I am here to raise a hand of friendship towards Australia. Together we can make shitposting great again. Online and offline
I am here to raise a hand of friendship towards Australia. Together we can make shitposting great again...
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Make sure you wash that hand first m8
You literally shitpost tho
your kind have ruined melbourne
Wash that hand first!
Yes gladly friend. We administrate for you like British, you give us nukes and spices. India+Australia superpower by 2030. Very good deal.
How exactly India supplies the poo Aussies post it?
Well, you lot do play Cricket so there is that.
Fuck up gundi punjab curry munching smelly indian
Ugliest race on earth, least desirable males, average 4 inch penis.
Literally breed like flies
India puts the shit- and Australia the -post
Indians are actually white. They just have a layer of feces coating their entire bodies making them appear brown.
This is why the richer you are in India the lighter your skin is, because the upper class indians can afford soap.
Indians are one of my favourite posters a long with Finnish and Polish.
poo in loo
Every suburb that gets a critical infestation of curryniggers gets objectively worse.
You filthy fucks are like the zerg, you settle in a new area and start growing a little piece of India teir filth around you to propagate.
Fuck Off Were Full.
In terms of engineering, Pyramids are incredibly easy to build compare to towers.
I'd wife that bitch.
Fuck off 1st I just had to try and talk to you fuckers to fix problems. Now you are all here
Fuck off only Aussies are aloud to talk shit about us you smelly punjab poo
That's not a pyramid you squinty eye chin-canuk
No. Unleash some radioactive grade Bakchodi and see these weak white boi pussies drop like flies.
shitting allies
aussies shit the threads, pajeets shit the streets
Kek, you just suck at it. We built this in 12th century.
You, or your current owners at the time?
see ->
We = Indians. Start having some nationalism or you will be destroyed by the liberal cucks soon.
what game mate?
I don't know honestly
Isn't Australia owned by the Queen of England?
You can't even shit properly, how do you want to shit post properly ?
We can shit properly, we just don't shit in the proper place. Learn the difference.
Fuck off irrelevant piece of Slav shit.
Go ahead do your hostel shit and chewinggum some where else.
India might be one of the most diverse nations there is,
Here's some North-East Indian qt's.
actually, they're not that different.
dravidians are largely australoid in genetic makeup, and early european skulls in the caucasus have been shown to be strikingly similar in terms of morphology and DNA to what are basically abbos and primitive dravidians.
this makes dravidians a kind of proto-white, from 10k years ago.
kind of similar to how a lot of SE asians are obviously proto-chinese. same in structure but less refined
north and south indians are only separated by a few thousand years of evolution and a back migration of early whites into the north of india, where they intermixed
Fuck yeah cunt, we had an Indian family move into our town not so long ago and they're actually more patriotic than some of the Aussies born here, they get out on ANZAC day and Australia day with their BBQ nearly every time cooking for others at the local park.
Whatever helps you cry to poo in sanitary joo.
Anyone else read posts with Indian flags with a stereotypical Indian accent?
Australia, BFF with POO IN LOO
>A fucking wagon wheel
kek nice meme leafman
At least we can afford our own satellites unlike you.
To monitor shit storms ?
Actually, anyone's allowed to talk shit about you... you're weak, irrelevant, tiny, insecure. You can't even shitpost as well as Australia. You're the shadow of Australia, the shadow of shit. New Zealand is the faggot and gay capital of the Galaxy... yes, you heard me right, of the entire fucking Galaxy.
New Zealand was a mistake.
so POO in LOO
yeah POO In LOO
Yeah, not every body can make a nation of shitstorms and name it Slovakia like Europe.
we don't poo in loo, you poo in loo
so, it makes you a poo in loo
Stfu roach, you're literally the worst humanity has to offer, you better back the fuck off New Zealand, or we'll give half your country to Greece again
What's it like to have an entire education system that designed to teach people to work in either a call centre or a dairy?
Also why doesn't it teach you to poo in the loo?
canads, gtfoutta here ausbros and indiabros are uniting against you leafshitposters
>can't show a slovakia space satallite
>bbut.. but poo in loo shit storm XDD in some Combodian Wall scroll board in order to sleep tonight.
Stay made, EUKEK.
Your ebins ain't going to stop Superpower in 2030.
looks like supreme ruler
oh shits hes right
would u rather have us or nigs and mudslimes who wont work
>few thousand years of evolution
That is everything.
>superpower ever
You'll never be anything but Russian lapdogs
Slavs btfo
At least they're human, roach.
But you are definitely a Pakistani District.
At least we have 1% chance not becomming Superpower.
Have that 99% weight upon your doms, Britcuckistan.
The great thing about posts like these is that you can immediately spot streetshitter immigrants.
You can do the shitting
And we will do the posting
>At least we have 1% chance not becomming Superpower.
Someone didn't get the memo that owning all the dairies in the world doesn't make a country a superpower.
The only superpower they got is diarrhea
Yea, curry muchers are alroight, drive taxis and shit.
We've already colonized you, just who the fuck do you think you're talking to? Don't make me install another Sharia zone, you filthy kafir.
>97% white town
Unlucky pajeet, never even met a Paki
You'll never be above begging for scrap metal from Russia to build """carriers"""
Better get back to some dick sucking pajeet, or the next delivery of Soviet era Ships will be 'delayed'
Kek fuck off roach, living in shithole ghettos in London and Bradford definitely doesn't mean "colonisation" now get back to licking Greek arseholes so you can get into the EU and rid of all those pesky refugees
>weak, irrelevant, tiny, insecure.
literally Turkey in four words.
That was the final act of disrespetc.
>Sharia neighborhood #2371 activated.
>Feelings police notified.
>Just being you is enough punishment.
You're in all sorts of trouble now pig.