You can only post In this thread if you are one of the top 10 economies in the world

You can only post In this thread if you are one of the top 10 economies in the world.
Also general economics discussion.

Other urls found in this thread:

wtf is this graph
does the us only have 17 bucks?

>Brazil passed Italy

Why does pol always post graphs without information?



Amico you overwashed your flag

They are you uneducated potato nigger
>Top 10
Strong pre-2014 map you have there, lad


Here's a updated one


GDP in trillions i think

Aw shit, Leafs made it! But you know you've just given tons of Leaf shitposters the green light for this thread right?

>Leafs made it!
both charts are ouilooks, predictions.

see you in January

Demand liberation by Mother Russia NAO!


Russia is fucking garbage lmao.

>India creeping up on Russia
>Passed by Italy

>both charts are ouilooks, predictions.

My EU citizenship allows me to post in this thread

You are a non-country, let the bigs talk here without being annoyed


Your not even a country.
Go away little man.

why India?


>Because le superpower by 2030.
The memes are becoming a reality...

because your father never sent you to school and sent us all his money

Hahahaha ahhahahahaha Slovakia BTFO

At least we have loos, Poo.

>let the bigs talk
Carefull now pasta maker, your banks need that money from Brussels

Make me

Why is my country so rich?? I seriously didn't expect that, thinking we were 50 or more.

> Top 10 economies

> Brazil has 21/50 of the worlds most violent cities

> Cool

I guess you guys can finally afford a few loos.


their nominal GDP per capita is something like $1,800.

are you stupid Stefano

do you just read Le Fatto Quotidiano

we are a G7 country, we have some of the biggest and most advanced chemical farmaceutical and heavy industry (steel, aerospace, etc.) firms,
plus all that "made in italy" luxury shit

yes the crisis hit us hard and our banks are fragile, but Italy was literally kicking ass until 2008

Does debt count apparently?


Yeah I remember those times...

>per capita

Also, MMT is the economic redpill.

redpill me on the difference between these two.

Start with this mainstream book:

then why is everyone here so fucking poor?

meme is true isn't it?

GDP: total value of products and services produced within an economy
GDP per capita: GDP devided by the population (gives a view of the welfare of a nation)

That's why you see countries like the USA, China, India, Brazil,... in the top 10 of GDP (because they have a lot of people) but when you see the top 10 in GDP per capita, you see countries like Luxembourg, Switserland, Norway,...

>Renzi isn't enough to make Italy great again
do you guys have a way to come back that wouldn't include imploding into city-states again, or recreating the roman empire?

Nigeria is number 20, GDP has nothing to do with quality of life.

As a Veneto person, we would love independence.


Thanks. But what if the memeic prophecy might get fulfilled one day?
what if superpower by 2030?

This for

>do you guys have a way to come back

We are too big to fail

If we go down like Greece, the EU literally implodes, Germany consenting or not, and then like a domino USA and China.

We will just stay relatively the same until something bigger than us hit us again, like the 2008 USA crisis

The good news is we are still relatively not-cucked and racially omogeneous, and are quite smart (well, we are a people of scammers really) so we will survive a WW3 and rebirth our nation in greatness again.

Please get it, I want to see this flag at international events.
It's possibly one of the best looking flags in history.

India kinda does have the potential to become a superpower but China will BTFO them and never allow it

because you got memed too hard into the self-bashing, bitch&moan italian rhetoric that every pezzo di merda senza orgoglio seems to be pushing lately

>porco dio vi odio tutti
>voglio tornare a casa

Everyone buys your trains, Luigi.

>tfw i'll never see italy become a glorious federation of different states competing with each other for beauty and genius

San Marco...

TFW if we wouldn't had 25 years of berlusconi's shitty mob tier politics we could be on france level

>>voglio tornare a casa

dude I've been in Ger last week and fucked 5 hookers in brothels in 4 days
bus always on time
no shit on the street
polite people

you are in heaven and want to come back?

>Venezuela 48

Top lel

>what if superpower by 2030?
BRICS meme; Brazil has a debt crisis (With some sprinkles of corruption), Russia is suffering from sanctions and is in a deep recession, India and China are slowing down and Sudafrica is full of niggers (Enough said).

Post your suggestions on how we can fix our economies lads.

>India and China are slowing down

they are slowing down THEIR GROWTH,
they are not getting smaller

Economists have different views on this topic, some say that this will continue in the same way it has done in the ancient times. Some however say that India might have an advantage because of its young population and better educated workforce.

Only 2030 can tell.




Brazil is also filled with favela monkeys and can't even handle the Olympics. That image doesn't mean much

Everyone likes your country and your food, you get masses of tourists every year, which is always good for local economies
Everyone buys your cars
Everyone buys your clothes
Everyone buys your luxury products like jewelry and perfume
Everyone hires your architects
Everyone hires tour designers
You guys are that close to starting the second european Renaissance.

Honestly, the more it goes and the more regionalism gain popularity through Europe, the less impossible it seems.
>the second golden age of city-states may happen during your lifetime

>we will survive a WW3 and rebirth our nation in greatness again.

It only is a meme because it is so painfully accurate.

India stronk

dude where have you been? i concur on german politeness and the sure advantage of legal hookers but:

>Deutsche Bahn is shit, sometimes even shittier than Trenitalia
>worst ghettos i've seen in my entire life
>german politeness is counteracted by aggressive napoli-tier turks everywhere
>generally soulless, extremely cucked big cities


>Higher than the next nine countries.

Haha why do you even try.

did I say win, Paco?

I said survive.

we are double-faced and sly like foxes, we always turn to the winning side at the end and don't care about reputation

>we are double-faced and sly like foxes, we always turn to the winning side at the end and don't care about reputation

Badoglio pls go

>there are some italians and germans who unironically think their trains are shit
lemme tell you about this wonderful thing called the SNCF that just needed 20 years to go from the most advanced and fastest railway network in the world to an overpriced, barely functional, debt-crippled piece of crap nobody wants to use

? I thought it was pretty obvious i was talking about their growth, Luigi. The estimates completely exaggerated their growth potential (Especially India's)

>dude where have you been?
Hamburg and Frankfurt.

Last time I went to Berlin Potsdam and Dresden

>go from Ham to Frk with Deutsche Bahn
>hop on the wrong train like an idiot for the 1st time in my life
>get off at Harburg
>explain my situation to the info lady
>she smiles, put a stamp on my ticket and tells me I can catch another train for free
9/10 experience

but yes, the train got to Frankfurt 25 min fucking late, I was disappointed with germans on that

I also agree on Turks, but they tend to ghetto themselves and didn't bother me at all even tho I was dressed like the rich motherfucker I am

India's not slowing down. We had three years of severe drought and half our population are farmers. This year the rain is good so we might hit 8% and above.

If Memezuela was well managed it would easily be much (Much) higher.

>the second golden age of city-states may happen during your lifetime
>Let's forget about the constant wars and lootings (With a nice touch of mass rapes).

>Hong Kong is 12th in HDI
What a joke.

Now post PPP GDP.

Yeah you can't judge all Germany from Hamburg. That city is widely considered as beautiful as fuck.

But I've been living three years in Frankfurt and it's probably the shittiest place I've ever been in my entire life. I've seen some real shit going on here. And I've lived in Bologna before. I didn't think anybody could do actually worse in terms of dirty streets and sense of uneasiness.

I've got oil money


yeah Frankfurt made me realize heroin is still a thing in EUrope, I was quite shocked.

But once moved out of the Central station hood, it didn't look that dirty to me.

>tfw you're from thrid world country with a third world GDP.
> tfw you role model country is Canadá, Switzerland, Australia
>tfw you're a commomwealth wanna be, but in reality we're intrascendente
>yfw you're still the leader of latin-america


I am not sure if you are complaining because you think it should be higher or you think it should be lower.

> In 2016 GDP in Russia is expected to be 1350.00
> From 2.1 to 1.3 in few years

if we stay in top 50 by 2030 it will be considered as a great achievement.

>Namibia and Tadjikistan have higher HDI than India
that's a new low

It just becomes extremely meh.
After 20 the city empties itself.

You would expect at least some fucking Wolf of Wall Street Commerzbank coke parties, instead it's just lame bars, lame clubs, some gigs and nobody in the streets. It's basically a city for autistic yuppies.

Brothels are the best entertainment you can find here.

>India on the rise

>yfw you're still the leader of latin-america
You are being too harsh with the gringos.

>India is higher than us
where did we go wrong?

>You would expect at least some fucking Wolf of Wall Street Commerzbank coke parties, instead it's just lame bars, lame clubs, some gigs and nobody in the streets. It's basically a city for autistic yuppies.

you need to find a qt polish girl to marry and make babies all night with.

> comparing 1 billion people to 60 million

protip: we're still better

The fuhrers gone...

Are germans friendly, kraut?

Namibia has some beautiful places though.

>you need to find a qt polish girl to marry and make babies all night with.

they truly are the qtest

Do you think the Duce would be proud of us ?

We overtook france

I said it because USA is TOO large and influential, Chile has a small population and territory. That's because we won't never be Brazil, méxico, China, India,USA, Nigeria, Rusia, Germany, France or Britain.

FTFY camerata