends Tehran effectively >Pajeet army takes more troops from China's border and places them in Tehran >seeing this, China declares war on NATO and attacks the Pajeet army with a doomstack troop movement >USA cuts food shipments to anti NATO >Chineese army innefective without food, but still does a dent in India >scared for its borders its borders india reroutes troops to China >inferior China (Taiwan) invaded in the first months >NK innefective invading SK and US troops open a frontline in northern China >Japan tries and fails to retake inferior China >China gets food from Russia and India forces a full pullback of troops and supplies >without government Pakistan turns into Somalia 2.0 >Isreal is left helpless to terrorism without western AID >Russian Navy cuts of Mediterranean >despite Italian and French navy efforts, no progress made in restoring trade to the ME
Jaxon Anderson
>Western Europe is held by a thread >exhausted Russian troops pull back to Poland >Tehran has power restored for the first time in two months >2020, GOP wins >promise to put an end to the war Hillary started >US troops and Russian troops slowly return, peace is signed >US annexed NK and a small chunk of northern China >US still occupies Iran >China annexed inferior China >Russia gets some old Soviet sattelites, like poland and some of the balkans >mfw this is our reality if Hillary is elected
Angel Richardson
Wtf auto page 6 fuck you mods bump
Isaiah Wood
James Rivera
this is pure autism, but nothing you said is all that ridiculous
Landon Ortiz
Nathaniel Brooks
Here's a bump, I'm too high to understand what I'm reading
Gavin Nguyen
I always thought Iran would be the first on Hillaries hitlist
Thomas Lewis
Russian and American troops wouldn't fire at each other unless provoked or given specific orders to do so. Not gonna happen.
Nicholas Rivera
I thought it might be Iraq desu
Angel Rogers
Iran seems ideal because we already fucked over Iraq and a lot of people are iffy about the nuclear deal
OP said that it would be because of high tension. SK and NK have border skirmishes, although rare they happen. All it takes is the wrong people to be somewhere at the wrong time and bam a big ass war
Jaxson Moore
I have a hard time seeing her get it past Congress unless there's a massive GOP victory this election
Julian Allen
Look at 9/11. Hillary will find a way if she has to fuck over Iran
Jaxson Wilson
No way in hell China and America go to war, it would fucking ruin the Chinese Economy. China remains neutral or pro US.
Josiah Ortiz
Here is how it will probably go: Hillary declares Assad must go, Sunni states backed by US airforce attack Syria, while that is in progress something will be done in eastern europe to provoke Russia, they will find something that threatens Russian security but is too complex for the average person to understand.
Russia will be forced to strike at what ever method they came up with and they declare Russia has launched an invasion of Eastern Europe. They will try to not use nukes and drag Russian forces into a long ground war in Eastern Europe. While this is happening Sunni extremists backed by Gulf states will try and take out Iraq+Iran, then they invade Russia via caucus regions. Because they are not affiliated with any state it will be difficult for Russia to respond with nuclear strikes.
I imagine the endgame is total financial collapse in Russia and splitting it into multiple small countries.
Caleb Robinson
A lot of people have brought up the fact that they won't vote for Trump if he's the eventual nominee.
I just want to put something in perspective.
Justice Scalia's seat is vacant. Ginsberg is 82 years old, Kennedy is 79, Breyer is 77, and Thomas is 67. Nowadays, the data shows that the average age of a Supreme Court retirement or death occurs after 75.
These are 5 vacancies that will likely come up over the next 4-8 years. The next President will have the power to potentially create a 7-2 Supreme Court skewed in their ideology.
Think about that... 7-2. If the next President appoints 5 young justices, it will guarantee control of the Supreme Court for an entire generation. And 7-2 decisions will hold up much more over time than 5-4 decisions which are seemed to be lacking in mandate.
Hillary has made it clear she will use the Supreme Court to go after the 2nd Amendment. She has literally said that the Supreme Court was wrong in its Heller decision stating that the Court should overturn and remove the individual right to keep and bear arms. Period.
Everyone saying that they won't vote for one candidate or the other if they are the GOP nominee, please realize this. If Hillary Clinton wins and gets to make these appointments, you likely will never see another Conservative victory at the Supreme Court level for the rest of your life. Ever.
If you are a Conservative, a vote for anyone but the GOP nominee, whomever that will be, is a vote for Hillary Clinton.
Wyatt Phillips
Eh, NK and SK are different than the US and Russia. Both of our troops, regardless of high tensions, wouldn't dare fire at each other unless they're retarded and purposely want to start WW3.
Hunter Peterson
It might kick off in Syria instead
Daniel Johnson
Trump is gonna win.
Gavin Rodriguez
Who cares? I'm too old to be drafted now anyway.
Aiden Gray
You'd be suprised how retarded some jarheads are, expecially drunk ones. Same goes for the enemies
Blake Foster
Why the fuck would we get involved in an aggressive war? Iraq was the lowest public rated war since Vietnam. Theres a slight chance we'd get involved but then the anti-war party would immediately win elections.
Nolan Scott
>It might kick off in Syria instead That is possible as well, if western forces directly attack Russian military in Syria. They would have little choice but to push into Eastern Europe to establish a defensive zone. Though the media will portray it very differently.
Joseph White
Yeah, msm would follow a script for that one
Zachary Ramirez
Friendly reminder that Brexit happened so that BP [founded Anglo-Persian Oil Company] can trade (more easily) with Iran. Japan's Chiyoda also has connections with refineries in Iran.
The stage will start in the Philipines, where Japan and China will fight for the resources in the South China Sea. ISIS presence in the Philipines will justify western military intervention.
See Abadan refinery. See Persian Gulf Star Oil.
Israel is the wildcard as it needs to reconsider its allies.