What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
"Go back to Mongolia"
"Go back to your reservate"
Go back to native america
"Go back to that hole in the ground"
>Go back to the reservation you are legally entitled to but nothing else because you suck lolololloloo
Go back to the reservation
we need a wall around our border with native america so these fuckers stop coming in
almost as bad as the mexicans
"Go back to India"
libtards forget we bought our land with beads. rightful european settler's clay.
Europeans were the first to inhabit North America.
And a nation is much more than fucking land.
> let's give the land back to the Indians
> deciding witch tribe gets what because they where constantly killing each other over it before we got here
we did what everyone else was doing just better fuck off
The USA were not built by native American. Also blacks and beaners were allowed to come.
This is retarded.
I dunno, but doesn't it make you think?
boat to alaskan islands, followed the coast down into Washington/Oregon and went east
"Go Back to your reservation"
was that so hard?
ok back to africa
the last one should say
>go back to jamming your red cock in my aryan wife