Recent digs have found Anglo Saxon skull types in Japan's northern most island of Hokkaido.
This would explain how such a small country could dominate all of Asia for centuries.
They have white man's DNA!
Recent digs have found Anglo Saxon skull types in Japan's northern most island of Hokkaido.
This would explain how such a small country could dominate all of Asia for centuries.
They have white man's DNA!
They're still practically barbarians.
Why else were they named honorary aryans if not for their white genes?
>Are Japanese Asian?
Is they sky blue?
Ainu people are 100% European.
to what year do the skulls date to?
>this fucking thread again
Y'know what, I give up
Let's shitpost
Perfect analogy my man
The sky isn't really blue, it just appears that way
I thought this was common knowledge
>Honorary Aryan
Probably just some Russian squatters.
heard japan started out as a fishing colony for europeans or something, so maybe
Those aren't Jap skulls, they're Ainu.
Literally the Ainu. They are more closely related to the Finns and Scandinavians than they are to the Japs. It's why the Japs exterminated them in the 18th Century.
post yfw you realize that japan is an island full of hapas
Thou be'ath Samurai!
Ainu's are pale abbos you fucking retard
Ainu is a seperate race, Jomon people's origin has long been a mystery, but it is assumed they are the relics of an age old Anglo Saxon fishing crusade
>old Anglo Saxon fishing crusade
Lost it
>They are more closely related to the Finns and Scandinavians
>literally believing this
I know what this museum is
Wouldn't genetic tests confirm whether they have Caucasian DNA? It's already known that nomadic Caucasians lived all over central and east Asia but were displaced by mongoloids.
Ayo hol up
r u sayin we waz fish crusaders n sheeeit???
Mop that and do little, for more give little me that some motherfucking nude pics cos been so bored motherfucker.
>yfw anime is white culture
Those were Ainu people. Japanese came from China and raped and murdered them.
You're real slow on this OP.
can i indulge in my jap girl fantasy and still be 1488 now?
t. Ramzpaul
Hokkaido has traditionally been occupied by a completely different ethnicity (the Ainu) and the Japanese have only colonized it to any intensive degree relatively recently
Learn English Achmed
Japan's favourite samurai actor was Ainu
They just look like Japs with regular eyes
with the ability to grow facial hair
Well done. You missed the joke.
>dominate all of Asia for centuries
Learn some fucking history for fuck's sake.
Meiji was an ainu.
>t. Tatsuhiro Hakarumoto
fug off gook
Do you even know that Japanese are just descendants of colonists from Korean Peninsula? Yayoi period, you know it?
> Japan
> Dominating Asia for centuries
Leaf, Japan didnt dominate shit, for centuries they stayed closeted on their little Island, they litteraly just dominated for one century from the korean invasion to the 2000s, then they got fucked by the chinese.
How they got fucked by chinese ? I am from china and Japan is better than china
Koreans are not Yamato bloodline, you idiot.
Japanese are Yamato bloodine, they don't look ANYTHING like Koreans.
This man knows what's up.
That said i would never claim the people that crossed the sea fucking 10000 years ago to be korean, even those that didn't cross. That's just retarded nationalism
Japs are all kinds of shit. Their connections are with the Australasians to the south via the Ryukyu Islands and Taiwan, with the north via the Kurils, Kamchatka and Sakhalin, and the east via the Korean peninsula. And the latter was not homogeneous in ancient times, having multiple influences, some from China proper, and others from the Siberian world via the Altaic peoples and their predecessors.
I'm greek and latvia is better than uganda
Fuck off ya fucking bong.
we waz anime girls n sheeeit
>getting fucked by Chinese
Wew lad
But, I'd expect no less projection from a cucked, surrender monkey who got the taste smacked out of their mouth by a bunch of jungle Asians at Diem Bien Phu. Wrecking Koreans and Chinese is a fine Japanese tradition.
Also wrecking the Mongols, while Koreans get wrecked and then bribed their new masters to invade Japan.
Japan has never been invaded and conquered.
>This thread
da fuck what the fuck are you talking about???
you are not funny gook
there are some round eye japanese people with beard
how did that happen?
Japan is rightful anglo clay
Of course they are lad, but the Japanese tend to have more Russian blood in them than Koreans and Chinese do, which could explains why the Japanese act more Western than their neighbours.
Of course they are asian lad*
>japanese act western
Lol not even close, japs are fucking weird
fuck you ameripig shit, you think japan is not itching for war? TOPKEK Amerishit we would have our Yamato cannons setting fire to all of your coasts and our soldiers will rape all your women we will send first all the mongrels such as chinese and koreans then we will set fire to every ameripigshit facility.
Meiji was of medium height of japanese man - 162 cm. While ainu was shorther than japanese.
What's wrong, magyar?
But how the fuck the descendants of austronesian niggas could import the rice fields and other Chinese culture stuff during Yayoi period?
>Japanese tend to have more Russian blood
Are you fucking cuntfuck?
Thank you for understanding, guy.
> japs are fucking weird
modern nip culture is like looking at western culture in a distorted mirror you'd find at a circus.
Japanese are yamato bloodline, the others aren't.
>Japanese people are now in the Anglo sphere
A strong ally indeed
>dominate all of Asia for centuries.
Japan was China's bitch for the longest time
Cope with what? Your stupidity? I'll try.
Japan is 99% Japanese breeding with Japanese.
They are yamato bloodline, the others aren't.
You're an idiot wetback.
I always thought that Russia was like a trailer park version of japan
What does "Yamato Bloodline" mean, you weeaboo fuckface? You shitposting with it like a lunatic.
Sons of Yamato, no foreign blood.
So, that is why Japanese scientists in occupied Korea realized that koreans have the same genes...okay, got it.
I'm English, you thick cunt, and if you imagine that Japan has remained ethnically homogeneous for all time you're a fucking imbecile. We even KNOW about the assimilation of Ainu in recent times. God only knows how many different ethnoses were involved in the less well documented earlier periods.
I have this figurine.
And its beautiful.
I can help you: Kumamoto Prefecture.
Once this territory belonged to some austronese natives whose were like Ainu with the bear cult. Japanese ancestors slaughtered them all leaving only memory of their bear cult.
Yamashita Shunya gives no shit, brah.
Anyway, are you from Far East too?
I'm not a weeaboo. The Chinese and Korean bloodlines are different and have different names
>Anyway, are you from Far East too
Japanese have Osaka origins, they killed off Hokkaido population, that was white. Currently the jap-mixed descendants of white hokkaido (ainu) are barakumins - the oppressed and right-deprived population of poverty stricken blocks and pauper asylums.
Coincident with some current news, ain't it?
What NHK don't want u to see...
Btw japanese emperor told that he has korean blood. Check it:
Also immigrants from korea brought kanji, buddhismt and agro culture to Japan during Yayoi period, just some russian guy said before
Blagodaryu, Tovarishch! And nothing surprising about this at all. The Japanese occupy a rather extensive archipelago, with diverse geographical connections and ecological niches, so only a fool would imagine that the creation of the modern Nip people hadn't involved the absorption of a LOT of distinct types.
>Chinese and Korean bloodlines
Who the fuck even talks like this?! Stop embarrassing yourself.
No wonder he turned the country in to shit.
>Also immigrants from korea brought kanji, buddhismt and agro culture to Japan during Yayoi period, just some russian guy said before
Thank you, guy.
Why are Northern Americans so fucking dumb?
Because you did not look at one limey weaboo saying "Yamato Bloodline" with serious face expression.
> shut it down!111
>one limey weaboo
His English is a bit weird, so I think he's foreign. Then again, we anglichane do have a FEW retards among us, being only human at the end of the day...
>he has a B.Sc.
>he actually understands "science"
End yourselves my comrades.
>>he actually understands "science"
Do you, kike?
First of all, it's: AYO HOL UP, *Nigger smacks lips like he be eatin dem chikunz, HIT DAD MOHFUHCKAINGZ LAIYK BUTTOHN* SO UOS BE SAYIN WE WUZ N SHIT.
Who need genetics, or any science at all, to use their eyeballs and see that the two skulls have fucking ginormous Chinky cheekbones, and thus fuck all connection with Europe?