Stephen Cohen

This video is in the Trump General, but it deserves a thread of its own.
"Russia scholar Stephen Cohen shuts down CNN shill host who tries to link Trump to Putin"

Look how quick they ended it...
(((Cohen))) seems fairly okay, y'all know much about him

Other urls found in this thread:

He podcast here, like 45min every week.


Its nice to see a non-retard on cnn


that cnn stooge got shellshocked by truth bombs

Russia was ruined by the Cold War, of course they'd want to avoid another one.

A new cold war would be good tho - maybe Russhit will finally learn its lesson

Ps. I'm a Finn who lived in Eastern Karelia most of his life - don't tell me idk shit

I'm an American who knows that the Cold War didn't do anybody any favors.

I still don't trust ANY jew, he must have some sinister motive.

Cohen is largely right about the media's bias and it is dangerous. Even eight months ago you could find debate about NATO and issues with other countries not paying their share in the media. Obama has even brought it up in the past, multiple times. Now the media is 100% behind Hillary and completely distorting the narrative about NATO and Russia. Suddenly the most hawkish views on Russia, which Clinton has, are presented as pretty much the only sensible take on NATO. This is a national security concern. The media is shutting down important debates about national security just to get Clinton elected. This could make it much easier for a President Clinton to get us into war. It is irresponsible and dangerous. The New York Times is more or less running unsourced allegations from the Clinton campaign on their front page every day. This does not make America safer.

A seven years war without any tactical nuclear exchange would be mutually beneficial for most of the globe, in the long term.
We need another great culling.

Dude says there's need for debates and serious discussions to answer trump's questions, the CNN baldy answers that this 5 min conversation was good enough... did i misunderstand or?

No, that was exactly what the host did. He said, well you said something just now, so obviously there is no real bias. Horrible.

Don't care if this man is a jew, he rekt CNN.

>This is a national security concern.

Clinton, the media and the government all sleep in the same bed.

Be thankful you live in an era where you can go on Sup Forums and discuss this shit with real people.

>Jew outjews the news jews


They are literally gearing up for war. Someone should keep telling the Bernie supporters this. Some of these things Trump has been saying about NATO mirror Obama's previous words, and now, all of a sudden, any doubts about NATO are SUPER FUCKING DANGEROUS OMG RUSSIA IS GOING TO INVADE THE BALTIC STATES. It is starting.

He ran outa time right on time.

>tfw someone puts a dagger in the narratives heart.

the conversation wasn't taking a dig at CNN, wasn't favorably discussing Clinton, and it wasn't bashing Trump so they ended the conversation

it's mockingly called the Clinton News Network for a reason

I get that but he could at least pretend to care, even if that's "not the moment nor the place" or some excuse like that.
Dismiss the guy in 15 seconds sounds super rude and not subtle at all but maybe that's common on american news, i rarely watch them

Holy shit he btfo'd that shill anchor HARD

>I'm confused as to who's jewing who in this situation.

>Dear diary,
Today I agreed with a jew who redpilled the electric jew.

It's the British Anglo demonic cult, along with their Jews who we need to be focusing on. Most Jews are against Putin, but a few high profile are not. Just the ones who made their fortunes in the British Empire the past 300 years....

The Anglosphere is hanging by a thread. They're going full retard trying to keep British Liberalism together.

I think that when people are first professionals and second jews they do good job. This guy might be saying the truth but at the same time he may be hardcore zionist. Who knows.

As I've read, right now in Russia you have two powerful factions fighting for power:

>The nationailists:

Putin, Shoigu, guys like that, who have their own organization and want Russia to be recognized as an equal country to the rest of the world. They love Russia and etc.

>The jews
Bassically descendants of the Bolsheviks. They hate everything russian and want to sell the country out (to the US), as it was happening under Elcin. They are represented by the Prime Minister Medvedev and they hold the banks.

These two groups are fighting for control.

Good morning channers.

Please, take one of these.

Have a good one!