I'm visiting Palestine right now. AMA
I'm visiting Palestine right now. AMA
what the fuck is that?
How's the weather?
wall with israel?
>That flag
Stay safe Palestine bro, those Jews are cancer
Why didn't you go somewhere developed on holiday instead?
Wana smoke a blunt and shoot m16s?
Will you be throwing rocks?
How much of a shithole is it?
can you post proof with timestamp
Are there any good looking women or are they all fat and hairy?
Prototype trump wall.
A checkpoint, passage to Israeli area
Pretty hot, going up to about 36 degrees but humidity is very low, which makes it actually comfortable.
Not a palestinian
Bro, this place explodes not only literally, but mostly economically. This is capitalism right here and now, tall buildings are being constructed everywhere, land is becoming expensive as fuck, taxation is very hard to execute, no bullshit papers and permissions, people run their businesses how ever they want. And the food is delicious without food safety control, there are no deadly accidents even if NOBODY has a belt in the car and traffic rules are basically made up on the fly by drivers.
Why not m8, always up for quality weed. I'll be visiting Jerusalem and Tel Aviv soon too
Why would I?
I always imagined the entirety of Palestine to be filled with radicals with guns in every corner and in almost all the streets. Is that what you see there?
Bethlehem area is really nice. Only thing that needs to be fixed is the littering and adding a little more æsthetic sense to the construction process. I buy everything myself, people speak english, russian, some other languages.
Oy m8 I will but not sure what you want, the view outside is pretty much same as the google pictures
This is a true high test paradise. Those women are extremely attractive, If I was not a racist I'd bleach the hell out of them
>capitalism in action
Sounds pretty fucking awesome, actually.
Except for the whole "constantly being blown to shit thanks to warcrime kikes" part
Nah m8 people live their lives as everywhere
No m8 I don't know how is the rest of Palestine, but here even the checkpoint soldiers are bored as fuck (and lots of qt3.14s btw). People even work in Jerusalem and live in Palestine, that's normal
You could take a picture of your outside window view with Palestinian money with a timestamp
take a picture with shekels and timestamps or fuck off. Any asshole can turn on any proxy and claim to be from anywhere.
Seems to me that lots of people in Palestine don't really give a fuck about how Israel owns the land they used to
Arent shekels Israeli currency though?
They do, but they understand that they will not win with sticks against tanks. So they build their life instead.
Cool man, thanks for the proof
so they pretty much gave up on reclaiming their land then?
what is that maribor thing you're holding there?
No, but there is nothing they can do
I consider this place as a proof that capitalism will grow flowers on the garbage
a 20 pack of Marlboro red?
Did you talk politics with anyone?
I'd like yo know what the Palis think
Its the wall between the border of israel and palestine, do you even know anything about the 2?
Fuck, I'm not good with cigarettes. I was also confused by the Arabic handwriting on the black.
Oy vey officer I dindu nuffin'
Basically most are annoyed by the situation, but they always say that they hate zionists and not jews.
In general it's mostly redpilled area
Where areyou heading to? When I went, the ckeckpoint looked like a normal border post or toll station and the soldiers didn't even ceck anything
Where? Israel?
>taxation is very hard to execute,
>no bullshit papers and permissions,
>people run their businesses how ever they want. >And the food is delicious without food safety control, there are no deadly accidents even if NOBODY has a belt in the car and
>traffic rules are basically made up on the fly by drivers.
Anarcho-capitalism wet dreams?
Were you in Israel already, if so where and what did you think about it?
And would you like some guidance regarding having fun in TLV? It's my hometown
Palestine, Bethlehem
Are they voting for Trump?
Fucking underage guaranteed.
>non us citizens
>voting in the us
you better be pretending to be retarded
Israeli Jews are so based. Ever been to moco Maryland? The Jews here are the exact opposite,
Bunch of traitors
Then please stohb using the letter 'æ' for your political purposes, shill.
Yeah, I've been in few places, including Jerusalem Mall. Highly developed, clean and fun place. Arabs next to jews and russians, nobody cares. A lot of cowboys.
I really don't view our "brothers" from across the pond(s) as a part of our people 2bh, Israelis have their own culture which is not necessarily the Jewish diaspora culture
Yeah this country is mostly very chill
Where are you actually from ?
Go fuck yourself snownigger, it was used in latin before you polar bear fuckers even got to know the alphabet
Fucking snowape.
Thanks for the flag bro, stay safe.
True, I've been even hitting on the qt soldiers in TLV and they played along
sure are a lot of rich 'traitors' down River rd
Out qts love them rugged goyim, seriously. Looking Euro here is a huge perk with the ladies
You're a jew, arab, russian or...?
No such thing as "Palestine", faggot.
Why arent you smoking camels? Don't they have Camels there? With the finest turkish tobacco peasant money can buy?
Have you been to any of the Israeli settlements yet?
How often do you get harassed by IDF for not being a tourist on the other side of the wall?
posting Leem Lubany, fugging gorgeous Palestinian actress, i.e. the middle eastern Emma Watson. Try to find her OP
Oy vey that's true, but racemixing is a sin
I thought people are used to foreigners but all the eyes are on me, makes me a little nervous sometimes
I'll lose connection now but I'll be back later
that is a YUUUGE fucking wall i will tell you
That's not the point. Are they voting for trump? I'm now a #cruzmissile
answer me you lazy nigger
I do enjoy Camel Black desu
I didn't visit the settlements and yes, the border control was annoyed when I mentioned I'm staying in Bethlehem
Is this true? I could have easy access to some of the hottest women on the planet and not have them force conversion upon me? I thought your qt's would view muricans with the same disdain they have for Sephardics and Mizrahi
Jerusalem, Hans
How's the economic collapse going, Rhodesia bro? Stay safe, those nignogs are cancer.
srs OP, find Leem and take a picture with her. phaggot.
Is it cheap travelling that part of the world ordo you need a bit of money saved to get around?
be more specific
>unironically supporting the Palestinian economy.
>dares to call anyone else names.
You should just hang yourself desu, you're part of the problem.
Yeah, they love tourists and Euros specifically, additionally TLV is full of qt sluts.
And the Russians here are de facto crypto goyim, so they don't care and russian chicks are obviously the hottest, although I am biased.
I don't think most people here care about Judaism, unless they are actually orthodox, in which case it's kinda gross to fuck them anyway
Are you one of these BLM protesters?
Who cares if some Euro has fun in Bait Lehem?
It's not gonna save the Palis, we're still gonna win every time and their resistance will still be futile. Not to mention that economic prosperity means less will to fight a losing war.
Y-y-you're kidding, right?
No, we will still win this silly "war" regardless. I truly don't give a fuck.
How can you afford internet access when bread is $1 Trillion per loaf in your country?
You do realise this is bigger than your petty conflict, right? By throbbing on the UN's cock you're giving liberals everywhere purpose. So, jew, you should care.
Y-y-you're kidding, right?
I don't care about what leftists think too, they will be a dying breed very soon, when true Jihad comes to Europe, and if the UN would have had any power, I'd be posting from my grave.
Don't get airstriked lol.
>their land
Nice bait.
don't get to political arguments with settlers, they are crazy bunch.
have fun, take care and try to survive the propaganda from both sides.
even if do, never admit you are associated with "breaking the silence( shovrim shtika )" or "btselem", they are far left Jewish organization and most people hate them (they are like Jews in the west).
>jidf cuck again
Stolen in 1948 and it continues. That's why the Jews never declare IsraHells borders.
Doesn't fucking exist you faggot.
>is a racist
>hits on jewish girls
Your not visiting PALESTINE you are visiting another part of Israel
Botswana is two horizontal stripes with a black stripe in the middle.
Fuck btselem. Traitors will be shot.
What the fuck, and I am called the jidf shill. You must be out of your God damn mind if you think the left are a dying breed, you dim witted sorry excuse for a human being.
do you ever wish you could reinstate the apartheid and become Rhodesia again?
c-can i come too
the war zone is gaza where hamas rules. west bank is PLO which cooperates with israel so it's pretty chill and quiet other than occassional stabbing etc