Title pretty much says it all...
Ask a Muslim Trump supporter anything
Are you a false-flagger like the "Muslims for Trump" guys? That was some top taqiyya.
What sect are you and what is your ethnicity?
>dat neckbeard
No thanks you have to go back
Do you get hate a lot for supporting Trump?
Sunni from Turkey
do the other muslims give you bad looks?
I get shit from SJW Muslim Women and Wahhabists, but there are actually a lot of Muslims and Middle Easterners who support Trump. Mainly because he isn't a war hawk and his values align more with ours than the Liberals do.
Why are you a muslim? Why don't you quit?
Why dont you support your candidate and just leave the US?
Eh, I'm an Agnostic Muslim. I don't KNOW if Islam is the truth, but it's better safe than sorry.
Did Sup Forums turn you into a cuck or were you drawn to Sup Forums because you were already a cuck?
How long have you been sullied by western propaganda? Will you behead the infidels?
>trump supporter
What is your defense for the "peaceful majority"?
whats your favorite bomb.
Does this picture of Mohammad offend you?
No, I don't really care
I'm more of a Napalm kinda guy
Sometimes I jack off to this sexy .gif with bacon grease. Would you like a cam show?
AYEEEEE I like this fucker
when you pray do you mention muhammed next to allah
You're trying way too hard to offend me.
Go back to your Tommy Robinson videos
Turkish Sunnis aren't nearly as devout as most other places. They drink alcohol and party.
Why do liberals defend you despite believing that women should be subjects to men and that gays should be murdered?
Just giving you shit. You seem based and thought you could handle it.
Sorry to get your panties in a bunch, Akmed
do you recognize the quran distinguishes between meat and fat. it clearly says do not eat the meat of pig. would you, have you touched pigs?
would eating a cookie made with pig fat bother you?
All that retarded finger gesture does is making me want to cut off your hand and shove it up your ass.
Do you support the complete removal of all undocumented immigrants, and a general ban on emigration from Muslim nations at war with the U.S.?
I wouldn't risk it
Ok, so why do you think this is an issue with Muslim people?
It's the logical approach to protecting your civilians from terrorism, not just here in the U.S., but pretty much anywhere.
What do you believe happens when the Messiah Jesus Christ returns?
>What was American foreign policy for the last 10 years
Millions dead ?
Take Vietnam as an example. You don't invite the Viet-cong into your country while you're bombing Vietnam. It's common sense, nothing personal.
Just like how Hispanics think Trump is going to deport all of them, Muslims think Trump is going to do the same. They don't listen to what he has to say.
Why won't saudi arabia accept refugees?!?!?!
Why do you still hold on to that barbaric religion?
can you please shut up faggot. stop apologizing for yourself summerfag
Arabs are basically Jews tbqh. Real Syrians (Not Paki rapeugees) are Proto-Whites .
There's a problem with your example though.
Vietnam isn't a religion.
Will you willingly deport yourself if your people keep killing my people if Trump decides that is what must be done? Where would you go?
Do you know of any illegal activities taking place in your community or family? Please let us know.
Does your family practice or believe in anything Sharia related that would be considered unconstitutional or illegal?
No man that likes napalm can be a bad person.
Nobody in the Muslim world likes Saudis or Africans
We're not a war with a religion. Saudi Arabia is our second greatest ally. Don't fall for the memes.
true american
Ah, so you're that Jew faggot that keeps spouting liberal propaganda aren't you.
>Islam isn't the problem
Tell that to the fucker that detonates on you right after he screams god is great
Why are you in US? I have a lot of Turkish friends in Turkey but I've never met one here. I didn't know any existed.
nigga i don't know ask my parents
You're too stupid to look at your countries allies. But hey it's so much easier to just say Izlamz. kek
You're a peasant
tell me your prayer
is it
there is no god but god and god is the only god
there is no god but god and god is the only god and muhammed is his messenger
do you read the hadith and sunnah
do you have any credit cards and what interest rate do they charge
Muhammad fucked a 9 year old so would you bang one too? Why do you follow a pedophile prophet? Honest question
Saudi Arabia
Etc etc etc
Tell them you're at war with them, Oh wait. They're your allies
>unironically supporting trump
I don't know why exactly but I hate you
You have Thomas the tank engines face, Allah trackbar.
>my countries allies
You mean Hillary's allies. American citizens do not recognize Saudi Arabia as an ally you twat.
You seem unable to recognize the disconnect between a corrupt government and the actual people of this country.
Change your proxy back to an Israel flag, cunt.
fellow muslim #trumpstump here
Would you believe me if I told you that Trump is the second coming of the messiah Jesus Christ?
Hello friend :)
We should be at war with the Saudis since they attacked us on 9/11, but they paid Hillary a billion dollars to leave them alone. When world war 3 kicks off we will be at war with all Islamic countries. None of them are our true allies.
I thought you were a democracy ? Doesn't your democratic FREE government represent the interests of it's people ?
If it doesn't aern't you constitutionally obliged to take up arms ? Do it fgt, get rekked
They have you surrounded. Find the good fight, friend. Kek is with you
So, Muslim and a degenerate
Ticking all the boxes in Sup Forums's to-be-gassed checklist so far
Answer my question
>hurr I thought you were an uhhhhhh
Absolutely fucking retarded. We're a republic, dumbass.
Why sunni? Is it just what you were you indoctrinated with? Are you afraid to be shia because sunnis will "moderately" behead you for it?
no. we have a democratic republic because the masses are retarded violence mongers, as are you.
Shia are good people, but their religion is simply inaccurate. They believe that Ali was a prophet and that the Sahaba were Kuffar.
Jesus said slavery was okay and slaves should obey their masters. So dd you think slavery is okay ?
What do you think of Trump's comments about mosques being filled with so much hatred and the suggestion to maybe shut down all mosques?
Shiites are a joke lad. They're the mormons of Islam
Yeah you should be but you Invaded Iraq (Secular regime) that had literally nothing to do with 9/11. Just wait until Zog takes your guns away. Get ready for a Orwellian police state.
>2017 Hilary wins election
>Guns banned
>BLM chimp outs increase
>Terrorist """attacks""" in Europe in increase
>Escalating tensions with Russia in Syria
>Escalating tensions with China in the South China Sea
>Turkey switches sides
>Jew-SA invades Iran because muh weapons of mass destruction and Iran did 9/11 and muzlimz
>Russia honors it's mutual defense pact with Iran, it's last regional ally.
>China obliges Russia's defense pact and Pakistan's China's greatest ally
Trump always brings people together, thats why I love him. Welcome, friend.
the quran does not speak of this ali. maybe i'm wrong i've only read the wahibbi version this year.
chapter and verse mentioning ali plz
I disavow, most U.S. mosques are fine. There are a couple bad ones in places like Minnesota, Filthadelphia and Michigan though
>Tell them you're at war with them, Oh wait. They're your allies
Not letting mudslimes in to your country = declaration of war? That's not how it works my shit skinned friend
No questions, convert or die
Which type of ghost is the best to fuck?
Ha. I've actually followed quite a few Muslim Trump supporters on Twitter. Many of them are Shia Lebanese, but there's also this one Afghani Sunni American dude who's a total redneck lol
The bad ones seem to be run by CIA, Huma Abedin, and the Muslim Brotherhood. When Trump cleans all that out there should be no more radicalizing.
What are your thoughts on Gulen and Erdogan?
So no Democracy ? Wasn't Iraq about muh "Freedom and Democracy"
I see, so the masses are retarded and don't deserve the right to democratically elect government. That's nice, why stop there ? Why not take away guns ? and then free speech ? Slippery slope is a fallacy right ? I mean they've always been allowed to fuck dogs in Canada...
>wahibbi version
Really nigga? Ali was on of the 4 Caliph, a friend of the Prophet and his son in law.
Probably because you're a semi-autist that can't handle any bit of banter from any of the Alphas. Triggered your frustrations of school days.
>all this speculation
Hillary can never and will never outlaw firearms from American citizens.
You don't know shit, kike.
That's like a cow supporting McDonalds. Despicable, Amana kuim...
Kill yourself!!!
>How much of America do Saudi's own
That's an interesting thing to say. Could you explain the comparison to those of us who don't deal with Islam on a daily basis? (I'm familiar enough with Mormonism, so you don't have to explain that side of things if you don't want to)
don't get depressed have a identity crisis and radicalize you sleeper cell faggot
Hey I have that exact same shirt boy quit shopping American Eagle clearance section
Erdogan is a bitch, I want Bahceli in office.
That's what you said about your rights until "muh patriot act". Get ready for the Happening to end all happenings (WW3)
I can't wait to watch all this shit burn, It'll be funny since here in Shitty nog land I'm relatively safe from that. While you'll be dying of rads
This thread ain't about Jesus you cunt it's about Islam & Muhammad fuxking little girls let the man answer stop being a cuck apologist
Wait a second.... this motherfucker is giving the ISIS salute!
yeah it's what they gave me in jail.
is ali's name in the quran?
what is electoral college vs. popular vote. what is representative democracy. what is an enlightened populace..........but i'm happy you're on point, albet off centre (=
if the quran itself does not mention something, it's not islam. ali is not in the quran. neither are the hadiths.