So did we like this show?
13 reasons why
sjw leftist propaganda bullshit
Its a show about a dumb bitch killing herself.
Why would anyone like that.
it's garbage for teenagers, why even watch it if you're not in high school?
She was a dumb cunt.
Also 80% of people that commit suicide are male.
should be called debranded
they always look like they're in a cult
More buzzwords please.
Being honest here, I liked it up until the final half of the show. It turned into a blame game. She kept getting herself into shitty situations instead of avoiding them. And it glorifies suicide like people will actually care after you die.
Everyone except based Jeff a shit
>we keep getting threads about this shitheap every single day
get the fuck out of here shill
more buzzwords autist?
Why did that Tyler faggot use the loudest camera in history to take his stalking photos?
From what I get the story is that the chick made tapes and gave them to each person she thought was responsible for her suicide right? What I don't get is why the fuck would anyone give a shit and listen to them? If a girl khs and I got a tape telling me I'm responsible I would get rid of it, the girl is dead already anyway so who cares.
The worst part is that I'm sure some dumb idiot girl will do the same in real life to copy the show.
>The worst part is that I'm sure some dumb idiot girl will do the same in real life to copy the show.
They did. A mate of mine is a high school teacher, him and his co-workers have been called in to discuss this show and how students may be trying to do something similar and how the teachers should at least try to keep an eye out
While it is sad that girls will be wanting to do the tapes thing, it's important to understand that it's supposed to be fiction and be seen as a way for people to be able to express themselves before they actually kill themselves. It's exaggerated fiction to open the conversation about suicide and the importance of expressing yourself about it in a safe and responsible manner.
But how does the show imply you should do it in a safe and responsible manner? The girl does it after she dies, it's the complete opposite of doing it while you are alive because it's edgy and cool and suicidal kids will dig it. Talking about suicide while you are alive still makes people look weak, doing it after you died (by leaving a message) makes it look like it's serious. Does the show address this?
We didn't.
The bitch lost all sympathy when she went full passive-aggressive mode in the counselor's office fighting with every ounce of her being to not get help, then stormed out and waited in front of the office to see if he's gonna run after her. That's something 6-year olds do, when they don't get a toy they want than make bold claims of move out of their house, but then wait by the car in the driveway.
Fuck, I'm lying, she probably lost it when she dedicated a second tape to Justin for not stopping Jessica's rape, yet didn't have the self-reflection to see she didn't do anything about it herself, threw a bitchfit about a STOP sign, yet didn't see the irony of not reporting a much worse crime 10 minutes before that.
Oh, and making a public spectacle of every interaction with another male, like screaming her lungs out when Zach just tried to talk to her in the mess hall, but barely spoke up while getting raped, even though Zach, Justin, Jessica and another chick were inside the house 30 feet from her.
Also, how much of this shit should we believe? She claimed to be some kind of social pariah, shunned by everybody, but on 2 occasions when she came to a party, everybody started chanting her name? If only we were all that unpopular.
She sorta look like Lana Rhoades.
>Also, how much of this shit should we believe? She claimed to be some kind of social pariah, shunned by everybody, but on 2 occasions when she came to a party, everybody started chanting her name? If only we were all that unpopular.
She starts dating Justin who's on the basketball team, so clearly has some pull, then there's also Zach who actually seemed to like her but she lost her shit, and Marcus who was head of the student council or something along those lines. She was pretty high up on the social rankings
I guess it's a show for normies who need some made up fictional problems to entertain themselves. It's not for social outcasts or suicidal people to relate to and it's not really made to spread awareness about suicide. It's the edgiest of edgy escapism for normies. It makes them think they are special because they can "stomach" the suicide scene too, probably.
Nice maymay.