Knowing all we do now after both have had 8 years as President, if they were the candidates running this year, who would Sup Forums vote for?
And why?
Knowing all we do now after both have had 8 years as President, if they were the candidates running this year...
trump because i see through hillarys fake as fuck patriotism.
trump unironically makes me feel proud to be an american. i loved this country before, but i love it more with his message
W, without hesitation
Al Gore
Dubya. He may be a puppet, but at least he's not a minority apologist puppet
That wasn't the question.
In other words: Dubya or Obama, who was better (or worse)?
people blame him for the housing crisis, but it was in actuality a hindering economic crisis given to him by slick willie.
so was 9/11
literally democrats are the reason why america is weak. im not even being conservative, i have facts to back it up but its 5AM here and im tired
i don't think G.W. Bush done worse job then obongo as a president, At least bush still commands some respect after he's done with presidency, he is stupid, he is puppet, but he is not evil foul man obongo is.
Trump ran in 2012
Tony Blair and Bush were Islam apologists tho. Basically what Hillary said about Islam having nothing to do with Terrorism and Religion of Peace bullshit. Blaire has been red pilled now.
>Fake patriotism
>In the current election
You don't say... Have we had an American president that was actually patriotic, ever? Washington seen America as an opportunity to become a legendary general, and he accomplished it. Afterwards, the presidency was thrust upon him.
Dubya. Because he's a party animal and coke head. Also he was bros with Putin which means he's a goat politician.
I would choose dubya over Trump
Jeb! said a lot of stupid shit in the debates, but "My brother kept us safe." wasn't one of them.
Also just take a look at the national debt at the end of Bush's second term vs the national debt right now under Obongo, and the Bush administration was ACTIVELY fighting a war at the time.
Give it 30 years so we can get another minority elected so that obama loses his token status, and you'll start seeing historians labeling him as one of the worst presidents ever.
>i don't think G.W. Bush done worse job
Started a never ending war. Sank the economy that existed during the Clinton years. A member of a family that became billionaires through oil, magically has oil prices see their highest peak in history, at the cost of the American people.
I'd vote for Obama again. He's obviously going to go down as the greatest president since LBJ. Progressive ideas lead to a stronger society. Conservatives are the real degenerates. Progressive=progress, you plebs.
Teddy Roosevelt was a patriot.
Did he?
>Sank the economy that existed during the Clinton years.
you mean the economy Clinton destroyed with his shitty regulations?
I really loved when Hitler progressed in history with national socialism
what a great guy with his progressive ideas
Nice bait Tumblr... Back to your "safe place" now.
>Sank the economy that existed during the clinton years
The economy sank due to Clinton repealing Glass-Steagal. That's the thing about an economy, it doesn't shift overnight. Bush inherited Clinton's mess, got hit with the worst terrorist attack in US history, and had to finance a war while the economy started collapsing thanks to the actions of slick willie.
The worst thing Bush did in his terms was implement No Child Left Behind, and go after Saddam/Iraq.
>implying Hitler did anything wrong
Nah, not tumblr. I believe in progressive policy. It's not just a bandwagon for me, fampai.
Actually... As redpilled as I am... Clinton did have us in a surplus. Despite all fucked up things he did with NAFTA, et al. We were in the black. Gas cost 0.98 cents a gallon... So on.
Dubya is without a doubt a better president than Obama.
bus.....fucking dynasty.......obama
I was referring to his mortgage regulations that led to the housing crash
Progressive policies are working out so well Europe aren't they? Oh wait.
I hate both of them.
Bush's policies are closer to my political views than Obama's policies, but Bush is a warmongering globalist who identifies as Republican.
He incremented the deficit, encouraged illegal immigration, and brought us through a 1 trillion dollar war.
He did a very good job at damaging the Republican party for decades to come.
Because of this, I'd choose Obama.
After enduring Obama, people would elect a nationalist Republican president, unlike Bush.
If Bush were chosen, we'd end up getting two globalists presidents, with Bush being the first, and a Democratic one coming after.
>a dead dynasty
>a forming-in-the-works dynasty
i'll take the latter for my new NEW world order 25 years from now :^)
move to Australia, oh wait, already did.
>I am a robot.
Naw just another braindead liberal shil that wants to force their sense of justice on everyone else without sacrificing any of their own wealth or property.
>slick wilie
>not papi bush
>not white jesus reagan
>not JUST jimothy carter
W. Neither option is good, but at least W doesn't hate his own countrymen.
Housing crisis triggered by changes to Mortgage lending rules made by the Fed in response to a laughably screwed up study done at the Boston Fed in 1992. New rules required banks to ignore minority borrowers lack of credit history, and count unemployment or welfare benefits as down payments. The shit loans, destined to default, were bundled with the good loans and spread throughout the economy in the form of mortgage backed securities.
The infamous wall of seperation that kept the CIA from informing the FBI of suspected terrorists in the US, and from disclosing intelligence information on FBI terrorist suspects was put in place by Deputy AG Jamie Gorelick, Clinton appointee during the Clinton administration.
Reagan was a cancerous faggot.
>Started neo-con cuckery
>Did more to impede gun rights than any liberal ever has
>Reaganomics allowed elite Jews to take control of the global economy
gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8.5
Obama if we're being serious.
Bush if i want to laugh to the point of straight up crying.
Dubya, atleast he wasn't anti-white.
>implying dubya had control or influence over anything
The actual question you're asking here is Cheney or Obama