Saw this at airport. How long has this been a thing. Is this so they can pray before hijacking a plane?
Saw this at airport. How long has this been a thing. Is this so they can pray before hijacking a plane?
>Pro tip:
Open door and scream bomb, always fun.
And yet they go out of their way to ban anything Christain... We're fucked.
Why the fuck do all... All of us keep electing these cucked leaders?
It's like a small chapel (at least in Brisbane, Sydney, and JFK). Only time I've seen one just for Muslims was in Abu Dhabi.
Forgot to say, they've been around for decades. It's the same thing as at a hospital.
of course jew york would have one
Yea, a Christian one. I think they had other ones, but i didn't check them all out.
There's one for muslims in the Frankfurt Airport too.
isn't that the room for smoking?
hospitals have chapels here in the states, but I've never seen prayer rooms at air ports.
>smoking on a place full of explosives
The reason why Muslims get their prayer room while the Christians have to take their crosses from the wall is the same why Jamal can deal drugs in school without a problem while John is threatened with expulsion because he came too late for the third time in a month:
They take the easy way out and only go after those they know will comply.
If they removed the prayer room, Muslims would just pray wherever they are standing right now.
If they remove the crosses, no one will start spraying crosses onto the walls or anything like that.
is that melbourne airport? i went to go to the toilet at that airport the other day and passed that prayer room
Just use the prayer rooms as a shag room. Problem solved. Just jizz everywhere. Especially on the floors which they walk barefoot on and press their foreheads on.
Its for multiple reasons. Alot of people are afraid of flying. I know I definitely am. It provides comfort. I would think it would be good luck if you showed God some humility before entering life threatening situations.
because its inexpensive. Its an empty room.
But christians also pray on their knees, no?
hospitals here have a chapel and i even heard of airports having a mixed catholic/protestant chapel.
It's because of the jews.
I agree with that. Also why our cucked leaders are afraid to offend any of the sand niggers who take up residence in our respective countries.
not sure if b8 or complete, literal fagget
St Paul has them, as does Newark, LAX, Atlanta, and (more surprisingly) McCarran. I think of those, only LAX had a specifically Muslim one.
That's what many people conveniently forget: the Mohammaden method of prayer is very similar to the Orthodox Christian (the original Christian church).
That's because Mohammed met at least one Orthodox Christian, probably from Egypt, who told him these stories he'd never heard before.
The same holds true with the frequency of prayer and the prayer times. Posture of course is exactly the same, prostration included.
underrated post my white brother