She is a waste of place. Too similar to superman

She is a waste of place. Too similar to superman.

By that logic no unpowered characters should exist because they're too similar to Batman. No speedsters besides the Flash should exist. Supergirl's similarity to Superman only extends as far as her powers, and power levels are not all there is to cape characters, it's not a manga after all. Her similarities are integral to her character. Her story is similar to what Conner's used to be, living with being in the shadow of the greatest hero in the universe and how they deal with that.

Came to say this

>No speedsters besides the Flash should exist
this is absolutely true for the game though

>Not wanting zoom
get fucked

they could easily give Supergirl a slightly different moveset.

it would be a waste of a spot where a more unique moveset could've been put in

>iving with being in the shadow of the greatest hero in the universe and how they deal with that.

she isn't a Green Lantern character

I wonder if they'll do for Supergirl what I've always wanted to see: making her more of a summoner like MvC2 Jill or MvC3 Frank West, 'summoning' Krypto or Comet the Super-Horse to fight for her or maybe even some of her friends, like Mary Marvel.

That's always the way that I've envisioned Supergirl to play.

Villains are obviously an exception.

Dakota Fanning?

Boy is your face gonna be red if they go nuts with her and make her a grapple character that shits lightning.


Because they'd need to make them as enemies already.

From the viewpoint of Injustice I can see your logic, but with Supergirl you have a chance to show Kryptonian powers as used by a brute, where Superman himself would have more sophistication. Just off the top of my head, heat vision. Supergirl's could be a blast with more raw damage, but Superman's would be more precise, causing longer stagger as he hits something vital.

*1 captcha later*
>DAE want Reverse Flash i love le Flash tv show ;)

Supergirl's design reminds me of another character.

I'm pretty sure OP is referring to the video game specifically, where powersets *are* all that really matters.

If Japanese retard company Capcom can make Ken and Ryu have very differing playstyles I don't see how Netherrealm can't do the same for Kara and Kal.

Injustice 1 had Superman & Zod, Shazam & Black Adam, GL & Sinestro. All of them had extremely different movesets.

If you think they can't fit Supergirl in there you're a retard who doesn't know shit about fighting games.

>pretty much confirmed no Power Girl except maybe as a skin
Why the fuck even bring her up, Boon? Why make a poll with her and the character you were clearly always going to use? Especially when he had to have known Babs would come in last.

He should be a skin

Needs more anime swordsmen.