You can only save 300 million humans

Who do you save? What process will you implement to select the people?

Other urls found in this thread:

150 million pure aryan women
150 million pure african men

300 million white women who will have sex with me

1 million pure aryan men
299 million pure aryan women

299 999 999 prettiest women and myself.

my family
white americans

80% European
10% Northwest Asian
10% Mixed of the other races

Obviously only the best and brightest of each group.

300 million American Trump supporters currently living in the USA only

Good luck faggot, they'll all turn gay before fucking you.

I just select the 300 millions youngest Europeans (european as in european autochtone aka white).

> Western Russia
> Poland
> Hungary
> Japan

Everybody else dies.

250 million European women with light coloured hair and eyes, no Jewish or non-European ancestry
50 million European men with light coloured hair and eyes, no Jewish or non-European ancestry who can pass a suitable athletic test

>Who do you save?

Orthodox Christians

Only Germanic people. No mongrels. Peace on earth.

You fool, you need about 1,000 or so degenrate fucking retard ugly beta men.

It will make women want your genetics. also you need them otherwise you'd get raped in your sleep to the point of it hurting.

White Americans and a potluck of whoever is left.


Are there even 300 million that are worth saving.

>300 Million
Oh the population of the US? How convenient

Are you asking because of the great purge that's going to happen in two weeks?

all the hungarians and good people.

Catalans japanese norweigans real french italians and koreans

I pray for discernment and then I pick them by how attractive they are, all women. all my women.

Abos first.
Congolese second.
Muslims third.
Humanity is saved for now.

After my immediate friends/family, a representative sample of humanity, across race, religion, culture, etc. As for selecting the individuals, probably by lottery.

>a representative sample of humanity, across race, religion, culture, etc.

The Boers of South Africa and various European Whites.

White non Hispanic Americans first and foremost. Then only the white people from these countries in order until I reach 300 million.

1) Germany
2) Sweden
4) Finland
5) Denmark
6) UK

Every other country is worthless.

The White Population of Australia
The White population of the UK and Ireland
The White population of France
The White population of Germany
Divide the rest between the white population of the rest of Europe
Some token Amerifats, leafs and south africans

299,999,999 beautiful aryan women + myself

What will you do for the other 150 million whites?

The worldwide British population is about 200 million. So the other 100 million can be Pure Aryans.

Orthodox Christians, some bro-tier Asians if there's any space left.

Most protestants are cucks, and catholics are literally heresy-tier, invaded by Babylonians and obeying a pedo rather than the scripture.

Your dick would literally fall off by the time you hit 800s


I'd do simple IQ/SQ evaluations, and then I'd maintain the current balance that we have in terms of the bell graph but adjust the average score up by 15 points, because a world of high-tier people would not function as a traditional aristocracy, which is my goal. I'd make my new average our current reading of 115, so as to avoid too many retarded people who would breed. No jews or muslims.

Underrated post


only the slavic peoples, excluding serbs. settle central europe, abandon shitty balkans.

Hello, Hillary.

at that point, its still okay.

Plus artificial insemination as needed. Its not like you have to fuck all 300 million in the same year.

All jews, only jews. I wanna see them jew each other.

Ethnic Europeans from nations that scored above a hundred in pic related.

white heterosexual anglos of good breeding stock

what cuck wouldn't choose this?

That's most of America so lets do that. Just carve out eighteen million out of the black population on the basis of who can give me three fiddy on a first come first serve basis.

how about 94

a woman from every race that i can fuck
the other millions will be asian manlets that cannot compete with me and steal my women (potential qt traps too)

>we get in
>Italy doesn't
>Medi niggers don't either

I like your world already.

also why accept the fucking brits

Seriously guys, the answer is easy:

In order for humanity to prosper, you need all the kids and young women to survive. That is why when a ship sinks, it's kids and young women first.

Having said that, you also need educated people. So first world only. That limits the whole matter to North America (350 million people) and Europe (600 million people) and Korea & Japan (150 million people). Of those 1.1 billion people, you take 50 million of the smartest people above 18, regardless of age. And then you take 250 million below the age of 18 but above the age of 5 with a heavy bias towards women.

>a representative sample of humanity, across race, religion, culture, etc.
>perpetuating the endless conflict

Shit nigga I would be less offended if you saved only the dumbest african men/women. You ruined your one chance to finally unite the world.

20 million Romanians
Anyone else can die

He said ABOVE 100.

Jesus Christ, leaf.

traitor slavs dont deserve salvation

This is proper answer

all white people

i would save the first 300 million whites to bring me video evidence of them burning niggers alive

All Australian citizens.

Following that, exclusively skilled white people from the US, the UK, the Low Countries, some redpilled Germans, white French, Spaniards, Italians, some Russians and Pollacks, etc. etc.

Basically a few people from every European country, so that the cultures and histories of the West can be preserved.

I don't think there are that many only in the USA.

The 150 million highest IQs that ammounted to something in a scientific field. And the 150 million in best physical condition.

Also all have to have a spotless criminal record, or they would be immediately disqualified.

>heavy bias towards women.

You're not making it in

>token amerifats

like the ones who invented Sup Forums, google, cars, planes, mobile phones, literally everything you use daily?

I save all white americans and any person with 3+ publications in top STEM journals.

That should be less than 300m but I'm okay with that.

And yes I realize I'm saving a viable breeding population of chinks, kikes, and maybe even niggers (just barely), but at least they're going to be mostly 1 standard deviation above average intelligence, at the minimum.

>his family aren't white Americans
you have to go back.

i would save all the users of Sup Forums and make each different board into a different country

Are you stupid? Nothing on that list is american invented.

200 million beautiful white aryan women
99.999.999 million -||- men + me.

(I'll have the 10 most beautiful women to be my wives.)

>As for selecting the individuals, probably by lottery.
To be honest, even more offensive than the "representative sample" shit.

This is a golden opportunity to perform Eugenics. Why suffer the disabled, the stupid, the ugly to live?

I'd develop complex system of IQ tests and apply it for every volunteer of age 20-35. The purpose - to chose most intelligent and emotionally healthy people.

Then simple selection by physical potential - absence of any serious diseases and strong body. Presidency - for white people with fair hair.
Enjoy mu brave new world.



None, I'd reenact SOMA with the time I had before the other people had to die.

>tfw 1/4th irish and the rest italian

I'll take my pass, thank you.

nothing black brown or chink, everyone who wish to survive must have iq of at least 125 higher iq get the priority, same goes with scientists and doctors they are first to go and be saved

>chooses 500000 allah akbars

I'll let people come to me, and i will handpick who will survive

White Americans with above 90 IQ who aren't on welfare.
Any surviving (white) Rhodies
White South Afrikaners
Any german who votes RfD.
UKIP voters.
non-shit aussies
Dr. Sleepy and his family

no welfare recipients from any

Did i miss anything?

IQs above 125

I think that's actually somewhat smaller than 300 million, which is really quite sad. To fill up the cap include as low as 115 as long as everyone is white (Anglo or Aryan, both have been proven competent at creating and maintaining western civilization).

Save slavs only, kill everyone else

I liked another user's idea of 3:1 ratio women to men. All must be attractive, all most swear fealty to me.

>americans invented cars


No lawyers, no bankers, no women's studies. All science, math, and engineering. Also some tradies.

> no best korea

This is why whites are smarter.

Every single Orthodox Christian

1. Must be a citizen of the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia or New Zealand
2. Must be white
3. Must be an atheist or a Christian

That should thin the numbers to about 300,000,000. If I need to take out a few more I'll start with SJW's


I save the white British, Australians, Canadians, New Zealanders, South Africans and Americans. I reckon that's around 300 million

I'll save white children, but not the British children

300 million male jews
let them die in agony

must be american, japanese, polish, austrian, estonian, or icelandic
no muslims or jews
no niggers
no sand-niggers
no taco-niggers
leftists are low-priority but not shoot-on-sight

>Who do you save?
Redpilled artists
Hard-working people
>What process will you implement to select the people?
Corruption test.

Only white people. The gutter trash isn't deserving of life.

Me, my friends and 299 million girls.

I would use the power of choosing to create a loyal army of followers.

Save high IQ people, but not the autistic kind. Choose among the non autismo high IQ the best looking people. Divide them in ethnostates (Probably one for whites and one for East asians, possibly a smaller one for Indians and Juden). So high IQ, non autistic good looking people.