average Mexicans hate:
1. Americans
2. Spanish
3. Argies.
How about your country?
average Mexicans hate:
1. Americans
2. Spanish
3. Argies.
How about your country?
Other urls found in this thread:
1. Turkey
2. Germany
3. Turkey again
why turquia?
why your beloved neighbors?
1. N Korea
2. Russia
3. China
4. Iran
5. Various insignificant mudslime countries
Mexicans are too insignificant to make the list.
go back to Sup Forums
1. China
2. Mexico
3. France
Turkey Germany Belgium
Because Erdogan keeps stirring up shit with his Dutchturk proxies here and with our journalists there.
turkey's foreign ministry tends to meddle with our internal affairs, and the fact that my city has around 100k unwashed horderoaches that riot after a lost football match, isnt favorable
1. Spics
2. Taco niggers
3. Mexican intellectuals
You are 3rd to muslims and niggers, congrats.
Everyone hates the arrogant Argies, it's truly fascinating.
1: Niggers
3: Sudacas
1.) You
2.) Your mom
3.) Your thread
yes, you should had nuked them.
Saudi Arabia
Never met a Mexican girl who didn't want my white cock.
we like spanish food and big tits
1. America
2. Burgers
3. Burgerland
But that's bullshit, Tonatiuh.
1. Mestizos
2. Mexicans
3. People who think all hispanics are brown mestizo mexicans
The Mexicans I know hate niggers the most.
Quebecois detected.
1: USA (love hate relationship)
2: Iran
3: iceland
My cover has been blown! Better start shitposting to deflect attention.
Our IQ is higher than yours and our dicks are bigger. How can you even compete on in any field?
all of Arabia
1. Saudi Arabia
2. Turkey
3. Gibraltar
Indigenous people
The lebanese are a problem in my city at least
I love argies, I know some families living in here in Mexico and they are the fucking best, I don't know anybody that hate them
I don't know any spanish or american, so they are kinda meh to me.
Some of you guys are cool
>muh dick
nigger tier argument.
Plains of Abraham good sir, you should thank us for not forcing your language out of country, costs us too much money to do everything in both languages! (But you aren't as bad as those god forsaken abos.)
1. jews
2. jews
3. jews
Oy Vey!
Look at this good goy!
He thinks our enemies are his enemies, ahaha!
Mexicans dont hate white people they envy them.
I also mentionned our IQ. They literally have nothing on us, in any fucking field.
Britain fought the French. It isn't relevant to the fact I can drive to any western province and get easy anglo pussy with my French, superior intellect and massive dick.
Marrokanen meer dan Turken
1. Jews
2. Cultural marxism
3. Bourgeoisie
4. Socialism
5. Anti-whites
6. Anti-Americans
You are only good for beer for our 18 year olds and equally easy pussy (Easy everywhere imo, thank you Liberals.) Also Montreal is more english speaking then French these days and no one cares about Quebec city.
1. The Scots
2. The ROI
3. Everyone from
Space out the top like
1. every muslim country
2. USA
3. India
4. USA
t. shitskin
which is ironic because everyone of them loves to say they are 1/100th Spaniard.
2. Gypsies
3. "Syrian" Refugees
60% native French speakers cucking the other 40% to speak French.
Nice meme though.
Who is this taco tickler?
I need nudes now, juan.
1. Anyone designated a celebrity
2. All blacks, don't care had enough, just go away
3. Inept voters, see 1. (Blind leading the blind)
why do germans hate US so much?
past world wars?
>Pretty much everyone in Quebec speaks at least some English
>Outside of Southern Ontario no one gives a fuck about French
We hate everyone.
But Jews, gypsies and Romanians have a special place.
And we hate Poles, Austrians, Germans a bit less. Recently Russians might join that list.
because we keep killing all the Muslims before he can force them to penetrate him.
Germans have it so hard.
Is Hungria a happy place?
1. politicians
2. aboriginals
3. self
Because USA is cancer for for the world. Simple as that. I don't even care about the world wars as Germany would have also been beaten without them.
Fucking nigger
Why Argies?
They are jealous of the national pride we have for our country because their country's cuck laws make it illegal for them to hold the same.
new yorkers
Why are Cucknadians such beta orbiting fags?
Putin could invade your frozen hellhole and you would bend over and offer him your asshole, right after your wife and kids assholes.
>canadian hating on CA and NY
you elected Trudeau, you have no place to talk even about the People's Republic of California
why huemonkies? they are bro tier.
At least white babies are still a majority here, enjoy seeing 2 minorities for every one white.
>canada is white majority
Why is Ontario infested with Chinese? All signs are in chinese. All property is chinese owned.
You're probably chinese.
Yet you still have to write every official paper in both languages. You truly are a cuck nation.
1. Finnish Romani
2. Niggers
3. Muslims
I dont even know who hates us.
Only a few cities (Toronto, Vancouver mostly.) At least the Chinese dont breed like rabbits like the Blacks and Spics in America. We won't get outbred, you already are.
We do it because we were nice enough to let you stay in OUR country. You're welcome for that, letting you have our world-class international reputation to sow on your hitchhiking packs.
>we wont get outbred
nigga do you even know how many chinese are alive on the planet right now?
>chinese dont breed like rabbits
Cucknadians confirmed top tier retarded.
Actually when i say that I hate the USA I never refer to the people living there. Most of you are stupid as fuck but that's not a reason to hate a whole country. I hate your country and your politics for what they did and are still doing on this planet.
1. Marokanen
2. Turken
3. Joden
Nice meme. We make you relevant internationally.
Turkey is the Mexico of Europe.
>Ignoring the fact you are already outbred
>Not realizing Chinese birth rates are almost as low as whites
>Counting all Chinese, not just the few in Canada
Stop, your embarrassing yourself.
Lolwut? Only thing people outside of Canada hear about you is when you fail to leave the country.
> 2 and 3
It sure is normal for a slave to hate his masters
Spain is.
>few in canada
>majority of populations are centered in largest cities
>chinese infest and outnumber everyone else in largest cities
just wow
t. Jose Mendoza
You have a serious misunderstanding of the US/Saudi relationship if you think they are our masters
its the other way around, if you weren't a dirty mudshit you could figure that out.
Look at every "Canadian" athlete.
Look at every "Canadian" international feat.
Look at everything " Canada" did.
Thank us later. You work the land to feed your elite like a good goy.
1. Mexicans
2. China
3. Niggers
You're some sort of stupid aren't you? Well ignore facts if you wish and keep using an argument I already BTFOed you in if you wish, I'm done here, based leaf out.
Hola Marruecos. Como te tratan los espanoles?
Ask the internationals what Quebec has done, do it. Then ask what Canada has done.
>What happens next will blow your mind.
>get blown the fuck out
>wont admit chinese are taking over canada
>i-im just going to l-leave now...
typical leaf nigger
Why Iceland?
because the incesto.
True your Moroccan population is usually shit tier
Look at the names of people who accomplished those things.
>What happens next will blow your prostate.
Anyway, shouldn't you go to bed? You have to wake up early to work for Mr.Beaudoin so you cab get taxed at a 90% rate. My neetbux won't pay themselves.
Except they aren't and nice turn around when you aren't admitting that minorities WILL take over your country, Canada still has a chance, for you it's just time. I repeat, please leave you're embarrassing yourself. I gave facts you gave nothing.
>Inb4 more "b-b-but the Chinese..."
Nice meme
As is with all diaspora they can't shut up about how great Morocco is but not a hair on their body want's to live there
Sorry I can't speak taco
The fuck did we do to you?
>English faggots
>France before niggers...
Implying Quebecois have any power outside of their shitty province. Also, you're taxes are higher cause the French hate each other more than they hate us.
We very often hate their guts here. They're usually arrogant, uneducated and they speak Arabic like inbreds