just happen already, DB is just an investor spook, not an actual bank
ITT: goyim impotently blowing on the rock to fall of the cliff
I wish the cunt would hurry up and implode fuck me DEAD
laws of Sup Forums:
1. You don't talk about Sup Forums.
2. Sup Forums is always right.
3. If Sup Forums predicts happening, there will be no happening.
Merkel will save DB you niggers
Can someone explain what is happening with DB? Why are they dumping?
Investing in a future of refugees.
From 12.480 to 11.740 - 5.93% (2.5 hours). ITS REALLY HAPPENING
was a huge thread about it a few weeks ago.
Some pasta from it
DB has a balance sheet of 1.6 trillion, supported by a market equity valuation of only 16 billion. Deutsche also has a reported 55 trillion notional of derivatives exposure (shitty Greek bonds, ect). They are cleverly downplaying that massive 55 trillion exposure but teetering on the edge right next to these Italian banks.
How Italian banking works is a total joke. Foreign clients started doing more and more of their business with an Italian bank that has poor capital reserves and a shoddy loan book and is losing money, but offers better terms to customers. The bank looks like it's going to fail, so the Italian government props it up with cheap credit and buys it's bad loans at above market rates so that it can stay in business - and keep winning business away from German banks because it's still offering better terms to customers. Plus now those customers know the bank won't go bust and they can rely on it because the Italian government will support it no matter what.
DB is effectively subsidizing all these shitty banks and losing business because of it. If DB goes basically all of EU goes with it.
>implying you can bail out DB debt.
Sure you can, just nationalize everyone's pensions, that's a start
>oh wait, they just did
See: IORPs. 1.4 trillion Dutch pension money just went to the EU. God knows how much Danish, German, Swedish and... no, you other guys dont have pensions. So Nordic pension money, just went to the EU.
Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision (IORPs)
Occupational pension funds in the EU benefit from the principles of free movement of capital and free provision of services. This means, for example, that:
pension funds can manage occupational pension schemes for companies established in another EU country
pan-European companies can have a single pension fund for all their subsidiaries throughout Europe
This freedom is counterbalanced by rigorous prudential standards, ensuring that pension fund members and beneficiaries are properly protected.
>the euro is fine
It really isnt. Its only remaining afloat due to the ECB's printing press doing overtime, bailing out both banks and states with 80 billion new euros printed every month.
And hell, half the reason you guys and the rest of southern europe are in such deep depth is due to the Euro. It's overvalued for your economies, you cant devalue, you have too high inflation. Basically, the euro means your debts will be permanent.
What I just said, is wrong with the euro. The northern and southern economies are too different. We in the north have a lot of pension funds, savings and investors. We like our currency to have low inflation and for rent to be high.
You guys in the south however, have for at the least the past century always run on debt. You want your currency to be high inflation so your debt doesnt go up too much, and low rent, so your premiums arent too high. And you want control of the currency, so you can occasionally devalue when the previous two measures fail.
A unified currency means no one gets the currency that is favourable for them, both sides lose (you cant control your debts, your export suffers because you trade in an overvalued currency and we for our part see our savings and pensions evaporate due to low rent). And you cant devalue anymore. This is precisely why your debts have spiralled out of control. Because you cant take measures anymore.
The euro has to be split up into a north and south euro for it to even remotely work, and then what would be the point?
The ECB printing press party is set to end by 2017. No one can tell for sure what will happen then, but the euro is expected to fall and there will be banks going tits up. Stock market will take a hit too. It's severely overvalued with all that practically free money.
Oh shit this is serial!
...and please don't forget to give back Crimea or we will invade you.
Can't we just nuke Germany and France and get rid of the mudslimes and fuck the EU at the same time?
>don't forget to give back Crimea or we will invade you.
Balt's behaviour:
>threaten to Russia
>hiding behind NATO and scream 'evil ruskies'
Your country is like small stupid dog.
Gib back Crimea faggot. Stop resisting.
Can you take these balt fags home please?
>Gib back
To Turkey?
Russia needs to take Eastern Europe
The only way you'll be saved by the inevitable shit storm that's on the horizon
No silly... you should negotiate Crimea status with Ukraine. Make it a space port or something *TOGETHER*...
No one will touch our clay. Ever.
Is it happening?
Is the kraut bank finally going to give in?
>To Turkey
That was exact point why we ta... accepted it in the first place...
What do you mean by "low rent"?
(((our))) clay
What do you think will happen to the debt when they buy out DB? Where do you think that debt goes?
Fuck jews. Our clay is our clay.
Is it finally dead this time?
I just copy paste my man.
Last thread I had a screepy dubs that this was the happening I'd been waiting for.
Literally moving all funds under management in our company out of the market now.
So if something happens will euro drop in price compared to usd?
Initially of course, people still view the USD as a "safe haven".
>people still view the USD as a "safe haven".
All my money are in USD right now. I guess there is no point to convert them to rubles or good boy points, right?
Please let it crash and burn today. Please let today start the collapse we've been waiting for. I won't feel so bad that I'm going to lose my job now.
EU tax and greek bail out money in good use.
>that correction and still drops like a rock
Economical happenings are not as cool as regular ones, but beggars cant be choosers
Italian bank Monte... failed the stress test. DB holds most of their debt.
No not yet, it's hard to tell where the herd will go after USD.
Cheers m8
Come on, hurry up and collapse for fuck sake. We all know it's going to happen.
i hope it will crush , those krauts spent months saying the italian banks were bad,
>stress test says the most solid bank in Europe is Italian.
fuck off eternal kraut
>>implying you can bail out DB debt.
>Sure you can, just nationalize everyone's pensions, that's a start
>>oh wait, they just did
>See: IORPs. 1.4 trillion Dutch pension money just went to the EU. God knows how much Danish, German, Swedish and... no, you other guys dont have pensions. So Nordic pension money, just went to the EU.
Thats... literally my post. You copied it verbatim.
Good job, Svenska.
Seriously, did you just save my posts from last thread?
I originally posted that. Rent is the Dutch word, I should have used the word interest.
I meant interest rates.
>jew logic
It`s fucking nothing
Also DB has been fucked for far longer
Interest rates
As in going negative if this gets worse. Its all ready negative in some countries.
Collapse when? I want that drop so steep they gotta shut down the markets to keep it from bringing everything down.
>stress test says the most solid bank in Europe is Italian.
The most recently conducted stress test found the exact opposite of this.
This is higher spaghetti damage control even than that fucking politician that flat out denied that what the mathematicians were saying about the italian banks was true.
You're country is fucking FUCKED
you hear me?
>The ECB printing press party is set to end by 2017.
i doubt it, what's your source?
agreed with everything you said up to this point though
It's actually down around 5.6%
yes, they were very informative.
Say goodbye to your pensions, Eurocucks!
Serves you right. You trusted the Banks.
>i doubt it, what's your source?
Me. The Swede is just copy pasting my posts.
And I get it from press publishings by the ECB itself. For example:
But I agree, though QE is slated to end by Q2 2017, I genuinely doubt they will end it then. Especially after Brexit. They will likely extend it, because the market contraction with the end off QE would be massive, and might collapse DB and some Italian banks.
That`s if you go from the opening value or the intraday high. However, when calculating how much a stock increased or decreased you use the closing data of the last day. Which leads us to a lose of 2,37% for the day, by the way. Not great, but not really a happening either, especially when we consider just how fucked they actually are
#2 and #3 contradict themselves.
Well, it won`t continue as it is now at least. They are running out of eligible german debt, among things because recent world events pushed the yield curve even more into the negative.
>tfw the euro will collapse before we can join it
Guess I'll have to print my PiĆsudzki bills myself.
if DB fail and if the systemics risk become reality, it will make the lehman disaster look like a child's piggy bank theft, the entire society will goes under, because all the money will desapear, and then we go stone-age in a matter of days
it could be solved peacefully, if we ask competents guy to manage this massive upcoming shitstorm, by taking intelligent measure the situation could actually have very few impact on todays people life
the bad news is authorities are blind and stuck in their rotten ideologie, and im afraid that they will not take thoose intelligents measures because, despite being absolute necesary, they would look like heresy in their mind
a good thing to do first would be to nationalise the entire banking system (but muuuh free market) and also admit that a majority of the global debt will not be paid, ever
the thing is that the world need a new monetary system, one that is not based on the paper-dollar
but that would requires some international cooperation, and the us will never allow it, because their power relies on it
(aka the entire world paid the us debt trought dollar inflation)
instead i think they will wait the very last moment hopping a miracle, and then, when the chaos begin, politicals leaders will go full WW3 in orders to overshadow their massive failure and distract people anger against muslim or some other scapegoatthe
they will never end QE until there is enough public pressure to do so, which is likely never because 99% of people have no concept of finance.
Sup Forums is always right as a whole
individual predictions are always wrong
Just so i understand later the EUR will be worth even less an people will trade it to USD.
So if i now trade my EUR into USD before the masses i win?
I just bought a house yesterday...,
>i individually predict that Sup Forums is always right as a whole
but pol blames the jews for everything, which is wrong
OMG the market spiked 3% and then dropped 7%
But I predict the same.
Hello Mr. Jew
i was once like you
They'll just push to get permission to buy bonds from high risk companies. They'll continue pushing QE as long as they can. And they have to. Under current market conditions, half the world economy would collapse.
Public pressure will come when companies start failing and unemployment rises.
i got a feeling that if the germans go broke they are gunna start the ovens up again
Deutsche stock was north of $100 per share a mere year ago. Look at it now.
Deutsche props up half the EU economy, man. Its the effective lender of last resort.
There are far too many jews involved in every happening for it to be a coincidence.
Not if we can shove enough muslims in first. Then it'll be like popcorn instead of whining.
>because all the money will desapear, and then we go stone-age in a matter of days
Not that far, but we'd get Weimar like scenarios.
Which good for us, on the right. People will be angered, and poor. And they will blame the left establishment.
Brownshirts marching in the streets soon, kamrat!
>no paper dollar
Oil dollar. Oil backs the dollar. All other currencies are fiat, but effectivelly, they are pegged to the dollar at a fluctuating rate.
Gold isnt the solution either, it brings issues of its own with it.
Yeah it's interesting that it's continuing with no major moves in the indices yet.
did Greece made a comment about this shit?
Stop spreading disinfo retard it was like 30 a year ago and not above 40 the years before that.
Riiight, Deutsche was only >$100 30 years ago. Sure.
You said it was 100 "a mere year ago" are you fucking stupid? Kill yourself.
So I misrembered a detail.
DB stock is still at a historic low, and its really worrying, because their exposure is also higher than ever.
Probably just Soros pulling out his money trying to crash it lol
Furthermore, I'm the only one who posted anything useful and posted sources ITT.
You dont have to defend DB just because it is German, you fag. Its a goddamn bank. Jewry rules it, not Deutschland.
It's the only thing he has pride in. Sad.
Yeah, but the us is gonna end up doing the same thing with the dollar. Both the dollar and the euro are headed for hyperinflation. I hate to sound like im wearing a tinfoil hat, but invest in gold, silver, or commodities.
Thank (You)
ahh makes sense, thank you
I actually kind of assumed you were talking about interest, because the word does fit, we just never hear it in that context.
He said it was pasta from an other thread. Didn't make it a secret he was copying it from.someone else
Great great. I see another """"bail out"""" coming our way. It's only for our own good anyway.
Check my trip 71
83= 8 3
7+1=8 (3 times)
What is kek trying to tell us.