if Europe was to persevere the devils land must burn to ashes
America is Sodom and Gomorrah
Just lynch all the media and intellectuals/elites.
The media which creates a view is not done by the average American.
OY fucking VEY fellow Christians what will we ever do?!
Why does that picture make me so fucking mad
all your ppl have been compromised.the women are coalburning whores and the men are effeminate faggots.
all shall be purged
>America is a Jewish fairy tale.
I want off this ride.
What does this mean...?
because you realize it isn't just porno fetish lots of north american white women do prefer niggers
Lmaoing @ Americucks
Hmmm this can't be good.
bulgaria remains a third world country still to this day
Well, atleast we have Christ! amirite or amirite my fellow goychachos!
That picture is clearly not from America
America is literally Satan
San francisco is. Not america and a whole.
And your picture looks like any sort of islands where rich sluts go for sexual tourism. Doesnt look like america
>friendzoned Sup Forumslack in the background being the babysitter for Shaniqua while Tyrone and Christine gettin busy
French brah is right bros.
You see he figured out its OK for white women to fuck niggers AS LONG as they travel to an island first.
Great job goy you've done it again!
I do understand that they want to fuck niggers, at least to some extent, what I don't understand is why do they fuck the ugly ones? I'd fuck a black qt, key word being QT, not some ugly broad just because she's black. Literally every picture where I see WF/BM the guy is always ugly as shit. Do they fuck them just so they look "progressive" regardless of how they look?
All goys are equal before the God Jesus Christ!
I guess the fine looking specimen of every race just stick with their own.
>I guess the fine looking specimen of every race just stick with their own
Germans must be a wonderful exception, bless the lord!
can't remember the last time I saw a pic of a good looking German man and a dindu-broad.
Source on this?
Your moms birthday party
Your moms Birthday party in Slovakia
Your moms birthday party in target!
Looks like the beach huts they have in Africa.
Blacks fucking hot white women, is payback against the whitey for slavery.
It's clearly a shill you idiot.
>in Africa
she is the hottest amateur porn actress, dumb, and from a trailer park and nice body = perfection
Quintessential British restaurant
I wonder if people who save cuckporn images have some sort of fetish.
I don't remember her name but I recognize her
Attractiveness for women is like intelligence for men. It is a good trait to find in a sexual partner, but not very important. I am fat an average looking, but I had sex with more women than I cared to count. Confidence is a much more attractive trait
Found her on gif, autumn briggs
Oh noooo
friendzone level max, holy shit.