How Did They Even Get There? Muslims In Japan

Muhammad's in Japan proving once again that you should never ever turn your back on a rabid dog.

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Why the flying fuck would they take mudslimes in? well, at least they're fighting back.

Jews. It's always the Jews.

Just kill them on sight, not like they're hard to spot.

>a hundred mudslimes in the country
>they still cause trouble
Why can't these subhumans find something better to do with their time in japan?

because religion of peace is there goal and that means no non muslims to achieve that goal

they were allowed in for their skill in making kebab

now that we have seen the secret technique they are no longer needed, but we can still use the meat

Wtf are they chimping out about

This would be unthinkable even a few generations ago. Didn't it take like several hundred years for them to finally let one single white Dutchmen into their country?


Kinda... they were allowed to trade at certain ports without much issue but were not allowed outside them

idk if this is true but one commenter wrote:

I just came from Japan 2 weeks ago...apparently Japanese find this filth a problem...there strategy is to use pork on there batons and those arrested are to sit in there cells with only one thing thing to eat!!! pork!!!

>sit in there cells with only one thing thing to eat!!! pork!!!

>Mohammed Fujita
Reminds me that Korean guy I worked with that was adopted. His name was Song Calhoun.

>implying this wont be widened in time to all citizens
seriously, fuck muslims, exterminate them entirly for all I care, but please back off of this "anti terror" bullshit.

remember the reichtagsbrand? the patriot act? governments fucking love terrorists. they can use them as an excuse to restrict civil liberties, and if you speak up against it you're liable to be called a terrorist yourself.

this is how authoritarian states come about.

those nip news anchors look so happy to report on this

>Japan has a polytheistic religion.
>Islam strictly monotheistic

Why in the fuck would a strict monotheist want to live in a place of polytheism?

What in the fuck?

Funny you should ask. I was out last night in Ikebukuro (there was a Hula Festival). Afterward the place was swamped by people playing Pokemon Go!

Some guy bumped me,(no I do not play) I kind of stumbled and bumped into the old Bengali man. He freaks out. Screaming. I'm a little drunk, tell him that it wasn't my people that hacked to death a bunch of Japanese last month in Dhaka cause they couldn't recite anything from the Quran.

Screams, huffs away.
Brings back 3 police (and 9-10 of his brown friends), say that I was insulting Islam. Police are visibly annoyed.

I'm white and with two Japanese one a high level bureaucrat.

The poos get frustrated as it looks like the police are not going to do anything. They start chimping out.
Friend screams that this Japan we do not want terrorist bombs in our peaceful country. Another person claps.

They chimp out more. Push police.
Three of them get arrested.

I point and laugh as they are taken away.

less than 24 hours ago.

They are not wanted anywhere. I have no idea what they were doing here last nite.

this is how it starts

soon they will be 10% of the population

They were so scared of Portuguese missionaries that they made anyone entering Japan step on a bronze image of Christ. The Dutch, being Protestants, considered the plaques to be idolatrous anyway.

Even within Japan the Dutch had to live on a little man made isle in Nagasaki harbor.

Kebabs aren't even good, what the fuck m8.

Explain the video in the OP please. Why did the muzzies chimp out and who was beating who?

You see a few of them running kebab lunch trucks. Mostly roaches.

Info on video. See here.

because "I have been commanded to fight until religion is only for allah"

they must eradicate all other religions

>tell him that it wasn't my people that hacked to death a bunch of Japanese last month in Dhaka c
was this the guy who stabbed a load of disableds? he was a mudslime?

kill them all

mohammed:hey where do you guys want to eat?
mohammed:i dunno, schwarma?
mohammed:yeah i like schwarma. how bout you mohammed?
mohammed:sure i guess
mohammed:i dont like schwarma
mohammed:stfu mohammed noones talking to you.

>shit that most certainly happened

> Bengali

Find the in Shin Okubo as well.

>faggot @ 0:14 got btfo

>then the car got rekt so hard it started crying

It DISGUSTS me how westernized Japan has let themselves become. They have lost all cultural identity. They were one of the most unique and intriguing cultures and now it is all smashed to shit. They are nothing but copy cats of Americans now, down to the suits, the news presentation, everything they do now.
What fucking garbage they have become.

>We didn't even do anything wrong
They chose Islam.

their culture was sacrificed to Moloch so that zionism may spread and prosper

>rapes and murder
>we dindu nothing

well you nuked them into obliteration and killed 200.000 innocent Japanese civillians in mere seconds

Can you give us the gist of what the report was about? What are they chiming out about?

They were on your side Germany. They work well as an Authoritarian state for themselves. Its just when they invade others that they become a problem. And even then the Japanese people probably would not give two shits if the government did something like this even without Muslims.

Absolutely disgusting. They just can't help themselves and behave like retarded animals. Absolutely fucking disgusting.

Kir them oru for the emperoru!

Hopefully japan can build a robot that removes kebab.

Japanese themselves don't feel that way at all. Look up syncretism and how it has been affecting Japan's culture for all of it's recorded history. As a westerner living long-term in Japan I can say that Japan does quite well in absorbing parts of other cultures while remaining distinctly Japanese.

The key to success is moderation over time

unlike the west that absorbs as many cultures as it can then end up like the roman empire