European country names

What are the names for the various countries of Europe in your language, Sup Forums?

For example
>Britain=Britannia or Anglia

Other urls found in this thread:

France = França
Italy = Itália
Germany = Alemanha (we used the term from Alemandi, just like in France and Spain)
Britain = Grã-Bretanha (The Grã- looks very archaic, because the modern way would be Grande Bretanha. We don't use it anywhere else). United Kingdom is just Reino Unido.
Spain = Espanha (our nh is their filthy ñ)
Portugal = Portugal

Oddly enough, all countries in Europe are grammatically female, with the exception of Portugal and Luxembourg. I guess the netherlands would be too if we called them that, but we usually call them Holanda.

France - Francija
Italy - Italija
Germany - Germanija
Britain - Britanija, Velikobritanija or Anglija
Spain - Ispanija
Portugal - Portugalija
Greece - Grecija
Poland - Poljša
Czech Republic - Češskaja Respublika or Čehija

法国 Fà guó
意大利 Yì dà lì
德国 Dé guó
英国 Yīng guó
西班牙 Xī bān yá
葡萄牙 Pú táo yá
波兰 Bō lán


zarfat - צרפת
Italia - איטליה
Germania - גרמניה
Britania - בריטניה
Spharad - ספרד
Portugal - פורטוגל
Yavan - יוון
Polin - פולין

>Great Britain
Gran Bretagna
>Czech Republic
Repubblica Ceca

Greece= Pedałosmród

Hungary - Vengrija


France = Francia
Italy = Italia
Germany = Alemania
Britain = Reino Unido/Inglaterra
Spain = España
Portugal = Portugal

俄国 É guó
希腊 Xī là
匈牙利 Xiōng yá lì
>Czech Republic
捷克共和国 Jié kè gòng hé guó

Spain - Hiszpania
Lithuania - Litwa
Latvia - Łotwa
Hungary - Węgry
Germany - Niemcy
Netherland - Holandia
Greece - Grecja
France - Francja (just like the name of medieval state in english)
Poland - Polska
Russia - Rosja
Swiss - Szwajcaria
Italy - Włochy (it's the same as some kind of non-polite way to say "hair" so it's funny; I guess it's because of pasta)
Sweden - Szwecja
Croatia - Chorwacja
UK - Wielka Brytania (full name - Zjednoczone Królestwo Wielkiej Brytanii i Irlandii Północnej)

It's actually pronounced "polan" but still

It's name for polish diaspora in polish

Nie bądź niemiły danonku

>britain=england or storbritania (literally greater Britain)
>greece=hellas (some old people call it Grekenland

>keeping the names that roman oppressors gave their provinces

Top cuck

Armenia - Jermenija
Belarus - Belorusija
Croatia - Hrvarska
Georgia - Gruzija
Germany - Nemačka
Hungary - Mađarska
Latvia - Letonija
Montenegro - Crna Gora
The Netherlands - Holandija
United Kingdom - Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, colloquially Velika Britanija (Great Britain)

Why Russia is called "eguo" though?

>Croatia - Hrvarska

France = Ranska
Italy = Italia
Germany = Saksa
Britain = Iso-Britannia (England = Englanti)
Spain = Espanja
Portugal = Portugal
The Netherlands = Alankomaat (or Hollanti)
Sw*den = Ruotsi
Russia = Venäjä
Norway = Norja
Estonia = Viro

> Norway = Norge
> Sweden = Sverige
> Denmark = Danmark
> Germany = Tyskland
> France = Frankrike
> UK = Storbritania
> Estonia = Estland
> Russia = Russland
> Greece= Hellas
> Spain = Spania
> Austria = Ǿsterrike
> Switzerland = Sveits
> Poland = Polen
> Belgium = Belgia
> Iceland = Island
> Italy = Italia
> Czech Republic = Tsjekkia

>not knowing Latin comes from the dialect of Chalkidikean colonists
>not knowing the names are almost the same just with a u replacing the o
The languages are similar for a reason

>Britain = Grã-Bretanha (The Grã- looks very archaic, because the modern way would be Grande Bretanha)

That's because it used to be just Britania, then the anglo arrived, the briton fled, and Armorica became Bretagne because briton refugees.

>>not knowing Latin comes from the dialect of Chalkidikean colonists
by that logic all slavic languages come from thessaloniki

Who said they don't?


anybody who knows basic linguistic and why did you post those bulgarians

> Norway = Norge
> Sweden = Sverige
> Denmark = Danmark
> Germany = Tyskland
> France = Frankrike
> UK = Storbritanien
> Estonia = Estland
> Russia = Ryssland
> Greece= Grekland
> Spain = Spanien
> Austria = Österrike
> Switzerland = Schweiz
> Poland = Polen
> Belgium = Belgien
> Iceland = Island
> Italy = Italien
> Czech Republic = Tjeckien

Armenia - Armenija
Belarus - Belarus' or Belorussija
Croatia - Horvatija
Georgia - Gruzija
Latvia - Latvija
Lithuania - Litva
Estonia - Estonija
Montenegro - Černogorija
Serbia - Serbija
FYROM - Makedonija
Slovenia - Slovenija



>implying Cyrillic is not based from the Greek alphabet
Literally the same stuff
>why did you post those Bulgarians
Because they invented Cyrillic

>Fà guó
Homophobe much ?

France = Frankrijk
Italy = Italië
Germany = Duitsland
Britain = Groot-Britannië (England = Engeland - used most colloquially)
Spain = Spanje
Portugal = Portugal
The N*therlands = Holland (used colloquially, officially its Nederland, but we ignore that when we can)
Sweden = Zweden
Russia = Rusland
Norway = Noorwegen
Estonia = Estland
Poland = Polen
Czech Republic = Tsjechië
Slovakia = Slovakije
Serbia = Servië
Croatia = Kroatië
Greece = Griekenland

Latvia = Latvia
Lithuania = Liettua
Belarus = Valko-Venäjä (White Russia)
Poland = Puola
Austria = Itävalta (East Power)
Denmark = Tanska
Switzerland = Sveitsi

国 guo is country, I have no idea why 俄 É, maybe that's how it is pronounce in russian

Albania - Albanija
Andorra - Andora
Armenia - Jermenija
Austria - Austrija
Azerbaijan - Azerbejdžan
Belarus - Belorusija
Belgium - Belgija
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Bosna i Hercegovina
Bulgaria - Bugarska
Croatia - Hrvatska
Cyprus - Kipar
Czech Republic - Češka Republika
Denmark - Danska
Estonia - Estonija
Finland - Finska
France - Francuska
Georgia - Gruzija
Germany - Nemačka
Greece - Grčka
Hungary - Mađarska
Iceland - Island
Ireland - Irska
Italy - Italija
Kazakhstan - Kazahstan
Latvia - Letonija
Liechtenstein - Lihtenštajn
Lithuania - Litvanija
Luxembourg - Luksemburg
Macedonia - (BJR) Makedonija
Malta - Malta
Moldova - Moldavija
Monaco - Monako
Montenegro - Crna Gora
The Netherlands - Holandija
Norway - Norveška
Poland - Poljska
Portugal - Portugal
Romania - Rumunija
Russia - Rusija
San Marino - San Marino
Serbia - Srbija
Slovakia - Slovačka
Slovenia - Slovenija
Spain - Španija
Sweden - Švedska
Switzerland - Švajcarska
Turkey - Turska
Ukraine - Ukrajina
The United Kingdom - Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo
Vatican - Vatikan

In my collection with you.

and no they didn't, they invented glagolitic script you dumbass

>The N*therlands = Holland (used colloquially, officially its Nederland, but we ignore that when we can)


Fight me! 1 vs 1

I like 冰岛

>the Cyrillic script /sJˈrJlJk/ is a writing system used for various alphabets across Eurasia (particularity in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, Central Asia, and North Asia). It is based on the Early Cyrillic alphabet developed during the 9th century AD at the Preslav Literary School in the First Bulgarian Empire. It is the basis of alphabets used in various languages, especially those of Orthodox Slavic origin, and non-Slavic languages influenced by Russian. As of 2011, around 252 million people in Eurasia use it as the official alphabet for their national languages, with Russia accounting for about half of them. With the accession of Bulgaria to the European Union on 1 January 2007, Cyrillic became the third official script of the European Union, following the Latin script and Greek script.
>Cyrillic is derived from the Greek uncial script, augmented by letters from the older Glagolitic alphabet, including some ligatures.

It's alright, greatest ally, your assimilation is already complete

you all have the same retarded Holland accent

h-hi there

> Ý

t. Hollanti

>Belarus - Belorusija

>It is based on the Early Cyrillic alphabet developed during the 9th century AD at the Preslav Literary School in the First Bulgarian Empire
precisely what i'm talking about


> The Greeks adopted the alphabet from the earlier Phoenician alphabet, one of the closely related scripts used for the West Semitic languages.
salaam ya 7abibi ;)

>Pù táo

>Cyrillic is derived from the Greek uncial script, augmented by letters from the older Glagolitic alphabet, including some ligatures.

>Oddly enough, all countries in Europe are grammatically female
There's nothing odd about it, most of their names just have 'a' as the last vowel, therefore they're treated like female nouns.

Países Baixos and Luxemburgo are male because the last vowel is 'o'. Portugal is also male because the last 'L' has the 'u' sound, like Brasil, which is also male.

Albania - Shqipëria
United Kingdom - Mbretëria e Bashkuar
Netherlands - Vendet e ulëta
United States of America - Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
Montenegro - Mali I Zi

挪威 Nuó wēi
瑞典 Ruì diǎn
丹麦 Dān mài
奥地利 Ào dì lì
瑞士 Ruì shì
比利时 Bǐ lì shí
荷兰 Hé lán
冰岛 Bīng dǎo

Albania - Albanija
Andorra - Andorra
Armenia - Arrmenija
Austria - Avstrija
Azerbaijan - Azerbajdžan
Belarus - Belorussija, Belarus'
Belgium - Beljgija
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Bosnija i Gercegovina
Bulgaria - Bolgarija
Croatia - Horvatija
Cyprus - Kipr
Czech Republic - Češskaja Respublika, Čehija
Denmark - Danija
Estonia - Éstonija
Finland - Finljandija
France - Francija
Georgia - Gruzija
Germany - Germanija
Greece - Grecija
Hungary - Vengrija
Iceland - Islandija
Ireland - Irlandija
Italy - Italija
Kazakhstan - Kazahstan
Latvia - Latvija
Liechtenstein - Lihtenštejn
Lithuania - Litva
Luxembourg - Ljuksemburg
Macedonia - Makedonija
Malta - Maljta
Moldova - Moldavija, Moldova
Monaco - Monako
Montenegro - Černogorija
The Netherlands - Golandija, Niderlandy
Norway - Norvegia
Poland - Poljša
Portugal - Portugalija
Romania - Rumynija (Pyмыния)
Russia - Rossija
San Marino - San Marino
Serbia - Serbija
Slovakia - Slovakija
Slovenia - Slovenija
Spain - Ispanija
Sweden - Švecija
Switzerland - Švejcarija
Turkey - Turcija
Ukraine - Ukraina
The United Kingdom - Sojedinjonnoje Korolevstvo (Coeдинённoe кopoлeвcтвo)
Vatican - Vatikan

Fight me!


>"And he found there the Evangel and Psalter written with Russian letters, and upon finding a man who spoke the language, talked with him; and perceiving the power of the speech, he added various letters for his own language, consonant vocal sounds; and praying to God, immediately began to compose and reveal, and many marvelled at him, glorifying God."
>Vita Constantini on Cyril


I know that 國 (worry for traditional chinese, but I've got only that keyboard) is for country, but 俄 doesn't really make any sense
It's pronounced 'e', while "Russia" in russian is "Poccия" (Rossiya) so it's not phonetically simillar (德國 comes from "DEutschland" so it's pretty predictable)
And as 俄 means literary (according to Pleco dictionary) "very soon; presently; suddenly)" it doesn't have anything to do with meaning neither

More pls

Holy shit, you're literary linguistically retarded

>. It is derived from the Greek uncial script letters, augmented by ligatures and consonants from the older Glagolitic alphabet for sounds not found in Greek. Tradition holds that Cyrillic and Glagolitic were formalized either by Saints Cyril and Methodius who brought Christianity to the southern Slavs, or by their disciples.[22][23][24][25] Paul Cubberley posits that although Cyril may have codified and expanded Glagolitic, it was his students in the First Bulgarian Empire under Tsar Simeon the Great that developed Cyrillic from the Greek letters in the 890s as a more suitable script for church books.[21] Later Cyrillic spread among other Slavic peoples, as well as among non-Slavic Vlachs and Moldavians.
It's okay, brethren, next step is byzantium 2.0

France = Frankreich
Italy = Italien
Germany = Deutschland
Britain = Großbritannien
Spain = Spanien
Portugal = Portugal
The Netherlands = Die Niederlande
Sweden = Schweden
Russia = Russland
Norway = Norwegen
Estonia = Estland
Poland = Polen
Czech Republic = Reichsprotektorat Böhmen und Mähren
Slovakia = Slovakei
Serbia = Serbien
Croatia = Kroatien
Greece = Griechenland
Hungary = Ungarn
Denmark = Dänemark
Iceland = Island
Switzerland = Schweiz
Belarus = Weißrussland
Lithuania = Litauen
Latvia = Lettland

In Spanish, there are a few masculine countries.
>San Marino
>Países Bajos

>Die Niederlande
Watch and learn faggits.

>Generally, Glagolitic monuments of the Old Church Slavonic canon are older than their Cyrillic counterparts.[2]

you're bringing your claims to absurd, 7abibi

>Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia ja Hertsegoviina
>Czech Republic
>The Netherlands
Madalmaad / Holland
>San Marino
San Marino
>The United Kingdom

Does every country admit the superiority of Britain by calling it Great Britain in every European language?

and now in real serbian

Albania - Aлбaнијa
Andorra - Aндopa
Armenia - Jepмeнијa
Austria - Aycтpијa
Azerbaijan - Aзepбeјџaн
Belarus - Бeлopycијa
Belgium - Бeлгијa
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Бocнa и Хepцeгoвинa
Bulgaria - Бyгapcкa
Croatia - Хpвaтcкa
Cyprus - Кипap
Czech Republic - Чeшкa Peпyбликa
Denmark - Дaнcкa
Estonia - Ecтoнијa
Finland - Финcкa
France - Фpaнцycкa
Georgia - Гpyзијa
Germany - Heмaчкa
Greece - Гpчкa
Hungary - Maђapcкa
Iceland - Иcлaнд
Ireland - Иpcкa
Italy - Итaлијa
Kazakhstan - Кaзaхcтaн
Latvia - Лeтoнијa
Liechtenstein - Лихтeнштaјн
Lithuania - Литвaнијa
Luxembourg - Лyкceмбypг
Macedonia - (БJP) Maкeдoнијa
Malta - Maлтa
Moldova - Moлдaвијa
Monaco - Moнaкo
Montenegro - Цpнa Гopa
The Netherlands - Хoлaндијa
Norway - Hopвeшкa
Poland - Пoљcкa
Portugal - Пopтyгaл
Romania - Pyмyнијa
Russia - Pycијa
San Marino - Caн Mapинo
Serbia - Cpбијa
Slovakia - Cлoвaчкa
Slovenia - Cлoвeнијa
Spain - Шпaнијa
Sweden - Швeдcкa
Switzerland - Швaјцapcкa
Turkey - Typcкa
Ukraine - Укpaјинa
The United Kingdom - Ујeдињeнo Кpaљeвcтвo
Vatican - Baтикaн

>it's all the same
Really few differences

France - Perancis
Germany - Jerman
The Netherlands - Belanda
Spain - Sepanyol
Turkey - Turki
United Kingdom - British

great refers to size. its a recent americanism to use great to mean good

Everyone knows that cyryllic is partially based on greek alphabet
You showed you're retardation in posts I indicated

Last step is acceptance

France = France
Italy = Italie
Germany = Allemagne
Britain = Grande-Bretagne
Spain = Espagne
Portugal = Portugal

China = Chin/चीन
That's it really

kek same except france is just Francia

Bosnia and Herzegovina - Bosnia dan Herzegovina
Czech Republic - Republik Czech
France - Perancis
Germany - Jerman
Greece - Yunani, but also the English "Greece" for some reason I don't know
Italy - Itali
The Netherlands - Belanda
Russia - Rusia
Spain - Sepanyol
Turkey - Turki
The United Kingdom - technically its the "Kerajaan Bersatu (Britain Raya dan Ireland Utara)" but we've used the English name formally since its use in our proclamation of independence from her.
Vatican City - Kota Vatikan

The rest are written just as the English names are (though pronounced differently according to Malay phonology) because we're too lazy and dependent on our Anglicized minds.

I find Indonesia to be more faithful in naming places while making them sound natural to the native tongue (cf. Maladewa / Maldives, Pantai Gading / Côte d'Ivoire, Den Haag / Hague, Praha / Prague and so on)...their linguists were way ahead of their time.

Turkey also calls us this for some reason
Does it mean anything there?

I'm not sure if it's very wise post or very stupid one

I'm not even saying that Wikipedia isn't the most reliable source on the Internet
I said you're right when you're saying that cyrillic is partially based on greek alphabet, partially on glagolic
So I agreed with you
And you keep arguing with me
Isn't that retarded?

France = Фpaнц (Fran'ts)
Italy = Итaли (Ital)
Germany = Гepмaн (Guerman)
Britain, England = Их Бpитaни, Aнгли (Ikh Britani, Angli)
Spain = Иcпaни (Ispani)
Sweden = Швeд (Shwed)
Poland = Пoльш (Pol'sh)
Russia = Opoc (Oros)
China = Хятaд (Hyatad)
Korea = Coлoнгoc (Solongos)
Japan = Япoн (Yapon)
U.S = AHУ (Amerik)

Your post had to do with the subject, so I simply decided to include you as well
Did that one click cause such harm?

Austria - Kangarooland
Croatia - Crotcha
Finland - Fingolia
Germany - Goymany
Hungary - Hongary
Iceland - Liceland
Italy - Shitalia
Latvia - Ratvia
Liechtenstein - Reichtenstein
Macedonia - Meccadonia
Moldova - Mordor
Montenegro - Mountnigger
Poland - Pooland
Slovakia - Slavekia
Slovenia - Slavenia
Spain - Asspain
Sweden - Swedenistan
Switzerland - Swaziland
Turkey - Roachland

>the last 'L' has the 'u' sound, like Brasil,
Not here it doesn't. We say our L's properly.

Portugal is more neutral than male, really, but it defaults to the male gender in Portuguese, since we have no articles for neutral. We still say "Em Portugal" rather than "No Portugal".

Exact same as here, except I wasn't counting the microstates.

What doe "Ionian" mean exactly?

I know that column types in greek temples went from Ionians to Dorians to Corynthians, and that the musical major scale modes go "Ionian", "Dorian", "Phrigian", "Lídian", "Mixolidian", "Aeolian", "Locrian".

I though it was just an archaic way of saying 1st, 2nd, 3rd, but now I'm not so sure.

From the Persians' name for "Ionia" if Wikipedia is to be believed...

It later ended up in our vocabulary through Arab's still better than borrowing the English name wholesale which is somehow used more recently even in news reports - except that "Yunani" already exists in old (re: 1990s) official Malay language atlases!

Albania - Albanija
Andorra - Andorra
Armenia - Armenja
Austria - Awstrija
Azerbaijan - Ażerbajġan
Belarus - Belarus
Belgium - Belġju
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Bożnija u Ħerżegovina
Bulgaria - Bulgarija
Croatia - Kroazja
Cyprus - Ċipru
Czech Republic - Repubblika Ċeka
Denmark - Danimarka
Estonia - Estonja
Finland - Finlandja
France - Franza
Georgia - Ġorġja
Germany - Ġermanja
Greece - Greċja
Hungary - Ungerija
Iceland - Iżlanda
Ireland - Irlanda
Italy - Italja
Kazakhstan - Każakstan
Latvia - Latvija
Liechtenstein - Liechtenstein
Lithuania - Litwanja
Luxembourg - Lussemburgu
Macedonia - Maċedonja
Malta - Malta
Moldova - Moldova
Monaco - Monako
Montenegro - Montenegro
The Netherlands - Olanda
Norway - Norveġja
Poland - Polonja
Portugal - Portugall
Romania - Rumanija
Russia - Russja
San Marino - San Marino
Serbia - Serbja
Slovakia - Slovakkja
Slovenia - Slovenja
Spain - Spanja
Sweden - Svezja
Switzerland - Svizzera
Turkey - Turkija
Ukraine - Ukrajna
The United Kingdom - Renju Unit
Vatican - Vatikan

Germany = Duitsland
UK = Verenigd Koninkrijk
France = Frankrijk
Austria = Oostenrijk
Spain = Spanje
Russia = Rusland
Poland = Polen
Hungary = Hongarije
Greece = Griekenland
Ukraine = Oekraïne
Belarus = Wit-Rusland

what are you?

>What doe "Ionian" mean exactly?

Ionians are Greeks who lived on the islands, Attica, and what is now Turkey's Aegean Coast. One of the Greek sub-groups, the others being Dorians (south Peleponnese, Epirus, and Macedonia), Achaeans (north Peleponnese and Southern Italy), and Aetolians (Thessaly).

When Alexander the Great went east, most of the Greek colonists were Ionians, so as a result Ionian became the term for Greeks on eastern languages.

>this kanker thread

The Ionians are a major archaic Hellenic tribe back from the age of the collapse of the Mycenae. Along with the Dorians and the Aeolians, they settled down in greece and slowly expanded over the aegean and reached Asia Minor

The Ionians had the most influence in Asia Minor, and since it was conquered by the Persians, I guess they named the rest of us this way too

>Greece = Yavan

France - an Fhrainc
Italy - an Iodáil
Germany - an Ghearmáin
UK - an Ríocht Aonthaithe
Spain - an Spainn
Portugal - an Phortaingéil
Netherlands - an Ísiltír (translates as lowlands)
Belgium - an Bheilg

Nearly every single country / language is feminine, expect for "England" and "English".
Best passive aggressive language :^)

>for some reason
Are you just retarded or an Albanian working in Greece?

You Mongol? Why have you got Western name for your neighbour Japan?



is this pepe supposed to be someone real ?

>only consider his bull as a man

>is this pepe supposed to be someone real ?
>he doesn't know

We have actual names in standard Filipino, but colloquially we usually only use the English name.

>Albania - Albanya
>Andorra - Andora
>Armenia - Armenya
>Austria - Austriya
>Belgium Belhika/Belgium
>Bosnia and Herzegovina - Bosnia at Herzegovina
>Croatia - Kroasya
>Czech Republic - Republika Tseka
>Denmark - Dinamarka
>Estonia - Estoniya
>Finland - Pinlandiya
>France - Pransiya
>Germany - Alemanya
>Greece - Gresya
>Italy - Italya
>Lithuania - Lituaniya
>Malta - Malta
>Monaco - Monako
>Montenegro - Montenegro
>The Netherlands - Olanda
>Norway - Norwega
>Portugal - Portugal
>Russia - Rusiya
>San Marino - San Marino
>Spain - Espanya
>The United Kingdom - Reino Unido (not sure about this one)

need help from other flips


>fa guo

You mean these?