OUR GUY has uploaded his democratic convention review

OUR GUY has uploaded his democratic convention review.


>using a bell instead of a 0
he still can't admit it's no longer 2015

>The uploader has not made this available in your country

Thank fucking God.

Is that canned laughter? How do people find this shit funny?

Ha eat shit Aussie, I'm a fucking leaf and I can watch it.

Not that I will.

Well I'm sure this will be impartial.

>bizarre republican circus

jesus that comment section

Glorious Current Year.


Not gonna watch the rest of it but his only criticism of ms obongo was the crowd?

cant watch gibe cliff notes

John Oliver attempts to repent and realizes that democrats are mentally retarded.

He's on his road to endorsing trump.

Democrats were bad but Republicans were worse ayy lmao.

Not even the right Aussie. Not even being an accurate idiot, good lord that's shameful.

Its a life audience. I've been paid audience for a few cheap shows, you get a meal, coffee and juice, and a small payment if you show up, clap when the CLAP sign lights, join the crowd in creating mood, and in my case voting on questions, since these were quiz shows.
Pretty good job, to be quite fair, you meet people, lunch for free and they pay you enough to order dinner home later.

I had a chuckle at the guy with the water jetpack.

These are important.

Please take one and pass it around.

These are important.
Please take one and pass it around.

you are doing a far better job then any troll, shill or spy ever could.

Isn't that the mod of the new sanders political revolution subreddit?

He glosses over the DNC email scandal and how the supposedly impartial democratic leadership conspired against Sanders, basically rigging the primaries for Hillary. How Sanders supporters were systematically pushed out and silenced during the convention, especially during Hillary's speech, when critical voices were suppressed by loud and out of place "Hillary, Hillary" chants. It was pretty hilarious, an honest comedian would make at least one joke about it.

Then he goes on to praising the Muslim dad and try to sell his speech as some profound and powerful case against Trump.

Propaganda as usual.


cringey stuff senpai

Thanks for doing what the dumbshit shill OP should've done had he not simply wanted to generate click bait.

So no mention of the coughing, throat clearing... Bills balloons? What a piece of shit. Even jon Stewart would've at least joked about the coughing.


>subscribing to John Oliver


Even if THE CURRENT YEAR MAN supported Trump I couldn't stand him anyway. Fucking repulsive...

Look at his old stuff, good investigative journalism.
I don't know what happened to his team, but the american election and slightly before that the migrant crisis lowered the quality of discourse significantly.
Hoping he will recover after the election.

>don't give him the nuclear codes

jeezus, can these people be any more dramatic? he's literally the most anti war candidate for fuck's sake, if not the only one.

>Trump is just a fearmonger!
>and he'll start world war three!
fucking idiots.


Wait, WAS the white house built by slaves?

And the Florida racist aligator joke was pretty funny.

>i don't know anithing about hillary clinton, but i know that trump = hitlur XD :P
Basicali all coments summed up.

it wasn't exclusively made by slaves, just whatever they can fill

>he still can't admit it's no longer 2015

>Not available in my country
he couldnt handle the bants
