How will he ever recover?
How will he ever recover?
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Its almost like they want him to win
(((The Simpsons)))
How can anyone disagree with Marge Simpson?
the MSM is leftwing?
I-i'm shocked.
You mean like how the Simpsons demolished it's own reputation by being shit for more than a decade?
Wtf I hate trump now.
I'm with hillary.
That wasn't even funny, the only thing that comes close to being funny is how overly obvious it is
Wont click that Lonk.
Will tell my children there will never be a Matt Jew comic for them again.
>tfw liberal nu male writers are destroying a cash cow
Stupid, stupid millenials
What the Fuck? This is literally just propaganda, there's nothing clever or insightful about it
What little credibility those hacks had is now completely gone.
People still watch television?
I don't even watch netflix.
Croc needs to be shot
Can you not tell this is pro-trump?
This is pro Trump...
>The Simpsons
Is it 1992?
I will forever love season 1-9 of the Simpsons, but they seriously need to stop.
It ran its course 20 years ago.
At least I'm not the only one
Even libtards understand that everything from season 11 and on is utter garbage and that it all went downhill around season 9. This is common, factual, objective knowledge.
I was about to say this. It's like a lame family guy skit now, except rather than maybe getting one tiny kek it gets no keks at all.
Very unbiased if you ask me
The Kang and Kodos Presidentcy episode was the best political themed Simpsons.
wow, it started off pretty funny, then went to utter shit for most of the skit, then the last line was pretty funny, marge using her vagina to force homer to make a decision.
Very poorly written overall.
Technically they shat on both trump, hillary and leftists like marg.
Honestly I'd vote for simpsons trump over regular trump.
I really don't get how they shat on Hillary.
They shat on Bill, sure, but she just seemed confident.
Some of the best TV ever produced desu. That episode with the gay steelmill never fails to make me laugh and 'Marge be not proud' had an indelible effect on my childhood.
They could have at least made fun of both of them. Don't they realize that this makes it obvious that they're shilling?
I remember back when clinton was in office the simpsons were pretty harsh with him but I guess (((for some reason))) they needed to discard every single bit of credibility and dignity they had.
No, they shat on Trump and Democrats / leftists. I'd even say the latter was unintentional.
simpsons are dead since the 10th season
everybody knows that
>presents an actual solution
>Hillary doesn't do shit
Homer Simpson doesn't want to vote Hillary but Marge forces him into it. Also the Simpsons are supposed to be the bad guys. Marge is an idiot and Homer chokes his son.
>democrates blackmail people to vote for them
Sounds about right.
Watching now
>grossly overexaggerated anti-trump commercial
>references call Hillary is famous for missing
>woman immediately making her decision based on what the commercial tells her
>woman forces her husband to change his decision or not get laid
It's perfect because it can easily appeal to either side
>pussy whipped retard votes for hillary because his wife tells him to
kek i actually thought that was pretty funny, more trump sided than hillary
>there are more shit simpsons seasons than good
Ad hominum, followed by emotional black mail to vote for a not an argument.
Real smooth, like cha-cha-cha (((((((((((((((((((((((matty Groeninguburg)))))))))))))))))))))
In fairness he's one of the few to actually draw half decent comics. I'd rather not go back to the days of The Fear
>Fox station
>Left wing
Wake up sleepy head senpai :3 rich people are making fun of you.
this make them even better
This feels like a satirical attack ad on Trump.
Not even Jewish
Homer Simpson confirmed cuck
Homer is a cuck now? Wow
Honorary Jew
Monica watch it again.
Not an argument, thus is useless.
Holy shit, they still run? They weren't funny decade ago already.
The Fear needs to be crucified and burned alive
wtf I'm now a cruzmissile
ive never liked the simpsons, even family guy and american dad are better
at least i laugh sometimes
i didnt even know it was still running and i love the first 10 seasons
People still watch The Simpsons?
>Sup Forums got butthurt again
I wonder if there are still people out there who genuinely still like The Simpsons.
It's been years since I've watched it but wow the effort put into Homer's voice in that clip just made me sad.
this. torrents (or streams) are the way to go
It's a parody of liberal shit flinging. The Simpson's is actually red-pilled.
simpsons is like daily show tier now i think
its only really riding on its legacy
so this is modern simpsons huh... i heard it got bad but... geez didn't realize it could be this bad
the adolf hitler book as well, dear god kill me
yeah, but unintentionally so. everythign that keeps trump center-stage is pro-trump. compare hillary's exposure with trump's here.
millenilas probably never watched the early seasons
>3 a.m.
Why do these anti-Trump things keep bringing up Hillary's blunder?
Monica either way there was a lot of shitting going on.
"build another wall" "yes in the ocean, loser"
sounds defenitly like trump
>Hot stuff coming through
No, streams are the only way to go.
not really. they're left-wing as fuck.
ITT: Sup Forums butthurt because of satire
This board is literally SJW tier
I can't belive this is real.
I mean I remember The Simpsons pissing on Bush and such...
But I have never seen the American media so united as pissing at one man 24/7.
HBO against trump
NBC against trump
FOX against trump
CNN against trump
CBS against trump
Holy fuck. They said keep money out of politics. I believe we need to keep the entertainment media out too because they obviously prefer one candidate...
Millennials grew up with The Simpsons though.
personally, i always used streams but i was under the impression that more people out there used torrents. anyway, i can live without tv for months. literally. it offers me nothing. too bad that paying for public networks is mandatory here in germany. another thing that the AfD wants to change.
why do you people think this is so anti trump?
hillary is a bitch who whips bill and they make fun of all democrat men by implying theyre pussy whipped betas
Honest question regarding this to anyone:
Will this sort of thing actually increase the "spite vote" that people who just want change or want to fuck with everyone are going to vote Trump? Is this actually good or bad for the leftists?
There's a reason user, there's always a reason
>Implying Fox entertainment is right wing
Yes, Finfag. Trump is going to win.
Same thing happened with Brexit. All media were shilling for #stay, but Brexit won in the end for this very reason.
Meh... They've always came across as Centrist.
Ok, in all fairness, this is all in the context of being an ad put out by the Hillary campaign in the Simpsons universe.
Pretty sure they are. And I think they're fine with this STRONK WOMAN bullshit...
Murica right now is 40% non whites. They all vote democrat. And some good 50% of the whites vote democrat too. I literally can't see trump winning in any case.
But I'm Croatia and this would just confirm my vote for trump... to see one men attacked from so many angles... It's literally unfair everyone in power wants him to go away.
>yfw Trump announces a second wall to block China
nah they make her looks like a controlling bitch
Oh look it's the 10th thread we've had with exactly the same thread title in less than 10 hours.
>media attacks Trump
>Homer sees it as an attack on Trump
>Marge takes it as face value
>Marge bribes Homer with sex into changing his vote
It's either pro-Trump or it seriously doesn't get the irony, I genuinely can't tell.
simpsons has always been left-wing. now take your guess again: which is it?
Controlling bitch (because he cheater on her) vs
>7 hours of makeup
>"build a wall in the ocean"
>Speeches by A.Hittler
>Ignoring urgent white house calls for twitter
>Exiling political opponents.
>Disband Nato
>Desecrate Memorials
Wow they're totally killing it with Hillary insults. I mean after that I would never vote for her.
Shit tier tv series, never been good, never will.
I think the brexit thing will happen again, there'll be thousands of liberal Trump voters crying
>b-but I didn't think he would win! It was a joke! I WANT A REDO!
Homer is seen as the dumb guy
>Be housewive for life with 3 retarded kids
>anchored to her husband for life
>writers still pretend she has this much vote on the matter
ahahahah oh wow. The best part is that they've done this shit so many times It's not even funny anymore.
Yes and I watch them for quite a while.
They made fun of existing presidents.
I never seen them make fun of candidates and then saying "Wow if you don't vote for my guy I won't sleep with you"
He's also seen as a genuine working class American that just loves his country and family (except his son).
nah, once he wins everyone will realize they dont need to pretend to be liberal anymore
>yes goy, vote for democrats to get sex
> they don't support cuckoldry (((we))) promise...
tldr; man voting for cuckoldrous party does not get you sex
He has been a cuck for a while now, despite being the bread winner for the whole family.
On any realistic situation she would be the one agreeing with his political views. But whatever fits the feminist narrative.
No I'm not talking about the people pretending to be liberals, I'm talking about liberals who vote for the other guy because they're literally retarded and think it's funny because he has no chance of winning.