I learn English,so can you ask me some questions.Thank you in advance

I learn English,so can you ask me some questions.Thank you in advance

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how many adidas tracksuits do you own?

how many of them are real?

how many bottle of vodka do you drink a week?

London is the capital of Great Britain


1.I have two adidas tracksuits
2.No one
3.I dont drink vodka

Can you rate my english?


>I learn English,so can you ask me some questions.Thank you in advance

should read

I learned English, so can you ask me some questions? Thank you in advanced.

Yeah,true murican rated me

Don't listen to this American. Americans can't speak English.

cyka blyat

we study British English in school,teacher force us to speak with british accent.

>I learned
Are has that Flint water thing infected you all? Is America even a first-world country anymore?
>I learned
For fucks sake I'll spend the next thousand years in the Mongolian highlands chanting that as my mantra

>in advanced


Fucking hell burger

6/10 b8

What's wrong the word learned?

>what's wrong with the word learned
I'm on mobile pls no bully

What does mean b8?beight?


>thank you in advance
but yeah 7/10


Do you wanto to know about Russia?

Wordplay pun. Bait=B+eight

Is driving a car in Russia dangerous? Have you ever been in an accident?

favorite movie?

what is the derogatory term for fat americans in the russian tongue?

Do you guys own guns and love freedom?

Oh fuck me right in the man cunt.

I didn't even know you could write two grammar fallacies like that in one fucking post
You really want me to walk and swim to Mongolia don't you?
I guess in the future I would've learned the Mongolian language and advanced my swimming abilities

this made me kek for some reason

there are bad streets and sometimes drunk retards bring down people.I've never been.


Why dont you drink vodka? Best preworkout Ive ever used


Do you own any guns?

What are your thoughts on the post modern era of unenlightened consumerism?

How many inches is your snuffeluffegis?

Translate a Russian slang phrase to English please. You guys have such silly, yet compelling metaphors.

Most people (about 80-85 %) don't have guns,we love freedom.


Don't listen to this user, his English is worse than yours. English has multiple verb tenses in the present, for something that is ongoing you should use the present progressive and should say "I am learning English."

What is your favorite Red Army Choir song?

Mine is youtube.com/watch?v=umEDct4BoGc

"No one" refers to a person. It is similar to "nobody".You should say "none" in this case.

i don't like vodka


fake russian

roit innit guv

Why don't you visit the United States.

Yeah, but why? What do you drink?

How shit is your beer?

can you even grow hops in that shithole?

Is it cold there right now ?

No,i don't.
Consulerism is not a person

I asked because of all the dashcam videos on YouTube.

To be fair, less than two weeks ago I totaled my car and had to get a new one. It wasn't my fault, pic related.

My boss is Russian--a veterinarian. She has fond memories of it being really safe for kids in the late 80s and early 90s. As in she went on the subway by herself at 5 years old. But that changed after a few years for some reason.

What is your favorite Russian folk song?

I hear that there is legislation to make it easier to own guns and use them in self defense though?

what phrase exactly

For to when have you tried angus prime beef grilled and then some or not so much?

British prefer learnt. And it should be "thank you in advance" i think.

how much money do you make and how does that compare to average russian?


i thought that i should use present progressive when i do something at this moment




there is no special name for them

are you sure?

How are the women? I've heard some are sluts but I've heard you can find nice traditional girls there.

idon't have money and my english is bad

I drink tea and juice

i drink tea and juice

In American English, learnt is on the same low class word lists as ain't, teached, catched, and alot.

You can get money and american english is bad too, m8. How is life under Putin?


what is this picture, russia-bro?

how bad are your roads?

also who lives on the island above Russia.

And that's why i prefer british english

now there is too hot(25-30 C°) i try to not go from the house

Can you translate the countryball comic?

It doesn't have to be something in the moment, but just an ongoing action so because you are in the process of learning English you would use it.

Don't spaniards think mexican spanish is shit too? At least have some continental loyalty

When will russia get off everyone else's servers?

serious answer.

You can use current, not just for the exact moment ( this second ) , also for current period of life.

You may be learning to ride a motorbike, one lesson per week, you can still say " I am currently learning to ride a motorbike", even while you are not on the motorbike, or at the lesson, as you are learning to ride this year if your life, even with a once weekly leason, it is something you are doing in 2016.

the above is an example.

many poeple don/t wear a seat belt,they think that is not necessary.

>do you know about our Lord and savior Kek?

Are you cute? :3

>in advanced
You have shittier English than op. Stop making us look like retards
>inb4 implying not all Americans are retarded

I have this, I know Russian.
>America-san, I have done oppressive evil things to the world and wish to change my ways for freedom and democracy

>You aren't nice to homosexuals!

>it's because I secretly am one
>I knew it!

Sorry, you're hopeless. From now on, know that you will always be a Russian meme.

Wtf is your problem with the word learned? You're American it's common English for you.


2.In Russia you can go to the prison for self-defense

Who is your favorite beetleborg?

Op is a faggot once again

Not so much(

Why are all the women in Russia so much more beautiful than western women? Does communism produce babes?

>you can go to prison for self-defense
What kind of retard signed that law?

pls respond ;-;

Nice one. Looks like You know russian very well.
Can you please translate this one?

Yes, what are stores like there?

You may not be aware of this, but in America the English accent is considered effeminate and possibly homosexual. If you speak with a British accent around Americans, they will assume you like to make sexy time with other men.

Just a warning. That one is on the house, Ivan.

i study in high school now(i'm 18 years old)

>Russia! You do not treat minorities well! That is not very progressive!

>I am sorry for Chechnya

learnt is strictly Queen's english, whilst turnt is nigga english and, learned, is the mainstream contemporary accepted norm in 2016, I still prefer learnt for past tense; Old habits die hard.

I get that, but this American is being a cuck.

>no csgo shortcut

Yeah I knew you were a fake Russian. Sorry you can't trick me.


He does mine craft let's plays

sluts/notsluts - 60-65/40-35,but i am not sure,i am too young now.