Why are redpilled individuals usually NEET "neckbeard" types? Shouldn't it be the opposite since we're superior?

Why are redpilled individuals usually NEET "neckbeard" types? Shouldn't it be the opposite since we're superior?

A true red-pilled aryan would not support Palestine.

>Free Palestine
It's not 2014 anymore, Sup Forums is done having an autistic shitfit against Israel

NEETs have time to think / read up on things

wagecucks are busy all day working & worrying about their wifes

This tbhfam

Meets are genetically superior to wagies because they learned how to survive without doing labor.

The hierarchy goes like this

>NEET dregs = conservatard
>trailer park boys = conservatard
>ramen-slurping college cucks = libtard
>wageslaves = libtard
>kike who runs the bank = libtard
>owns the business = conservatard

This whole board is a meme for khv NEETs so that they can avoid feeling shitty about their lives.

What, do you want people to pay taxes into the system that wants to eradicate them, what their ancestors worked for and their children's future by importing unsustainable masses of foreigners for all the wrong reasons?

Are you retarded or something?

Sitting in your moms basement all day hardly qualifies as “surviving“.

Neet bux pay enough to have your own apartment, I'm sure all the refugees in your country know this too.