>Once unmentionable, questions about Trump’s mental health have started to bubble into respectable American forums as he has inched closer to the nuclear codes of the world’s mightiest military while behaving stranger than ever.
>“Donald Trump is not of sound mind,” conservative Stephen Hayes wrote two weeks ago in the Weekly Standard.
>He “appears haunted by multiple personality disorders,” conservative David Brooks wrote last week in the New York Times.
>He boasts of his own unparalleled magnificence. He creates and promotes wild conspiracy theories. He tells easily disprovable lies. He fails to finish sentences before he gets distracted by unrelated thoughts. He appears to fly into a wounded rage at mild criticism.
>Dan McAdams, a psychology professor at Northwestern University, would not diagnose Trump with any ailment, and he said most people running for high office must have a “healthy dose” of narcissism. But he added: “It does seem to be the case that he’s kind of off the map.”
>“Putting his name on everything, talking about himself all the time: this is beyond the pale,” said McAdams, who conducted a detailed personality assessment of Trump for the Atlantic. “I don’t want to argue that it’s a clinical condition … but if there’s a continuum, in terms of narcissistic personality characteristics within a relatively normal population, he’s really way off on the extreme end.”
Do they know they dig a grave by bringing up Russia and Mental Health when their candidate is literally satan?
Jace Martin
Charles Murphy
What's with all the propaganda against Trump? All he wants to do is stop illegal immigration, and ban muslims because terrorism is at all time high level right now.
Noah Cook
hillary literally has brain damage
Aiden Hernandez
Holy shit, all this leftist shilling on here over the past couple of weeks. It seemed to pick up after the DNC convention. Who let slip the (((dogs))) of war?
Aiden Lee
Meanwhile this is completely normal behavior
Austin Brown
Isn't this the reason why we are voting for him??? For the show???
Evan Cook
Narcissistic personality = unfit for president Seizures = totally fine. Here are the nuclear launch codes, madam president
Juan Ramirez
We are, maybe. But most of the country is not quite desperate enough yet just to want to see a fireworks display shortly before we all die.
Ryder Roberts
this is their plan, they are gonna straight jacket trump and throw him into some cage in the middle of nowhere and fry his brain with LSD to try and """CURE""" him.
Nathan Anderson
Are they just shamelessly pulling out everything now?
They've tried racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, he's unqualified, he's a shitty businessman, he's actually poor, he's got close ties to the Russians, he wants to fuck his daughter, he makes fun of the crippled, at one point they were pushing that he was a rapist, now it's mentally ill. And it's not even just the liberals. The conservatives constantly attack him for not being a True Principled Conservative. What else can they use? I mean really, what else can they say? It's nonstop, and now they're going into full panic mode. I don't even know what they're trying to achieve at this point, any time they've got some new attack line on him I just automatically assume it's false because it's gotten to the point where they all try a new one in the morning and then move onto another one by the afternoon because the first one failed. Just look at this fucking picture, we'll never see another human being get this much media coverage.
Evan Baker
just keep throwing them out there until one sticks
surely people will begin to hate trump any day now
Jack Ward
Proving that psychological "science" is one big Rorschach ink blot.
James Williams
Trumps going to win in November, deal with it.
Christian Hernandez
Trump didn't say he wouldn't debate. He said the time should be different. But CNN and other media are implying he said something he never said. They are outright lying. Nothing that comes out of them is credible.
Lincoln Cruz
CTR is in overdrive
Noah Hill
>Trump is a narcissist
Brody Johnson
Corporate media is going too far. We can use their overreach to destroy whatever credibility they have left.
Pic related was just posted on Facebook. Comments so far aren't falling for it.
Cameron Jackson
The real crazy part is that Trump isn't suing all these news outlets into the ground for defamation.
Jace Morales
>"Hillary seizure gif" autocompletes on google wtf i hate good health now
Alexander Ross
>Trump is dumb >Trump is a racist >Trump is sexist >Trump is a nazi >Trump is insane
Any bets on what they will try next?
Dominic Gomez
The whole world is changing before our eyes. The mainstream media is collapsing and the whole narrative is on the verge of collapse.
Hudson Campbell
TLDR: Hillary shills on suicide watch
Xavier Ross
>Trump is an interdimensional reptilian overlord hell bent on sapping the fear energy of the American people
Christian Kelly
>Trump is corrupt >Trump is a pedophile >Trump is a Russian spy.
William Stewart
>Trump is a Clinton plant
Noah Collins
Now that sounds plausible.
Michael Bell
Smart motherfuckers seem like crazy motherfuckers to dumb motherfuckers.
Daniel Morales
Meanwhile, not a fucking word about this
Nathaniel Miller
Never change Australia
Isaiah Taylor
No, he's too far down the hierarchy to be an interdimensional reptilian overlord hell-bent on sapping the fear energy of the American people. People like the Rothschild family, however, are shapeshifting reptilians.
Xavier Reyes
Psychologist here, all this media conjecture and pseudo-psychology bullshit has to stop. Any Psychologist worth anything knows its a huge ethics violation to comment on someones mental health without having had sessions with them.
Here, I'll diagnose Trump:
He has a condition called 'Being an Alpha'.
All these bluepilled media faggots wouldn't know an Alpha if he fucked their faggy little assholes. Wake up fuckers, someone who knows what he's doing is going to be president. All your liberal shit-flinging and snarky criticism is just projecting your own inadequacies. Fuck the Media.
Jordan Cooper
That's just Hillary being possessed by a reptilian.
Thanks Ameribro, I won't. :)
Michael Long
Lol, the Rothschilds are just Jews with reptilian brains caused by inbreeding. Destroys their empathy.
Landon Adams
Globalists are scared as fuck.
Brody Cruz
"mental health" didn't exist until liberals realized they can't ban guns without it.
i don't care how crazy you are, how many times you've been to prison, or how banned guns are from you. i will accept people like that to fight in my fox hole when the war comes. i will not die in a fox hole to ensure the success of someone who revokes rights to those they deem unfit.
Dominic Hughes
Millenials are all narcissists. Who cares.
Camden Flores
And? 99% of all successful people are psychos. You cant be successful nowadays without being one.
People act like it's strange somehow to have quirks.
Cameron Jackson
ty 4 CRT! ! ;D ;D
Lucas Turner
zzzzzzzzzz Its more of the same, why do you even post this shit as if its some new revolutionary standpoint
Blake Wright
You posted the wrong one.
Jack Smith
>conservative (((David Brooks)))
David Brock seems to be employed at an Israeli university, and his first name is Jewish. My jewdar is picking up a signal, but I can't find any concrete proof. Benjamin Fischbein is a classification F jewish name, even the newest newfag should be able to spot that one.
This has been the Jewish name awareness PSA. Thank you for reading.
Camden Davis
>yfw Sup Forums voting for Trump because he is actually autistic neckbeard
Gabriel Rivera
>He creates and promotes wild conspiracy theories.
Trump believes that the moon landing is real?
Isaac Moore
>He fails to finish sentences before he gets distracted by unrelated thoughts. Well, he's not wrong.
Noah Lopez
they really don't know what they are messing with.
Oliver Perez
Psychology is a communist tool.
Liam Miller
They already tried those
Isaac Green
I heard somebody call him a cartoon character.
Andrew Fisher
>mfw you let a demon merge with your soul so you can defeat trump
Can't wait until they literally start saying he has a small penis like they did with Hitler
Zachary Gonzalez
>God emperor Trump found a way to enter the world of anime and come back.
Angel Morales
Dylan Cox
Blake Martin
>Once unmentionable, questions about Trump’s mental health HAHAHAHAHA WAT? At what point was any "criticism" of Trump not mentionable?
Levi Williams
>(((respectable American forums)))
Adam Price
I like your numbers kid
Also they're going to drag trump through the mud, shit, trash, and gutter in order to try and stop him.
When he gets in the White House, ooh I hope he goes scorched earth tactics against the lügenpresse. Those who fucked with him barred from attending the White House. Those who wrote such slanderous libelous articles calling into question his character, authenticity, and mental stability get called out and subsequently BTFO like he did with Katy tur's bitch ass
Liam Bailey
Green country Timeline French and the Romans Salisbury Goblin in canter Denver over last River and plain Janus unicorn Venus apostle Clementine Nuclear sundial Derelect and Washington Oxford trident Boss ANOVA Siri the same Kaleidoscope and hiring m.youtube.com/watch?v=FUwo6BOCH8U
Joshua Phillips
It's kinda like how women and atheists think THEY'RE the ones being silenced.
Trump's opposition are now convincing themselves that they are right by pretending to be the repressed voices.
It'll be double irony because they don't believe in Christianity and mock it, but they'll try and present him as the anti-christ.
Jack Gomez
>And? 99% of all successful people are psychos. You cant be successful nowadays without being one. Hollywood science. If you're a psychopath, you have enormous problems to even live a normal life without being a "America's dumbest criminals" regular.
Trump, for example, shows extremely well-developed risk assessment skills, he learns from his own errors and he knows what battles to pick implying he actually has a sense of fear (or better, a sense of "I shouldn't do this, it's not the right time").
A psychopath has none of the above. So Trump definitely isn't one.
Now, Hillary, on the other hand...
Sebastian Lee
>>Trump is terrible for puppies
Xavier Wilson
Dangerous Donald The Absolute Madman The Chaos Candidate!
Owen King
It'll be double irony because they don't believe in Christianity and mock it, but they'll try and present him as the anti-christ.
Such is the way of the liberal
Joshua Hughes
Please don't let the public be sleepy to this. PLEASE let them see through this blatant bullshit
David Long
agree, however many psychology grads have personality defects and mental illness, especially females. ( Habitual lying as an example )
Human ego is under 1% of total human consciousness of which the nature of, as yet, cannot be explained.
Ayden Morales
Please take one of these and pass it around.
Ryder Jackson
Leftists have a "shoot first"/projection strategy. This is SOP. Hillary is literally having seizures on camera, and they're anticipating the issue, so they're seizing the initiative. Now Trump's response will be weakened because it will seem like "nuh uh, you are!"
Blake Smith
Have a good one half chan.
Michael Morgan
>Once unmentionable, questions about Trump’s mental health have started to bubble into respectable American forums as he has inched closer to the nuclear codes of the world’s mightiest military while behaving stranger than ever. >the world’s mightiest military remember that this is what liberals think America is
Bentley Ward
>Will end wars in Middle East for Greatest Ally >Will end mass immigration for Globalism >Will end mass immigration for national destruction >Will encourage Europe to end mass immigration >Will audit the FED >Will recognize Ukraine's right to self-determination >Will allow Assad to remain in power >Will neuter or end NATO globalists want to use to fight Russia >Will make Israel pay its own way >Will not allow American Jews to spy with no consequences >Will root out DC corruption >Will end job outsourcing and shipping our prosperity elsewhere
I wonder why the (((media))) is so upset?
Ayden Morris
The video YewTewb is actively censoring (youtu.be/BB1sxP9t99g?t=5m40s) watch, read the first few comments, decide for yourself.
Parker Flores
>1 post by this ID
See the fucking sliding guys
Samuel Sanchez
Leftists can't stop thinking about Trump every waking second of their life. They need to get help. Its like they really think a new off the rails Trump attack each and every single day is going to do anything.
They have used every insult they got and now they need to invent new ones.
Wyatt Fisher
Are these the same experts who discover new things that were wrong with Hitler every year?
What if the Clinton campaign secretly wanted to give up, but didn't want to be laughed at, so it's saying ridiculous things like Russia's hacking the DNC. >Hillary Clinton literally admitting to being insane... >as a legal maneuver to walk away from the race and go to mental institution instead of prison for crimes?
Colton Sullivan
Came here just to say this
Lincoln Harris
>liberals are now so authoritarian that having different views make them class you as insane, and want to put you in an asylum.
Joseph Sanchez
just because someone is a psychopath that doesn't mean he's pants on head insane
there are layers
Nathan Nelson
Yep, it seems that giving the nuclear codes to this malfunctioning brain is a far better idea
Lucas Robinson
>psychologist >literally a talk therapist
How come Trump never accepts a personal defect or error? How come he never shows any degree of awareness of his own personal defects?
This clearly shows it's too painful for him to accept personal faults and errors. Trump can only be perfect, Trump can only be faultless, etc. Surely you recognise the signs of a personality disorder here, if you are what you claim to be.
Cooper Clark
Lincoln Foster
>one post by the ID
Jaxon Harris
Christian Butler
tbqh, I am more towards right and I can't stop thinking about Trump either.
He's such a dreamboi
Cooper Mitchell
>1 post by this ID Hillshills fuck off no one's buying your shit saged