Have you seen this movie yet...

Have you seen this movie yet? They've been trying to get it banned in my country (shitstralia) and they had to cancel several screenings at universities due to protests and female chimpout.

>tfw feminists respond to a documentary that claims feminists try to silence men's rights by trying to silence a documentary about men's rights

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I saw it and i dunno. To me it was really fucking boring and stupid because this shit has already been talked to death online so I already knew all this shit. Can't imagine how normies would react but the chimpout seems stupid. it's really not inflammatory at all

I really liked it. From the description I figured it would be highly critical of the subject. I thought it was going to end with her reaffirming the standard preception.

Some girl was on louder with crowder talking about your prison country attempting to ban it

>banning a movie because it hurts feefees

Why do all the anglo countries hate freedom so much?

You don't live in Australia, Billy.

>Listening to louder with chowder
Jesus fucking Christ, user.

>he's worried about some crap propaganda flick and not the giant oxone hole giving him skin cancer

topkek dingobabby

>he believes in the climate change meme

good goyim

>he's a stormfaggot

good goyim

Easier to control a docile nation.

I agree with this. It wasn't all that well structured and edited, in that it kind of jumped between different talking points kind of rapidly and not going far enough in depth with them. However like you said, these topics have been talked to death online but I still think that the vast majority of people have not come in contact with these topics or dismiss them as "evil mysoggyknees MRA's". I think it is important to try and inform people of the struggles that men can go through and where "feminism" goes off the rails, but not in a full propaganda hate campaign that reeks of resentment.

It also didn't really seem to have a strong narrative or through line, The idea of her "becoming red pilled" wasn't that strong and really was just a few video diary clips. It didn't really suggest anything new or ways to fix the problem. It kind of just threw out these topics of discussion and asked "so what do you think of this?".

>Le men's rights meme

I can literally smell the dandruff, dried semen, and old fast food wrappers surrounding your "battle station" from here.

They offer numbers and good moments, but over the interviewer is shit, and wastes her opportunity with the feminists. Or rather, she manages to find feminists who are blatantly biased and dismissive instead of real feminists. And even when faced with these wild feminists, she doesn't challenge them.

Are you saying men's issues don't matter? That's like saying, cancer issues don't matter because female issues are more important. What do you think about paternity issues?

and I can hear your roast beef sandwich flapping on the wind out of butthurt lmao


This documentary is pretty great.

What lead you to that conclusion Chaim? He didn't say a single stormfag like.

I felt at ease watching this


Why would I watch a movie that embodies everything I want to avoid on the internet?

Just download the movie and spread it all over Oz

Why not?

>Or rather, she manages to find feminists who are blatantly biased and dismissive instead of real feminists
There are individual cases where I might agree with you here, but when the individuals involved include reputable academic scholars and the head of a feminist magazine, it seems very no true scotsman to claim that they aren't "real feminists"

It was okay. For people who are fairly new to the topic probably better than to the ones who are already familiar with men's issues. It's to that reason not as in-depth as you would wish.

Banning that movie in Australia is a dick move nonetheless. And it shows that they are clearly against men, as no one would have to fear anything of that movie who isn't blatantly working against true balance between the sexes.
8/10 for people who are new to the topic


its not banned
you wont go to jail if you watch it
no one is obligated to show every shitty movie that comes out

You're correct it's not a ban, but is it justified to cancel showings because one group was particularly loud with their distaste? That seems like a dangerous precedent