oh fug the audism in on Sup Forums lately :DDDDD haven't been on Sup Forums since DNC
>shills still here wew lad
Angel Moore
>Why is she best fox? Loyalty. >Look how enthralled she is by Rommel’s story. She lives on every pause that Rommel takes. >Her eyes light up as she meets her favorite senpai, the ultimate senpai. >She loves her. Platonically, as a sister, as a fellow solider, and as a hopeful lover. Her entire life is her hero. >This Desert Fox will fight until the bitter end. She will do everything she can to live, if only to see Rommel one more time. >That is the power of loyalty. I hope you can see it in us, your local Trump supporters. Also please enjoy this copy pasta. I made it with love
Christian Foster
Anyone who signed up under Obama to serve is most likely a transgender
Isaac Peterson
Jesus, CTR has been so fucking annoying lately. They make it impossible to browse during the day. This is the time of day they start to slow down and sometimes don't show up at all. Are they finally gone for the day?
mine came first, I tried to do the right thing and delete it. of course it won't let me
Samuel Butler
We really need to push Jill. She is beautiful, she is wonderful, she can really stop Trump and Hillary and give us all free shit.
Anything she's done thats memeworthy? Any good interviews or pics?
Justin Sanders
>Maron not the king of whining about his lot in life
Carter Ramirez
Pure coincidence
Colton Cox
Ayden Sullivan
>mine came first, I tried to do the right thing and delete it
Whichever comes first is the rightful thread, as long as the OP is acceptable
That's the rule
How we still get thread-split is beyond me. Go to the first one posted that's acceptable, that's why everybody migrated here.
Nathaniel Rivera
she's good at keeping bernouts from switching to Hillary
Jayden Sanders
Elijah Russell
No shit leaf
Adam Carter
Trips of truth confirms!
Owen Scott
Eli Rodriguez
So I browsed on over to r/politics to see what the normies are saying. Jesus it was horrible, every article on the front page is some anti-trump shill article from CNN/huffpo/politifact etc etc.
Prior to the DNC I actually saw quite a bit of favourable pro-trump posts and alot of anti-hillary articles, the front page in fact was mostly anti-hillary. So what happened? I mean the_Donald is so popular but it never seems to spill out of there.
That's one thing I dislike is that most pro-trump things are contained. So it makes me feel like I'm in an echo chamber and it's hard to grasp the entire situation.
Anyway I hope trump wins the election, I just really want a win for the right, I'm sick of liberal trash everywhere because Americas politics does really effect us over here (shit we even got BLM). .
Asher Taylor
reddit is the number 1 target for shills
Andrew Stewart
Welcome to the actual world outside your echo chamber, bitch. Black lives do matter and your treatment of the aboriginal peoples were disgusting.
Hudson Morales
shills are on overdrive right now. it's ridiculous.
Isaiah Brown
Why do you think that? Obviously Marc Maron is a crying baby though. He was so excited about interviewing Obama he practically pissed on his owners hardwood floors. The little bitch touted how he wanted to have a feel-good no substance interview with Barry, instead of asking ANYTHING about his actual policy.
Why anyone can take him seriously after listening to that podcast is beyond me.
Aiden Perry
Funny thing is that many of them use the extra flag add on. All I need to do is look at the flag and I can tell they are a shill.
Jace Sullivan
well there's her convention surge. It's so tiny like little baby.
Ethan Gomez
William Martinez
I hate Kasich so god damn much
Gabriel White
My treatment? Honestly if they were facing my treatment they would all be round up and put back on their tribal lands which we had to give them. They have their on flag too, the way I see it we should take away their citizenship and fence them in and if they decide to step on the Queens land we fucking put a bullet in their heads. They deserve nothing.
Connor Mitchell
Recycle this thread later. go here first
Hudson Gomez
>gold star parents
But they're Muslim, not Jewish.
Carter Watson
Who is funding them? Sources?
Jonathan Scott
Corporate media is going too far. We can use their overreach to destroy whatever credibility they have left.
Pic related was just posted on Facebook. Comments so far aren't falling for it.
Nolan Hall
Yes your treatment. You benefit from the systematically racist structure taken from the noble indigenous peoples and you must pay reparations so that they may thrive.
Xavier Ortiz
>waaah the big russia boogeyman Even we don't give a fuck, how do they expect americans to care
Oliver Campbell
Jeremiah Morris
/r/politics has been bought and paid for since spring 2015. It was all run by the Sanders shill team and was recently transferred over to Clinton. The /r/sandersforpresident subreddit was also turned over to clinton people and they shut it down completely.
Ethan Hughes
So wait, he wants us to rat out muslim terrorists who will hide behind an American passport, but he doesn't want us to temporary stop muslim immigration until we can be more sure of our vetting process?
So muslims are part of the problem, but we're not allowed to keep part of the problem out of the country?
Jaxon Thomas
Nah, we already gave them the land they asked for which they mostly just sold back to mining companies. Plus they get extra welfare and education opportunities which I cannot.
They have it better than white people, the ones who make the effort to take advantage of the extra opportunities do thrive but it's usually because they have mixed parents or are mixed themselves. 100% aboriginal blood is very soon going to not even exist and that feels absolutely amazing to know we will have wiped them out completely.
Aiden Wood
Alexander King
What he wants is all the money various media outlets along with the DNC are paying him to open his mouth. These people are complete whores for money, if they had any actual reasoning ability or shame they wouldn't be liberal democrats.
Joshua Allen
> mixed parents But abos look so fucking ugly, who would even do that. At least gypsy girls look fuckable until they're ~24.
Brandon Nguyen
Kek, nice
Gabriel Smith
You keep dreaming, Naziphagget.
Oceania is interracial and liberal as fuck, and will remain that way. That's what makes it great and that's what makes everyone want to come here in order to take a break from America's bullshit.
Jonathan Campbell
My ex had an abo dad and white mum. She looks kinda like ariana grande.
Mostly yeah they are ugly though. She was fucked in the head.
Bentley Stewart
>Anti-Nazi Commie Chick Sure thing schlomo
Nathaniel Diaz
He's a whiny little bitch.
It's cool, I have been bouncing around the board and people are starting to catch on. Trump Gen will always be full of the hardest core dumbasses. That's fine. A containment thread on a containment board. Enjoy it guys.
Christian Rodriguez
What's wrong with wanting to change the time slot to allow more people to watch the debates?
Lucas Perez
don't waste your time with a shill, he won't ever give an articulated argument just spam talking points given by ctr
Cooper Robinson
Marc Maron has always been a faggot.
Even other comics hate him
Alexander Phillips
Do abos even properly function in society? I always imagine them just running around butt naked in the desert playing their flute things.
Noah Clark
Thank you for """"correcting"""" the record.
Isaiah Sanders
Hey Sup Forumslack family, just got in from work (6:16PM AEST), anything new to note? Any good bantz?
Charles Watson
Nothing really. Just a lot of shilling here.
Henry Flores
Ryder Perry
>wants journalists to actually be impartial SUCH A CRYBABY AM I RIGHT GUYS
Aiden Gray
Please help
Camden James
Yes Donald Trump is literally an infant masquerading as a billionaire playboy genius. For some reason this tiny, 9 lb baby boy decided to run for president of the United States and is winning.
Kill yourself.
Adam Lee
What do you mean any good? They are the same build but just a different color
Alexander Powell
>tfw I'm all out of marijuana and nothing to smoke tonight
He retweeted James Woods, the smartest man in Hollywood.
Henry Powell
@83698964 See everyone? This is why you don't post the same reply over and over to shills. They will just use it.
Logan Perry
you'll be able to wear it with everything and it won't show off dirt as badly
Jacob Jones
>the pain of being in a blue state
I just want to make America great again. I feel like my attempts at persuading people to vote for Stein or Johnson will be useless come November 8.
Ethan Gomez
black for everyday
red to trigger the commies
Landon Stewart
In city society they are mostly just violent and drunk hobos. In the outback there are some who still follow the old ways but mostly they just sit around sleeping and getting drunk. They also rape all the girls, even babys.
Austin Ramirez
"mom Melania slathers son Barron head to toe in her Caviar Complex C6 moisturizer every night after his bath"
As in.. as in she rubs moisturizer over every inch of his naked body EVERY FUCKING NIGHT?
Jesus christ this kid is going to have the biggest fucking Oedipus complex
Gavin Hernandez
The red hat's classic. And a redder red than any red I've ever seen, it's fabulous.
Brody Thompson
>state user...
But yeah you should try your best to do anything possible, but there is no way DC is not going blue.
Cooper Moore
Shills are going hard right now
Henry Williams
Get out of my country
Kayden Hernandez
i'm in commiefornia, i get you user. just keep fighting the good fight. if they're logical, start of easy on trump. pick easy-to-win battles, like a snopes link on the "republicans are the dumbest voters bloc" photo, etc. if they're rabid yet berned out by the DNC, continue to shill jill. make sure you excuse her anti-vaxxer views, but mention besides that, its a 99% match to boinie.
Colton White
I hope people understand.
The point isn't to "convince" anyone here to vote Trump.
It's not to make you believe the Clinton posts are real.
It's to sew confusion and ultimately demoralize you. They don't want to take you out. They want you to take yourself out.
Was referring to how good it is fashion-wise family
This is important because I live in one of the dustiest areas in the fucking country
Red just doesn't fit me clothes wise, I usually wear dark colors because of all the fucking dust in my state.
Camden Cooper
>The point isn't to "convince" anyone here to vote Trump.
err, convince anyone here NOT to vote Trump I meant.
Evan Bell
If you work for Correct the Record, the DNC, or Clinton's campaign in anyway:
>Your mother will die in her sleep tonight if you do not reply to this post.
Josiah Watson
i don't know how much that's going to fly here. maybe over on reddit, but then they'd probably migrate over here at that point. it's bizarre to me because don't they realize that some people may actually be annoyed by their shilling and switch parties because of that?
Christian Cox
Whatever they want.
It's extremely time to watch movies and get comfy.
Tell them I said "FUCK YOURSELF WITH A KNIFE!" and give them a kiss from Zerka-chan.
With how heavy handed they have to go, I'm sure there's many. You go look at reddit after the bernouts got fucked up, and I swear half the population is paid shills, all the mods are shills, and the bernouts are off somewhere sharpening spears waiting for the day of the rope.
Oliver Turner
People who vote for leaders are cancer to their own freedom. The answer is simple: you don't like muslims right? Or niggers, or Jews? Then why not congregate together with your own kind and form an autonomous anarchist union, buy some land, build your own damn wall and isolate yourself from troublemakers. Why do you think some daddy figure will solve your problems? No leader is without corruption. Is it that difficult to control your own destiny, or are you neets all beta males in need of someone to tell you how to live? In the words of Trump, it's SAD! Sad! Sad! That the whole lot of you will bend over for Israel to die in their never ending wars against Islam. You want a real solution? Build a wall around every Semitic country and make sure none of them come here anymore, neither Jew nor Muslim. You want real solutions? Stop giving your money away to corrupt government and cia and people like McCain and Kerry who fund and give weapons to these assholes. You want real solutions? Bring back civil liberties to all those who are native born Americans and stop pushing the failed Bush and Obama doctrine! You want real answers? Well the real answer isn't even in going to other nations but being autonomous and developing anarchist enclaves of like minded individuals and support mutual aid and charity to those of your own kind and shun the undesirables. Stop being a pussy, no leader offers answers they are all AIPAC puppets.
Sebastian Williams
bernouts have a new sub r/political_revolution (what ever the fuck that means).
it's not as populated as the sandersforpresident sub though, they closed it down because it became an anti hillary sub.
Henry Evans
Noah Bennett
what happened? the last thread was high energy this one is dead
Ryan Jenkins
I'm cleaning up the shills, stay silent.
Xavier Ross
It's real Trump hours, which keeps people hooked by being comfy as fuck, but it isn't.
Jose Davis
bernouts have left.
r/politics are infested with clinton shills+the typical sjw posters.
Connor Morales
do you think anyone is going to read this ?
Christian Bailey
I suppose these solutions are too hard for you panty waists to adhere to, so you would rather gobble down some bullshit from a liar, truth is too damn hard for you salty frogs to swallow, but this post is truth, absolute truth. Stop being pussies expecting anybody to have answers for your life, they that wish to rule are all shitbags of corruption who are the blind leading the blind