"The US constitution applies to non-US citizens!"

>"The US constitution applies to non-US citizens!"
>"If the parents of a dead soldier attack you, you cannot defend yourself!"

This entire Khan incident in a nutshell?

Or am I missing something?

Other urls found in this thread:


>>"The US constitution applies to non-US citizens!"

I can guaran-fucking-tee that nobody (outside of the odd pundit) will be bringing up this very simple point.

Nah, that's about the size of it.

It'll go away in another two days just like everything else. We've already passed the "Obama wags his finger disapprovingly about it on TV" so we're just about finished.

>if you have no defense against the parents of a dead soldier, you should stfu.

Also, some constitutional rights are given to noncitizens.

From the POV of tactics, somebody else than Trump should attack them.

He should not "punch down" now. He should only punch at HRC.

Khan attacked him for being unconstitutional, while the constitution does not even apply to non-citizens.

Khan put out a non-argument, he's fair game for non-arguments himself.

Also, by pointing out the silent Khan wife, Trump accurately called out Khan as the typical wahhabi Muslim he is.

I believe he was pointing out that a religious test for immigrants would be unconstitutional, which it would be.

Shame your flag lacks constitutional protections.

Will the American public be gullable enough to really support a couple of dirty Muslims over Trump? I don't think so. The MSM tries over and over again to smear the Donald only to have it blowup in their face. "King of Cucks" John Oliver has just come out with his 500th BTFO of Trump on this. LOL

You missed this.

>which it would be

It's not unconstitutional to (temporarily) ban a certain population from entering the US, so why would it be unconstitutional to use tools to identify said population?

What I don't understand is why we haven't super kek'd memed the fuck out of Khizr The Kebab yet...

No, that's it.


This literally is just another case of McCain.

Not a religious ban. A ban of "refugees" from hostile countries.

I really like this one too.

The US code ratified by the supreme court specifically states that barring immigration from certain populations is permissible

No, it is a religious ban. Trump specifically said he'd (temporarily) ban Muslims.

Any religion that is a threat to Liberty and Freedom is not welcome in the West. The left bringing in anti freedom dependant welfare immigrants to North America is a deliberate tactic to keep themselves in power. They don't give two flying shits about "muh diversity."

congress shall make now law respecting the establishment of religion...

You may be able to ban based on region, but not religion. That's what banning muslims would be, which is why its unconstitutional.

Jesus, Trump said he would ban muslims. That's unconstitutional on its face, as anyone with a 8th grade civics or better understanding of the constitution would understand.

I don't know what's more #sad, that trump would propose it or that you're to stupid to see why its unconstutional.

>this cuck thinks the constitution applies to non US citizens


Um, that's because it fucking does.
Just google it, since you probably wouldn't trust what I write anyway.
In general, when under the control of US or state government reps, constitutional rights apply to citizens and noncitizens unless they are explicitly stated to be for citizens only.


>retard user didn't read Donald's official policy statement

Hahaha top Kek bud

>Within US territory
So restricting immigration is OK?

No, he said he would ban immigrants from unstable Muslim countries.

This is a very important distinction.


US Customs and immigration aren't outside of the US. You'd have to deny them entry unconstitutionally in the United States.


>a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.

Literally Trump's words.

It's a ban on the immigration of Muslims.

And there's nothing wrong with that.

just wen it was starting to look like donald might actually win, he goes ahead and proves that he is indeed a clinton plant.

Christ man, you have the worst reading comprehension. Do you even know what "to establish" means?

Fuck you're retarded.

There are some protections afforded to illegal aliens, but "the constitution" does not fucking apply to non-US citizens.

The US constitution applies only to non-citizens on US soil (and even that is debated) and US citizens anywhere in the world. That means it does not apply to those seeking entrance into the US.

The president has the power to deny entry to a group of people hostile to the country. Period.

The place where you deny people from entry into the US is on US soil in the US.

And it's not debatable. It's law.

He said he wants a complete shutdown of Muslims entering US because he's not being politically correct, he wanted to get his exact positions on this entire thing out, and it's free publicity.

Obviously when you get into the details what he means is stopping immigration from war torn countries.

There's a difference between what someone says to get a message across and what they're actually planning to do.
These things are complicated. Not to mention that he's using his deal making skills that he writes about in The Art of the Deal.

Yes it does. If I learned one thing from that Criminal Justice technical school is the basics of Constitutional Law.

You can easily work around the 8th amendment. He could just ban immigration from certain counties.

Damn you all people are having useless arguments.

This applies really well to blacks too.

Wait, how did you think he was going to ban Muslims? What possible method is there outside of what you just said?

Which is exactly what Trump is saying.
The constitution already covers shit like halting immigration from countries you are at war at, and countries that are having problems like civil war or disease.
The constitution and law has it covered.

Why are no liberals crying over halting immigration when a virus breaks out?
Is it unconstitutional to not let in people who could spread ebola or zika, or whatever?

>He could just ban immigration from certain counties.

Learn to read, retard.

Cool constitution, Kahn.

>What possible method is there outside of what you just said?
>outside of what you just said?
learn to read yourself.

>Two things are absolutely necessary in any leader or any person who aspires, wishes, to be a leader. That is moral compass and second is empathy
>Vote for Hillary

what about you stop exploiting your dead son for this fucking charade, Khan?

Actually he's right, but he's quoting the wrong text.

>Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof
>or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

Certainly it would prohibit the exercise of the Muslim religion if you banned it.

However he doesn't have to have religious tests.

The religious tests everyone's crying about.

That is the method, idiot.
No one's talking about turning away brown people or giving immigrants bacon. Stop watching Fox news, retard.

>both of their kids are dead because of Hillary
This really makes me want to ragequit

Lol, you're such a dicksucker, Mohammed.

>A Kiwi is trying to teach an American about Constitutional Law

Well I now know what it's like for Europeans talking to Americans.

Right, that was my point, so stop calling me an idiot. I wanted to know how shills thought he was going to ban Muslims.

How would a religious test even work? How does one prove they're not Muslim?

Ask Trump, he's the one who said it.

To be fair it's one of Trump's biggest gashes coming into the debates.

>Implying I was doing anything other than calling your kind dicksuckers.
Stop gargling those goat balls for a second and pay attention, you filthy creature.

No, you'll never be good as Australia.

Did you know that the constitution literally starts with "WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES"?

And what the fuck is someone from New Zealand calling anyone a goat fucker? You're an island dedicated to fornicating with sheep.

Like I said, there's literally nothing wrong with his proposed Muslim ban.

>Ask Trump, he's the one who said it
Source? I searched "Trump religious test" on YouTube but none of the results are of Trump calling for a religious test.

>Stop gargling those goat balls for a second
lol my tanned friend, all that goat semen is fucking you up, you should quit.

Muslims already in the US are perfectly free to exercise their religion.
So are the Muslims outside of the US.

You're just as retarded as that other guy was.


Please take one of these and pass them around.

Have a good evening Sup Forums.

Actually they can all be classed as enemy combatants because they are invaders. Not even basic rights for illegals. Praise GWB the Lightbringer.

The law has already been settled. The constitution is not fully aplicable at the border:

Wouldn't work.

If we're gonna be serious about this then you're gonna have to put away the actual Constitution.

Unfortunately Constitutional Law has little to do with the actual hard copy of the Constitution and instead refer back to tomes worth of court cases that cleared and defined the Constitution over the years. One of the first Constitutional cases brought before the court was if imprisoning someone convicted of a crime was even Constitutional.

Yeah good luck with Congress on that one. The Republicans will be forced to impeach or be the Party unelectable.

The constitution applies to US citizens and in some cases non-citizens and permanent residents staying in the US.

If Trump attempted to say that no person in the US could practice the Muslim faith under penalty of death, that'd be an unconstitutional act. If he said that no alien could come into the US if it may pose a threat to the US, that's a completely valid order and has been done before.

How is this allowed? I shall quote the official white house website:

whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2011/08/04/presidential-proclamation-suspension-entry-immigrants-and-nonimmigrants- Read along here.

"NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, by the authority vested in me as President (...) and the laws of the United States of America, including section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (...) hereby find that the unrestricted immigrant and nonimmigrant entry into the United States of persons described in section 1 of this proclamation would be detrimental to the interests of the United States."

"Section 1. The entry into the United States, as immigrants or nonimmigrants, of the following persons is hereby suspended:

(a) Any alien who planned, ordered, assisted, aided and abetted, committed or otherwise participated in (...) widespread or systematic violence against any civilian population (...) or who attempted or conspired to do so.

(b) Any alien who planned, ordered, assisted, aided and abetted, committed or otherwise participated in, including through command responsibility, war crimes, crimes against humanity or other serious violations of human rights, or who attempted or conspired to do so."

Also: law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/8/1182

"Any alien who, while serving as a foreign government official, was responsible for or directly carried out, at any time, particularly severe violations of religious freedom, as defined in section 6402 of title 22, is inadmissible."

Learn the law before you talk about it.

You really think a mudslime would ever step on a picture of Muhammad, even to infiltrate a country? These fucks literally blow themselves up at the mere mention of the dude's name.




>Soldiers and an ambassador die in Benghazi after begging Hillary to evacuate them
>this is somehow not Hillary's fault
>Hillary voted for the war that kills Khan's son
>this is somehow Donald Trump's fault

That's the incident in a nutshell.

What me and you are saying is the same damn thing.

He can't deny Muslims, but he can deny them under a different labeling method.

Hell, here's more:

"(i) In general Any alien who—
(I) has engaged in a terrorist activity;

(III) has, under circumstances indicating an intention to cause death or serious bodily harm, incited terrorist activity;

(V) is a member of a terrorist organization described in subclause (I) or (II) of clause (vi);

(VII) endorses or espouses terrorist activity or persuades others to endorse or espouse terrorist activity or support a terrorist organization;

is inadmissible. "

"(iv) “Engage in terrorist activity” defined As used in this chapter, the term “engage in terrorist activity” means, in an individual capacity or as a member of an organization—

(I) to commit or to incite to commit, under circumstances indicating an intention to cause death or serious bodily injury, a terrorist activity;

(III) to gather information on potential targets for terrorist activity;"

"Any alien who the Secretary of State, after consultation with the Attorney General, or the Attorney General, after consultation with the Secretary of State, determines has been associated with a terrorist organization and intends while in the United States to engage solely, principally, or incidentally in activities that could endanger the welfare, safety, or security of the United States is inadmissible."

Oh, alright. I'll just leave that post up there as a bit of info for anyone who wants to cap it.

Quote the constitution as to why temporarily banning Muslim immigration would be unconstitutional.

Meanwhile, here's the actual law that allows exactly that:
>Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants


>>"The US constitution applies to non-US citizens!"

I'm always amazed by statements like this. These people have no fucking idea what they are talking about.
The first and foremost duty of a nation is to protect its territory and citizens. If it cannot do that, all other duties it might have become irrelevant because it is clearly lacking the authority to perform them.
If you grant citizen rights to non-citizens, it becomes impossible for you to protect your own territory.

Do these people not understand that what they are demanding is the abolishment of their own nation?

that's about right

not only you can't defend yourself but you can't acknowledge you were even attacked

There's nothing wrong with it, but we all have to be on the same board and know what he's actually proposing.
Misinformation is our worst enemy.

>Be Muslim
>Son joins Army
>Goes to fight and kill other Muslims
>Big no-no in Islam to do this, killing non-Muslims is fine
>He gets killed
>Rationalise it as societies fault that your son was killed for doing something his God and religion says not to

Al-Tabari explains that concealing one's faith is only justified if the person is in mortal danger, and even then martyrdom is considered a noble alternative.

They are not under threat of death, they are merely being denied entry into a country. Taqiya doe not apply. More importantly, you could add thermographic imagery and whatnot to see if they are feeling stressed while stepping on the image. A non muslim would not give two shits about stepping on some random picture, a muslim lying to get into the country would stick out like a sore thumb.

The 14th amendment is not applicable in the 100 mile zone. That source says nothing about the 1st amendment.

Actually the Bill of Rights does apply to non citizens.

>Ban Muslims
>non citizen enters US soil
>say sorry no Muslims allowed
>you are now infringing on a non citizens 1st amendment right to practice a very established Muslim faith

They don't. They're that stupid.

The Muslim immigrant can practice his religions while his extradition is being processed.

Only thing he wouldn't be able to do, is stay in the US legally.

It's another leftist kafkatrap.

They accused Trump of "crossing the line", but these shitheel Muslims went up on stage at a political convention and openly called out Trump. It was deliberate, nothing about it was "from the heart" - either he says nothing and just takes leftist spitting in his face, or his says something and he takes the leftists spitting in his face.

Losing so much respect for people day by day, I am ready to start killing. We are totally at war, it is beyond any question.

>Actually the Bill of Rights does apply to non citizens.
No, it doesn't.

The BoR is an integral part of the US constitution, which (by definition) applies exclusively to US citizens.

can someone tell me what this is about?



They have the right to a quick and speedy trial, and due process. That's literally it, all other parts of the bill of rights only apply to citizens and permanent residents.

Spread it wide & far anons.

The article makes it clear the government is allowed to make any sort of interrogations it want at the border, regardless of the constitution. This is established law. They can deny entry based on any reason they want.

>Do these people not understand that what they are demanding is the abolishment of their own nation?

That's globalism for you.

Not just mortal danger, lying is permitted whenever it advances the goal of Islam.
And aren't you always nervous/stressed going through airport security?

Just accept that a religious test is impossible and move on.

Oh forgot the Turban.

I do wonder how to slaves were able to be slaves and black people being segregated from white even in 50ies IF every Indian, African, Chinese, even illegal was part of constitution all along. Maybe it's not the constitution that mattered at all, but people who ran the country. Since bible you can explain to yourself in many different ways too, you got words for pro and anti for everything, just depends what certain words mean to you.

It will never catch on. If it did though it would be bigger than the emails, since everyone is already up in arms about this.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't a religious test be totally worthless against Muslims since they can do and say whatever they want as long as it's to deceive an enemy?

Isreali security uses guards that mostly sit there and identify people who look nervous/twitchy/etc... It is extremely effective. You might be nervous going through security, but that is merely a baseline. It is quite simple to differentiate between slightly nervous and barely keeping it together. Furthermore, I disagree with the notion that a Muslim so utterly committed to committing atrocities, would be able to calmly step on a picture of Mohammad. Maybe a 'moderate Muslim' could do it, but not a terrorist.

According to the very first US citizenship act (which was written 1 year after the US constitution), only whites were eligible for citizenship.
