1960s South Korea

>1960s South Korea
>gross domestic product per capita 70 USD
>one of the poorest countries on the planet

>2005 South Korea
>gross domestic product per capita 20 000 USD
>one of the richest countries on the planet

What went right and how do we emulate it?

What went horribly, terribly right, to allow them to go from Africa tier to world leader in a single generation?

Park Chung-hee


We showed them what to do in terms of economic and socially acceptable things and invested heavily in them because of China

They later took what we showed them and developed which led to all that you currently hear and read about


South Korea was a authoritarian military dictatorship during its biggest growth period, they weren't the USA's puppet "democracy" like you might assume.

This, you did the same in Japan and Germoney.
It was a deliberate strategy to keep you from having to do everything yourselves.

You're correct. Park Chung Hee was assassinated by the Korean CIA, which was controlled by the actual CIA. So it's safe to say that the US wanted someone more supportive of them in power. South Korea's rise is at least 90% thanks to Park. The guy was a visionary.

I'm pretty fucking tired of illiterate burgerbois spouting off some rando versions of history that make them feel good.

Another thing to keep in mind is that North Korea was wealthier than South Korea before Park came along.

as always - capitalism

>What went right and how do we emulate it?

well you get some dictatorship some hive mentality of asians, remove individuality, and be at a crossroads of trade rutes.

and that's about that .

work work

why warcraft 3 map tho

They put all the crazy in one side and cut it off.

Also Samsung happened.

Is Seoul nice to visit? I've always wanted to go.

Then please do tell me what "really" happened

>crossroad of trade routes
>South Korea

Youre thinking of Singapore probably

If it was just le capitalism then other capitalist states would see comparable growth. They don't, thus it isn't just capitalism.
In fact, there is no strong correlation between capitalism and wealth.

inb4 no true capitalism fallacies

Capitalism doesn't work on niggers.

>still a shithole

Park Chung Hee
8/10 would vote for him

It didn't go right. Money isn't everything. Their society is fucked by western ideology and they will probably go extinct by 2100.

They let US fuck em in the ass for free money.
Same shit with Japan and Germany.

Important difference. Unlike, say african or S. American shitholes, they actually used the money to improve infrastructure, industrial base and education.

But other capitalist states DID see comparable growth, like the miracle on the Rhine, or Les Trente Glorieuses, or the japanese econ boom etc

SOME states saw a SOMEWHAT comparable growth rate. Most did not.

Nigga is this warcraft 3 ?

America invaded and gave them democracy/capitalism

It helps having a ruthless communist dictator next door to motivate you.

the Danes provided development assistance and guidance to them... lmao

How do South Koreans get off if porn is banned?


better than yours ivan

You can't.
>Investing, Manufacturing, Infrastructure.
3 pillars of economic growth.

Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, China are in the 10%-growth-per-year-for-25-years group.

Just compare India to China ffs.

Is that "most" composed almost exclusively of nigger and arab countries?

Yeah this pretty much
The dude didnt care about personal wealth and he did everything (including lots of killing) in his power to turn korea into a industrial powerhouse