Are the Ferengi the most anti-Semitic fictional alien species in the history of television?
Are the Ferengi the most anti-Semitic fictional alien species in the history of television?
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Ferengi are the Jews
I don't know how you can not know this
Fun fact, every single one was played by a jew.
But are they the most anti-Semitic aliens on TV? Or is there another, more anti-Semitic alien species?
>another, more anti-Semitic alien species?
— don't care about ethnicity being special
— don't care about religion being special
— don't care about culture being special
What alien is that?
no absolutely not
talmud in a nutshell
This. And I always got the sense Star Trek was very NWO and faggy.
>But are they the most anti-Semitic aliens on TV? Or is there another, more anti-Semitic alien species?
I cannot say much about aliens, however Rumpelstiltskin from the Brothers Grimm books is also a parody of Jews.
Ferengi means white foreigners in Hindi/Urdu.
>anti-Semitic fictional alien species in the history of television?
They are cartoon Space-Jews. Television, do you even watch?
>I always got the sense Star Trek was very NWO and faggy.
Explain plox.
>— don't care about ethnicity being special
>— don't care about religion being special
>— don't care about culture being special
>What alien is that?
I've got it.
The most anti-Semitic race is the one with the metamorphs.
Metamorphs don't care at all about any of those things. All they care about is adapting to please the person they're mated with.
They have the least in common with Semities.
It was literally the opposite, hence the space Jews.
Not antisemitic because the guy who was behind fleshing them out in DS9 was ira steven behr, a pretty cool jew. The Quark/Odo dynamic was hilariously similar to jews vs nazis, however. And the sad truth is given today's political climate we can never have a star trek as good as DS9 again. That show had the most redpills of any trek which is part of why it was the best trek.
Also, the cardassians were the Israelis and the bajorans are the Palestinians. The federation was the eu + Russia (which was supposed to join pre putin) so guess who the dominion represented?
They might have been space Jews but they didn't have the military prowess of Israel.
Of course they are a reference to Joos, it's so obvious.
What bugs me is, how they can make such references in one of the most popular Joo produced shows? Normally a whiff of anti-Jooism would make you quickly being charged by O.J. Simpsons Joo lawyer.
I have a theory: It may be the attempt in making Joos in Jewing more tolerable. Such as Mr. Krabs from Spongebob, another Joo, is always tolerated by Sponge despite jewing him to the last penny.
>so guess who the dominion represented?
Globalist elites at the Bohemian Grove
When profit-seeking becomes illegal in a country founded on the concept of net worth, where every child grows up playing Monopoly and not the Landlord's Game. let me know.
Until then, mildly poking fun at that isn't going to be taken very seriously.
It's literally L I T E R A L L Y a future wherein a one-world government controls Earth an in which characters make frequent references to humanity's barbaric past and how fortunate it is that humans overcame things like greed and selfishness while putting old, irrational things like religion and nationalism behind them.
The Federation is presented as a utopia. Once you start to doubt that it is a perfect state, you start to see the entire show differently.
But it's literally NOT the opposite, the other user was right.
>tfw even if Discovery is good, it will have all the ludicrous shit that the modern Left advocates shoehorned into it
>Once you start to doubt that it is a perfect state, you start to see the entire show differently.
You see that it's an elitist bowl of militaristic nonsense. Jake Sisko, for instance, can afford to have a big house all by himself on a big property — all because we wrote a few short stories.
Sure. I'll buy that for a dollar.
In reality, if you haven't worked your way up through the Federation ranks you're not going to have a house like that. You'll have an efficiency apartment at best — unless they've managed to radically curb population growth.
But the Ferengis are obviously shown to waste their time chasing their tails (hence the "War is Good for Business/Peace is Good for Business" stuff)
The fact is that hierarchical militaristic elitism is what is shown to be utopia in Trek — not a hippie communist commune
Except aside from half of TNG they portray the system as having many failures and it isn't a utopia at all. There also aren't any Muslims, because it's the future. Very un NWO.
Rodenberry was no fan of globalists or Jews.
But the ferengi got a few good episodes, and supposedly their rules of acquisition stopped them going full economic retard. And were actually designed to stop the collapse of their society...
...Jews don't have such honourable rules.
>It's literally L I T E R A L L Y a future wherein a one-world government controls Earth an in which characters make frequent references to humanity's barbaric past
Dude the other thing that bucks me is, that they not only put humanity in terms of behavior to the past... but also human looks.
They all look like a mongrel of aliens and humans.
And then I have to think about that Lady Gaga video.
>This is the manifesto of Mother Monster
>On G.O.A.T
>A Government Owned Alien Territory in space
>A birth of magnificent and magical proportions took place
>But the birth was not finite
>It was infinite
>As the wombs numbered
>And the mitosis of the future began
>It was perceived that this infamous moment in life is not temporal
>This is the manifesto of Mother Monster
>It is eternal
>And thus began the beginning of the new race
>A race within the race of humanity
>A race which bears no prejudice
>No judgment
>But boundless freedom
>But on that same day
>As the eternal mother hovered in the multiverse
>Another more terrifying birth took place
>The birth of evil
>And as she herself split into two
>Rotating in agony between two ultimate forces
>The pendulum of choice began its dance
>It seems easy, you imagine
>To gravitate instantly and unwaveringly towards good
>But she wondered
>"How can I protect something so perfect without evil?"
>The fact is that hierarchical militaristic elitism is what is shown to be utopia in Trek — not a hippie communist commune
But Starfleet is a humanitarian, peacekeeping armada! :^)
I honestly just think it's because you're Canadian that you don't understand. My point is exactly that it isn't a utopia, but it's presented as one. Occasionally, a renegade admiral or captain will have an evil plot, but Kirk or Picard always comes through and stops them, proving that the system not only works but is the best possible system.
If you knew what utopian SF really is, you'd realize what Star Trek is. Iain M. Banks' Culture Cycle is basically just an even higher-tech Trek. The Culture is presented as a utopia, with conceivable flaws like secret AI cabals running the galaxy without informing their human subjects of what's happening, but just like on Trek the system continues to function and the structure of the Culture doesn't change anymore than the structure of the Federation does.
Utopian SF can't present a perfect society functioning in a vacuum because narratives can't be articulated if they lack conflict. The simple fact of the matter is that Federation citizens lie to the faces of non-citizens when they claim that the Federation is a purely peaceful and altruistic entity. They lie often and proudly.
>The simple fact of the matter is that Federation citizens lie to the faces of non-citizens when they claim that the Federation is a purely peaceful and altruistic entity. They lie often and proudly.
And they lie to themselves, and are lied to by their superiors. You know what I mean.
Startrek is also a beast of it's era and the audience of it's time.
The new series will probably have some level of diversity that the previous titles didn't have, possibly a minority captain, which has been done before, but it'll be a new minority and the best thing ever because the only captains pop culture remembers are kirk and picard, everyone else being irrelevant.
And if there isn't a minatory captain, there will be articles starting "i always loved startrek but the lack of minorities in starring (i.e the captain) roles, lets have a black/asian/muslim captain for the first time" and god forbid the rage if they have a lady in a spandex suit again.
You mong. How is overpopulation an issue when there are so many planets, space stations, fucking starships where people can live?
Don't buy into the overpopulation meme. It proves your small mindedness.
>possibly a minority captain, which has been done before, but it'll be a new minority and the best thing ever
A trans* Muslim from Brazil, I'm guessing.
I mean, I am not one of those stoner dwellers who got a tinfoil hat and sees behind everything the evil.
But some things really just creeps me and have messages you shouldn't tell their audiences, especially children (which is the audience of Lady Gaga).
All that messianic talk of forgetting the past and building a new future, "a new race"... seriously what are they up to?
DS9 didn't portray it as a utopia. It's a nation state like any other with advanced technology. It's really that simple.
The fact they hold ideals and yet don't meet them is quintessentially human and contrary to utopia.
Kill me now if that's what happens.
Calling it, CIS white male, because that'll create more controversy and views, and the viewer base doesn't give a fuck.
>All that messianic talk of forgetting the past and building a new future, "a new race"... seriously what are they up to?
Did you not pay attention? DS9 is a Bajoran space station handed over to Bajor by the Cardassians, with Starfleet crew stationed there to monitor the wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant and to maintain peace among the less rational, less progressive elements of the sector, i.e. the Cardassians and Bajorans and anyone who has business in the Gamma Quadrant. DS9 is even more optimistic than any other show in the series because it shows that Federation (i.e. human) values and diplomatic practices can maintain a status quo for a long time, and that the Federation is capable of winning wars, not just of keeping peace.
The viewer base does give a fuck, because 3 big-budget movies have been released in the past 10 years and have set a new tone for Trek that won't just be forgotten during the production of the new series. If we're exceptionally lucky we'll have a straight white male.
Star Trek has always been a piece of utopian progressive sci-fi. A very good franchise, but nonetheless, this is what it is.
Wow you REALLY weren't paying attention. Starfleet only wanted the station for strategic reasons and literally destroyed entire planets biospheres to maintain the strategic access and maintain order. Diplomacy literally constantly failed and realpolitik reigned. Right up to murdering foreign dignitaries.
The viewers don't care if the captain is a CIS white male, they'd prefer it. The only people who will be butthurt are the SJWs who have never watched ST.
Ferengi are literally space jews you Tribble.
What'd piss me off the most about that is that medical science in trek is advanced enough that there would probably be literally no difference between someone born female/male and transitioned to being male/female.
They can fix their skeletal structure, they can fix their sexual organs, hell they might even be fully functioning and capable of impregnating/impregnation.
If they get a trans actor it'd be a fucking disservice to the setting and the science within it.
Just fucking pull a storyline out their ass with someone from their past, or flashbacks with them as a male/female. It's the goddamn 23rd/24th century.
I always found it odd how in Star Trek they could get away will labeling an entire race with certain traits, and not be called out for being space racists.
>Never trust a Cardasian!
>Bah! Klingons! They understand nothing bu violence!
>Never expect a discount from a Ferengi!
>Starfleet only wanted the station for strategic reasons and literally destroyed entire planets biospheres to maintain the strategic access and maintain order.
Which is exactly my point: it's presented as if this isn't why they're there, as if they're there to maintain peace. This is your Canadianism talking again, you don't understand American culture and it shows in your misunderstanding of the Federation's stated mission and the disconnect between that mission and its actions. Star Trek is meant to be viewed as utopian SF, providing moral quandries to keep things interesting, but nonetheless showing the viewers a future society worth aspiring to live in and create. The Federation is a multicultural democracy, just like the United States (goy!).
They manage to add nuance to the races in later series at least.
>The only people who will be butthurt are the SJWs who have never watched ST.
See my point about the 3 blockbusters that came out recently, you seriously don't think that the new movies have made the series more acceptable in mainstream pop culture within the context of new geek culture? You seriously don't think that the Jews who make this show won't want to pander to progressives like they've always done?
Except certain cultures are considered utterly incompatible. It has different races, but there is an overarching culture with some aesthetic differences, much like the Roman Empire. Actually it's very similar to the Roman Republic when you get down to brass tacks.
Roddenberry really did not like Jews. You're way off the mark on this.
CBS has different rights and actually can't touch that timeline. Not only that it wasn't any more pandering than TOS in terms of diversity, etc.
>You mong. How is overpopulation an issue when there are so many planets, space stations, fucking starships where people can live?
>Don't buy into the overpopulation meme. It proves your small mindedness.
Let's pretend that everyone can have a big house on EARTH because they wrote some stories
one bloody book and that's it, too
utterly ridiculous
>Let's pretend that everyone can have a big house on EARTH
Yes, the infinite resources meme ignores the simple fact that Earth is quite finite
There's a reason Jake Sisko wasn't living on a a terraformed asteroid in Buttfuck Andromeda
>don't have such honourable rules.
They're not honorable. They're complete bullshit.
Every important rule has one that contradicts it.
The Ferengi chase their tails like fools.
Watto from Star Wars is is pretty blatent. It's funny because after the kikes cried about him what did George do? Gave him a little jew beard and jew cap for episode III.
>Except certain cultures are considered utterly incompatible.
Like what, the Borg? I'm honestly not sure which race you're referring to.
>It has different races, but there is an overarching culture with some aesthetic differences, much like the Roman Empire
Except it's a democratic utopia, not an empire.
>CBS has different rights and actually can't touch that timeline.
I never implied that it could.
>Not only that it wasn't any more pandering than TOS in terms of diversity, etc.
>Not noticing the more libertine sexual mores in the updated movies
Ferengi Jewing was considered anathema, Klingon warmongering and honour was derided. They demand conformity to the culture of the federation. The only remnants allowed are aesthetics that have nothing to do with values. IE, there is no Islam or similar oppressive cultures in the federation. They were exterminated and they aren't tolerated.
Kirk banged damn near everything with two legs, Riker literally fucked a dudewoman. I don't know where they go from there.
>Klingon warmongering and honour was derided.
Because it wasn't about honor. Honor was just an excuse for the warmongering.
Trek made the point hierarchical militaristic elitism because the idea was that people need structure and that structure should enable them to filter the best upward — based on a combination of academic ability, reason, initiative/drive, and passion.
Klingons' posturing and reckless/random violence was seen as irrational, just as the Ferengi's incoherent profit-seeking was.
star trek was a fascist EU
They were cultures that were not tolerated. The Federation is not a society that accepts all cultures like our cucked and failing societies. It demands conformity.
Bajorans, really
. The Ferengi are just parodies of greedy capitalists.
The Klingons were hostile toward the Federation.
I don't think you'd be very tolerant of people who think pillaging settlements and outposts is normal behavior.
The point is clearly made in DS9 that the Empire was taken over by militaristic aggressive types.
>Ferengi Jewing was considered anathema, Klingon warmongering and honour was derided. They demand conformity to the culture of the federation.
Neither race was in the Federation, you moron. This doesn't help your argument.