they are going to grant him asylum, aren't they?
They are going to grant him asylum, aren't they?
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The cuck had it coming.
>can't be linked to terrorism
No fucking shit. It's linked to subhumans behaving subhuman.
>can't be linked to terrorism
>"Haha guys, see? It wasn't ISIS so it's as if it never happened!"
> catholics will do nothing because they're afraid to lose the heaven card for salvation.
Seems like good old natural selection to me..
>Poor innocent refugee brought to rage when evil nazi french man didn't give him money to feed his staving family
Serves him rioit
Meanwhile, on the exact same day
Sometimes (((they))) confuse "can't" with "won't"
fucking scum these sandniggers are
>can't be linked to terrorism
So we can finally admit that Islam is the problem.
Liberals are now at a point where they are cheering when muslim agression is random and not related to ISIS
But to answer your question OP, no they will not grant him asylum. The guy leading the asylum department is pretty redpilled
They've gone from #NotAllMuslims to #AtLeastItWasntISIS pretty quickly. I wonder how much longer it takes before they just completely snap.
>Liberals are now at a point where they are cheering when muslim agression is random and not related to ISIS
This so fucking much. We have to start calling them out on this. They are also saying that ISIS fighters are not real muslims. So stabbing priests is what real, not related to ISIS, muslims are doing?
Yep Germany is going to give him Asylum from Belgium because hes being unjustly prosecuted based on his religon.
Don't listen to him Poland. You are one of the few white countries in the world. Please don't do this
Please let it happen soon.
My family and a friend I had some contact with don't know shit.
"Stop acting like a nazi for attention hurr".
You guys were right you have to be subtle and the perfect human being.
Better listen to him you don't want the wrath of Sata- I mean God upon you do you?
Next will be #AtLeastISISDidn'tClaimResponsibility
+yet or +publicly will shortly follow just before #NotAllISIS appears.
In Sharia the stabber might be considered a robber and get the death penalty. Europe needs Sharia, these guys run away to Europe because Sharia does not allow for this sort of behaviour. Could let the muslim population follow Sharia laws then everything would solve itself.
Fuck you atheist niggers.
Inshallah snackbar brother and no, under the sharia (pbu her) he would have his hand cut off.
Allah ackbar!
Probably not.
He might be a christian... Here in Europe the only people who respect God are the muslims. The rest joke and do what they want because as long as you believe Jesus is a man-god then your sins are forgiven, right? So avoiding sin is a useless exercise.
No, thieves (people who steal by subterfuge and tricks) get their hands cut off. Robbers and bandits (people who use violence) gets executed.
For the last time we don't want your god.
Of course. The priest is at fault for not giving him money.
I'm pretty sure what he did is against Islam, but hey what do i know.
Gonna ask the north african slaves picking up tomatoes in my backyard what they think about it and get back at ya asap
>tfw the Dalai Lama is a better advocate for Christians than the (((pope)))
So under sharia law the Prophet Muhammed deserved execution for leading caravan raids?
>You guys were right you have to be subtle and the perfect human being.
Works best if you confront them with something they actually experienced themselves.
For example, when I visited my parents a while ago they were making fun of one of their friends for claiming that all the immigrants have made the streets unsafe.
I just asked them if they don't remember that they used to just let me play without supervision in the whole neighborhood when I was younger, while now they insist on picking up my "little" adult sister after 8pm.
If I had told them about some statistics on crime they would have just brushed it off.
>Islam is a religion of peas
>Muh logic based on suspicion
Noble Verse 9:5 "Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful."
Ah yes.
Thank you belgium, i shall double the whippings today
Stay in your hole.
Look at all those mislead souls.
I hope the Poles booed that faggot.
This is not the future that was promised to me and I'm starting to doubt if things will ever be alright again.
>Implying any poles like him
They probably didn't boo him because all the poles fled Krakow this week to get away from all the niggers
Where were all these niggers coming from and who paid to send them to this?
Best cat
>Where were all these niggers coming from and who paid to send them to this?
They came to see the pope.
>mfw when happenings start 10 miles / 15 km away from my house...
And most of those guys were okay, or so I heard. But you know, better not risk getting kebabed. Especially since there were rumours of a planned happening.
Flemish media is claiming the assailant was only pretending to be an asylum seeker:
>You actually watch the Belgian news.
Serieus neger?
I want to support the Pope and the Church, but their treatment of refugee situation is retarded. It's very Christ-like, but I just want it to be medieval church-like.
Guess I'll just support kebab extermination and ask God for forgiveness later
I want to kill this faggot.