Alright Sup Forums, let's go a step higher than the Red Pill.
I'll start
>Trump is a red herring, the election is fixed and Bilderberg Group already discussed how they should approach the next world war and who to scapegoat for it as early as 1991.
Alright Sup Forums, let's go a step higher than the Red Pill.
I'll start
>Trump is a red herring, the election is fixed and Bilderberg Group already discussed how they should approach the next world war and who to scapegoat for it as early as 1991.
Other urls found in this thread:
This is a stupid thread but checked
>asking for blackpills
Just drink bleach and kill yourself you pessimistic fuck
Shills are already posting FUD, kek
Smh desu senpai. Was waiting for an asshole like you to post something insightful for the gross mass.
It's not going to catch on, dude
>reference Chart
>Trump is for Israel and his own ties with the Jewish elite, hence allowing both of his children to either a) convert to judaism for a jewish child or b) marry a jewish woman
i dont want black pills desu, its depressing
give me the iron pill
How is it anymore stupid than the red pill?
this board is satire right?
This autism is off the charts
Gray pill here.
>he thinks we can't see that flag
never change, vegemite man.
The red pill is in reference to The Matrix.
There is no black pill reference.
The step higher than red-pill is brown pill.
Share what you know?
I'm curious.
Have you taken the brown pill yet, mateys?
it's a tough pill to swallow! The brown pill was founded in 1999 by Sir Reginald Brownpill, who presents and narrates the attached video.
Forget red and blue pills, brown pills are the way of the future.
Video related. Please leave your questions, comments, and concerns below about this radical new paradigm of thinking!
Swallow the brown pill today! Red pills are for fedora fucking wearing faggots, blue pills are for the ignorant masses. Ignore the other le epin Sup Forums maymays, this one is the readl deal
Rarily are there easy answers for complex problems, railing on about Democrats, leftists, jews, etc. is simply second-option bias (albeit a critical first step in becoming a skeptic) and is the opposite extreme of the status-quo.
The cuckold pill
Fuck off Aussie
Have you paid The Alimony yet, mateys?
It's a tough bill to pay! The Alimony was founded in 2007 by Brendan Fraser, who presents the attached image.
Forget red, brown and blue pills, The Alimony is the way of the future.
Image related. Please leave your questions, comments, and concerns below about this radical new paradigm of thinking!
Pay The Alimony today! Red pills are for fedora fucking wearing faggots, Blue pills are for the ignorant masses, Brown pills are for furfags. Ignore the other le epin Sup Forums maymays, this one is the real deal.
brown ID color
I'm intrigued... I think the brown pill may be for me.
The Black Pill is Morpheous. That shiny bald head. That oversized negro cock. You know you want to suck it. Take the black pill, take it.
Nice nigger pill faggot
Sit down, my son, time for a tale
I bring you wisdom from this maleā¦
Reginald, a man of class
Reginald had quite the ass
Enormous poop in his toilet
Grabbed the log that he just shit
I'll save this - said the turd hoarder
Need to grab the camcorder
And upload it, for all to see
Let us begin, spiritually
Down the hatch - he bites a nugget
Avast! The taste, he seems to love it
Turds ain't just for bottomfeeders
Erection full, 2 centimeters
Almost there, he chomps away
Fulfilled from his turd of the day
Using his feces on his dick
Creates friction with that brown stick
Knowing he's about to splatter
It's beautiful, the poo poo platter
Now Reggie lay, his dick little
Gets taken to the hospital
That day, Sir Reggie fucking died
Unzipped his drawers and poo pot pie'd
Remember, through losses and wins
Dream of he who died for your sins
>you can't influence macro-trends. everything has to play out itself. If white people are doomed, we are doomed.
>brown ID color
That's olive green, at best you absolute double nigger. Fuck you and your family.
Nice Spooks kid.
Yakub the scientist was actually white, and the race of devils he created to torment us is the Jews.
that's my original view of him, heh.
>uses boy concubine to block mind control
Rick is part of the NWO?
That's a black pill right there.
I don't want you niggers to go. The rest of humanity hates faggots.
How do you live in NYC, be rich, good at business, know (((the right people))) and not marry a Jew?
There is no black pill. A black pill would need a bunch of incredibly intelligent people to operate. I haven't met enough people I would put in that category. You're imagining the world has a bunch of clever super villains when it actually has the equivalent of meth addicts who sometimes manage to pull off robbing a petrol station without getting caught the first time.
Satire to satire m8 scape goat will be nationalism like with ww1
holy fuck who is this perfect semen demon?
>don't vote Trump guys
>he's totally not the first wildcard/darkhorse candidate in a century
>srsly guys don't vote Trump
>be teenager nihilistic like me
Trump is a mortal with limitations, but he's the one remaining proof that voting still works. He's also been anti-globalist for decades.
Besides the EU is literally failing.
I got a black pill up my arse the other night and I still can't walk
this shit looks like my testosterone pills
>shrinking your balls
>all his clothes made in china
United States government was overthrown from the inside during the Vietnam war. The entire US government is guilty of treason and has been planning the destruction of the United States for decades. Every war, and every government policy is made for foreign interests and when the United states is no longer of use they will let it dry up and blow away.
nice shitpost
How about the omega pill?
>(((they))) are prepared to destroy the earth out of spite in the event of an armed uprising against them
me and a friend were discussing this just the other day. in my opinion, as much as i love trump, its way to perfect. its like hes being handed the election.
Trump is, of course, a red herring, but does it matter? I mean, out of all the shit that is happening around the world everyone has become so numb to everything. Soon, shit will get worse, while most people are frightened about a hypothetical situation that hasn't occurred, and yet they will not even think to complain about their government throwing them into camps. And shit, we are comparing an imaginary system of beliefs into a colored pill, so we cannot begin to say we are any better than the rest of the 'sheeple'.
>asking for redpills
Just overdose on blue pills and cut yourself you objectivist fuck
* What we call 'reality' is holographic in nature.
* The human species is billions of years old and is not native to Earth.
* Everything is illusory, except consciousness itself. Nothing is impossible in a universe that is illusory to begin with and the universe is alive, so what we call 'the laws of the universe' are actually just the habits of the universe and habits can be changed. We can do whatever we want to do and we can be whoever we want to be.
* We landed on the Moon and found artificial stuff there. The Moon hoax theory is being used to hide this fact.
* The sudden popularity of the Flat Earth theory last year is a CIA psyop being used to hide the fact that Earth is actually hollow and inhabited within. Every planet, moon and star in the universe is hollow and this means that every planet, moon and star in the universe has a solid surface - even so-called 'gas planets' (like Jupiter, for example). Furthermore, every planet, moon and star in the universe is expanding.
* Global events are being manipulated by interdimensional reptilian beings who feed on the energy of fear. Even Jews are pawns of these beings, some of whom secretly worship them (inb4 JIDF).
* Life exists literally everywhere.
It's a front.
How the fuck can people not understand this?
Hillary is too big for bars, with "donations" in the billions from various overseas countries you think she's foolish enough to lose to an honest(ish) tycoon? especially with all those connections to the CIA?
You can't have a landslide election and not have it look the slightest bit obvious that it's rigged without implementing a strong opposition to "put up a good fight for the cameras".
this is why Johnson, Bernie, Cruz and every other disaster of a nominee dropped out of the spotlight almost lazily to let it appear to be a black and white side-taking political show.
Only fucking retarded Bernie supporters genuinely believe what's been shown.
Just wait, just wait, cunts.
He'll get shot, "throw the game" as they say, or be threatened to pull out at risk of endangering his empire and/or family.
Using the pill system isn't that retarded, because you're adjusting your ideas to a certain perspective, the key is learning and unlearning while still retaining your sense of self and common sense.
Subscribing to a particular ideological format is just as bad as picking a religion and honestly doesn't make you any better off, you may as well taste the water from every cup so you know what you're looking at from seemingly infinite lenses.
I like this.
got more?
Here's the best advice,
The pills are a distraction. Pills are an obstacle.
You can either believe me or not. Your choice.
Niggers will inherit the Earth and chinks will use the non-renewable resources on retarded shit until space exploration becomes impossible without whitey. Humanity will never leave this planet until it gets too hot and turns into Venus 2.0, everything humanity has done will be erased just like that. The abandoned rovers in Mars and the Voyager probe will be the only things left of what could have been.
did someone said black pill?
>imagine her getting defiled by a giant black penis
>splitting her tiny, tight, virgin pussy.
>forever ruined
>she will never be fully satisfied by puny, emasculated white men
You are so very, very close.
What you're missing: The Bilderberg Group is ALSO a red herring.
Another tidbit for your black pill collection:
The darkest secret of the Third Reich - not the worst thing they did in the short term, but one of the few things that they successfully kept hidden from mainstream consciousness - was the long-term goal of the eugenics program.
The goal was not creation of a master race. It was creation of the perfect slave race.
If we aren't living in a simulation and this is truly base reality then the Earth is probably some kind of farm. Human beings are literally livestock. Who knows what the end goal is, maybe some interdimensional aliens are somehow feeding on our consciousness. Or maybe they will eventually come back and harvest whatever it is that they desire.
Human history is significantly older than we think. As they say all this has happened before, and all this will happen again. Modern humans have been around for 260,000 years. Civilization has been built and destroyed numerous times. Who knows if it was caused by natural disasters or maybe it was out alien overlords harvesting their livestock...
Sadly you might be correct about Trump being a red herring. When he announced his candidacy this was my initial gut feeling. Usually initial instincts prove to be right.
I don't want to accept it as I have long since jumped on the Trump train.
>lala land
>tin-infused super hair
Fucking lel mate
There are at least two Jewish groups fighting for control of the US. One hates Israel and the other loves Israel. Trump works for the "nationalist" jews that love Israel. Clinton works for the international jews that hate Israel.
Donald Trump defends Israel after "Nasty" Zionist question
u fuckin ruined it dirty americunt
you're retarded
it was obvious the globalists wanted Jeb to lose to hillary
The Trump factor wasn't expected by anyone that's why the jews went into such a damage control factor when he started polling well..
its almost like she could shoot somebody and people would still vote for her
He is not being handed the election.
Dont you recall how fucking hard it was for him to succeed in the primaries at first? How many times there was voter fraud and 24/7 media destruction of him before a primary voting day?
Is this the Sup Forums version of gender lists?
>Respirator protects against residue from fluoridated water and oregenated pizza
>and oregenated pizza
memes are going too far