Fat people

So Sup Forums, red pill me on fat people.

Is anything that they say even close to being true?

A couple of excuses:
Muh gland
Muh big bones
Muh depression
and so on.

Am I being a fat shaming cunt here or how valid are any of these complaints?

Being fat is a sign of greed.
It is actually quite hard to get obese, so if one is obese, then he hasent been trying AT ALL to lower his/her fat intake.

A true Ayran will try to be athletic and strong.
Good at fighting, at running and at jumping.

Some have legit health issues that lead to it. 95% is sheer laziness and a shit diet.

99.99% of fat people have no physical excuse. All they need to do is eat at a caloric deficit to lose the weight. Some of them like super morbidly obese people are obviously going to be fucked up in the head though, which is why they abused food and ruined their bodies in the first place. The only real time you can be excused for being overweight/obese is if you have Prader-Willi syndrome which is ridiculously rare. Stuff like thyroid conditions and pcos can be controlled with diet.

Why lose weight if you have a small dick anyways

All of it can be true but it really applies to a minority of people.
Differences of metabolism can make it hard for someone to ever have a low weight, but it won't cause obesity by itself.
Large bone structures and other things like this can be there as well but it's often diagnocised and visible, and in the case of bones is not only visible but will cause you to have slightly larger arms and legs compared to your body, not to mention unusually broad shoulders and ribcage, but sill not cause obesity. As a matter of fact it causes you to have weight everywhere but in your areas that store fat.
Depression can result to coping mecanisms and overeating is one of them.
Overall anyone who tries to justify their obesity with any medical namedropping is full of shit unless they can give you the name of a precise illness or syndrome (and if they can, they are often getting treatment for it if possible, and do not turn into hamplanets because they have doctors to help them not to)

Eating fat doesn't make you fat.

Glandular bone depression is real and it's killing me.

it definitely can. fat is really dense at 7 cal/g

>So Sup Forums, red pill me on fat people.

Most of these modern sicknesses come from regular poisoning from chemical foods. Obesity comes from the growth hormone used on pigs and cattle. Anorexia and insanity comes from cancerogenic toulene and other "natural aromas" used in modern coca cola.
Most governments are afraid to let this information out because they don't want to cause panic, and chemists like me just enjoys seeing people suffer.

There are some medications that cause massive weight gain as a side effect, which unfortunately leads to other health issues which require more medications and and endless cycle of shitty health.

Most fat people are just incredibly lazy and make poor food choices, though.

muh depression is the only logical excuse.

if you're healthy-minded, there's no reason to be fat. big-boned is a bullshit, south park tier myth.

All the "muh gland" excuses are bullshit, the true cause of obesity is mental and hormonal.

Once you get fat once it changes your brain and hormone chemistry and you are fucked for life.

I have lost a lot of weight before, but I can never keep it off because my brain keeps sabotaging me and demanding I get fat again.

I get such intense cravings and urges. No amount of willpower is enough to resist in the end.

And you no longer ever feel full, no matter how much you eat. In fact the more you eat, the more your body tells you to eat more.

It is an impossible trap.

One of them needs to be true. It's usually the depression one.

>tfw reading about phthalates

just fuck men up senpai

because if you lose weight your dick will be bigger


I don't get this. I think it's all mental with the exception of few cases, but at the same time, even in those cases you can still lose weight.

They use these excuses like they're the reason what's stopping them for losing the actual weight. Ok, we know the reason why you're fat, but what's stopping you from getting that shit off you? Reply: STOP FAT-SHAMING, OK?

>all mental
The brain is not just a computer, it is influenced by biological factors too.

>but what's stopping you from getting that shit off you?
The same thing that is stopping alcoholics from getting rid of the bottle and drug addicts from gettign their fix.
It can create a form of dependence not unlike these, and that is hard to escape an addiction circle without proper medical help and a lot of motivation.

Lol the plastics are the least of the worries considering how much benzene candy makers secretly put in their childrens poison. I've tested several candy makers toxic levels and most of them were way off the charts both in reductive and oxidating substances. The only reason those stickers of "ingredients" are put there is so idiots will get an impression of actually being aware of whats going in their system. Gullible trash will eat anything really, you just have to dangle it in front of them.

Can we make this a FPH thread I woke up and fit is being raided or some shit
also never ever ever trust a fatty almost all of what they say is lies

Exactly, but you don't see alcoholics give you the "it's a gland thing" excuse and then just booze off like crazy. At least some try to quit it and some are aware that it is addiction. I am surprised no one started the "stop addict shaming" movement or some shit like that.

Also, it's harder to quit boozing because you actually have to quit everything. With food, you still eat, just less and more healthy.

>it's harder to quit boozing because you actually have to quit everything
No that makes it easier you dumb cunt.

I've been on a diet for the past week and waking up at 5:30 to go to the gym every morning before work. It's not that hard and you feel pretty good. Granted, I'm not a lard ass (103kg at 6"3) but I can't fathom how some people let themselves go so badly

Alcoholics don't give that sort of excuse no, but denial is just as common. YOu'll hear a lot of them tell you the usual "it's okay, I can stop whenever I want" "it's not doing me any harm anyway" "just loosen up and have a drink, you'll be fine too", etc.
>Also, it's harder to quit boozing because you actually have to quit everything. With food, you still eat, just less and more healthy.
Actually that might make it easier to stop drinking alcohol : you just completely halt something, the rest is willpower and support. With food, you have to be constantly careful, and will always be tempted to overeat sicne you will always have food at your disposal.

psych meds also make you fat and lazy unmotivtaed and basically useless for work and some like risperidol cause your insulin to go up so your body does not metablize your food and makes you gain weight


All these plebs that have no lab and trust nonsense on internet. Their completely unfounded delusions are highly entertaining. Most of these fatties have been poisoned for decades and their entire lymph node system and endocrine system has been completely oxidized out of function. Why do you think farmers never get fat?

Pro tip to all healthy people: If what you make doesn't taste good when its both hot and cold- then its probably poisonous.

If it doesn't look edible after being cooked or burned , then its probably poisonous.

Take this from someone with a degree in chemical analysis.

What he means is u can just as fat eating other stuff too

>processed food and the rise of supermarkets have almost singlehandedly created obesity and caused laziness to increase


Take coca cola for instance. There is a video on youtube where a guy boils cocacola. Look at it, and remember that will enter your endocrine system and cause your liver to work in red alert.

Fuck, do these dumb americans never ask "Why do 46% of all americans get cancer?" Are they really this mentally retarded?

>googling that shit
I'm taking up glassblowing fuck all plastic forever. glad I started avoiding that shit already

Because cancer is obviously a false-flag shilled by the pharmaceutic industry.
>this is what "body positivity" hamburgetistanese actually believe

There is literally no excuse for being fat. In order to maintain the body weight that obese people have, you literally have to try to eat as much as you possibly can. Seriously, if you're a thin person as I am you cannot comprehend how much food these people consume everyday. Many of them often eat in excess of fucking 10k calories, no exaggeration.

In order for them to lose weight, ALL THEY HAVE TO DO IS EAT NORMALLY. If you eat normally now, classic 3 meals a day, around 2-3k calories, that's all they have to do and within months they would be making massive progress towards weight loss. Just by being normal. Perfectly average. Not even having to "starve" themselves or suffer whatsoever.

These people eat so much because they're weak mentally and are addicted to the laughably cheap and resistable rush of dopamine that comes from eating shitty junk food. It would be obnoxiously easy for every obese person in the entirety of the US to sink down to just slightly overweight status within a year if they ate like a fucking normal human being. They are weaklings with no willpower, I have no sympathy for any of them (and any medical conditions they come up with for excuses, they literally don't exist or have no legit effects on weight. Seriously, none of them).

obesity is caused by air conditioning

Also, this.

Soda is genuinely utterly horrendous for your body, and it is laughably easy to quit (I stopped drinking anything soda in junior high, have drank nothing but water/milk and the extremely rare Gatorade for years). If everyone in the US stopped drinking soda for a decade national health figures would absolutely skyrocket, I guarantee it.

Anyone reading this, quit drinking all soda ASAP. It will massively improve your skin, your health and weight, and you will not miss it whatsoever when you see how much better lots of water is for you.

It's almost depressing how all these americans insist on the willpower being a factor in deterring oxidating substances. As if atoms had a soul that can be argued with..

No there is no excuse. It always comes down to being a lazy piece of shit and eating too much. Some conditions can make you go up like 5kg or something like that but never make you obese unless you were already fat in the first place.

9 cal/g

I'm fat, it's because I eat too much. 99% of fatties are the same, good odds they are fibbing if they tell you otherwise.

But I do have a condition. Dr Tumblr said so.

>Muh gland
>Muh big bones
>Muh depression
>and so on.

got all of the above but i am fit. now what

Now brush your teeth!

I'm a fatty here but that's a different story. I knew an elder lady who had diabetes. She also had this disease where she could only gain weight but not lose any. She ate healthier than me but still couldn't lose it.

>She also had this disease
Funny how it doesn't have a name.

Cant you fucking stop eating?
Just fill your fucking stomach with salad and take prozak/adderal/meth to stop feeling hungry.

I know a man who lost shitfuckungloads of weight by doing speeds every day.

They just want an excuse for their laziness and unwillingness to improve their health. It's not like they even need to exercise; I rarely ever work out and yet I'm underweight. It's all about moderation. You can eat a lot of unhealthy stuff, as long as you eat it in a sufficiently small amount.

>killing yourself by eating to death
>doing drugs till you die

it's something related to thyroid or something

muh genetics is true

they are genetically lazy/gluttonous or have a weakness to addiction which could manifest in being fat or it could manifest in being a chainsmoker

"muh thyroid" is the modern equivalent of having your humors out of balance.

You don't get obese without eating a lot everyday for a very long time
No excuse
It's a psychological addiction to food
Worse than weed or alcohol I'd say

Thyroid issues are a genuine potential cause. My dad had a tumor on his, and when they removed it, they also had to remove some of his thyroid. Now he gains weight a lot faster, and his metabolism is trash. Granted all you have to do is change your diet like he did and you're fine, but whatever

"muh thyroid" can be a very good excuse for weight gains or unhealthy losses, but that means you leave it unchecked or aren't following medical advice you are given in that regard.
Then again, that's a small minority of cases.

105 kg dude reporting in

I just love sitting in front of the PC all day. Zero sports is my dogma. Also sugary drinks lice Ice Tea and Cola are god tier, pizza once a week is a must also.

So.. no big bones or other bullshit. Just laziness and enjoying fine junk cuisine

oh yeah always get it mixed up with alcohol

Hypothyroidism isn't as uncommon as gluten sensitivity but it's still fucking rare. Very few fatties will actually have medical proof of hypothyroidism.

Sadly the women I know use PCOS as an excuse to weigh literally 350lbs. Nigga you eat 2 bags of Doritos a day that's like 3,000 calories of SNACKS of course you're not gonna lose weight.

She obviously ate more behind the scenes. Fatasses are notorious for not remembering everything they eat.

Check out Secret Eaters on youtube. People who are convinced they cannot lose weight because "they eat like a rabbit", when in reality, they mindlessly eat all day.

Thyroid conditions usually account for 10% slowdown(or speedup). Which is only 150-250, depending on your sex,weight, height.

>muh glands

Just ask them what medication they're on. When they falter and mumble "none" you're free to point out they're full of shit.

My dad was told he was gainng weight due to his glands so he takes medication for it and has kept the weight off.

150-250 calories*

Metabolic syndrome is real. Obesity is caused by a break down of the bodies ability to store and utilize fat.

It involves 'invisible' hormones, so I don't expect the faggy religious fags to figure it out.

but somebody who is obese is typically in a state where their body is no longer able to draw on their fat stores for energy, or even utilize incoming carbohydrates as effectively.

People will get to a point where eating is no longer able to satiate them.

Also to people talking about fat intake. Lol you're a fucking retard. It doesn't work that way. Dietary fat doesn't equate to bodily fat. Your body can't just rip fat cells off of food and stick it into your own body

Jesus christ that's fucking retarded. Fuck. Like seriously. How fucking retarded do you have to be to imagine things happening that way?

Your body stores dietary glucose in existing fat cells, or makes new fat cells if it is necessary to store dietary glucose, since glucose is highly toxic if it remains in your blood for an extended period of time.

>muh protein
Your body also breaks down any protein beyond your requirement into glucose.

So fuck you. Everything but fat is sugar. And that's where it went wrong-> Encouraging people not to eat fat. That's exactly the point in history where people started getting obese.

You fucking retarded bluepilled idiots.

>It is actually quite hard to get obese, so if one is obese,

My observation is that, with all the added HFCS in food and the nasty transfats, it is too easy to get fat.

Being fat makes you NOT want to exercise. Then when you're fat and can barely move, you can't exercise enough to lose weight.

are fat people more happy than anyone else?

>doing drugs till you die
Doing drugs till you're slim.
The only thing that suffers from Amph/adderal is your bones and its rather moserate and revercible.
Just get your calcium.
Also you'll get active and productive as fuck.

High Fructose Corn Syrup is 50/50 Fructose/Glucose ratio. Aka the exact same as table sugar.

Artificial transfats only come from hydrogenated vegetable oils, which have pretty much almost entirely disappeared from the market. And the naturally occurring ones arent' as harmful. And the harm they do cause has nothing to do with obesity, they cause arterial damage. Not fatness.

Jesus Christ. How are people this fucking retarded? This information has been readily available for some time.

>Muh news.

Yeah, exactly you fucking retard. They are on the blue pill suppository.

I have been losing weight consistently for the last year, I was just really fat so it takes time to get to what I think is a healthy weight. Another 60 or so pounds and ill be pretty happy.

>all hail our god science

Fattys need to have their genes purged.

Fatass onion smellin degenerate

>Am I being a fat shaming cunt

No, keep fat shaming. They might be good for the economy, until they need health care in countries with free health care. Then they cost a fortune.

Like many have said, there ARE people who actually have medical issues that makes it easier to gain weight. But the key word is "easier". Most meme diseases like "muh thyroids" and such doesn't automatically make you fat, it makes you fat easier. If you keep track of what you eat, you won't become a 500 lbs balloon.

I've known a lot of thicc/chubby or even fat chicks. Most of them have an excuse, because most people are lazy as shit. They get a gym membership, buy clothes for $100-200 then quit after a week. Instead of just spending LESS or smarter on food. The few fat guys I know have actually lost the weight.

I am fat because of beer, which makes me crave fatty foods more. So I am a victim and I am entitled to a handout and special treatment.

I do feel a bit sorry for people who aren't tall, they might look at what a taller person can eat and think fuck I want to eat that much too and they can't unless they want to get fat.

But nah not really fuck em I'm done with this victim olympics.

These things make it harder to lose weight true, but it's not impossible for anyone to actually lose weight. If you eat less shit and move your ass around more you'll burn fat.
Fat acceptance is for the lazy and stupid.

>Fattys need to have their genes purged.
Please don't let them believe the "muh genes" excuse can be any true, that's pretty much enabeling them to be even fatter and lazier.

>you can't exercise enough to lose weight
If you're too fat to exercise, changing your diet will actually do the most. It doesn't matter if you burn 600 calories, if your daily intake is 1000 calories or more over what you should be eating. Just not eating those 600-1000 calories takes less effort and also saves money in the long run.
But you need to stay at a deficit in calorie intake, which might be too much to ask from a fatty.

I'm not saying it's completely out of her fault from eating poorly as a young person. im just wanted to know if people knew about it. i kinda thought it was bs at first too but then i saw her diet and thought it was maybe true

>i saw her diet
Fat people are very sneaky and often binge in secret.

Energy in energy out

That bitch is so fat her lower belly and legs are turning into elephant skin.

Some people actually seem to be magic, or lying. I know someone who replaces food with water, just to feel full. And when she eats, she says that she eats nothing, like a sandwich.

Buuuuut, when she eats shit like Thai food, she eats until she literally feels sick. Like pounds of food. Sat next to her, she got full after half, but just kept eating and eating until she was kind of whimpering. And she drinks the second she has a day free.

Some other chick did the classic "I walked far today, so maybe I should eat some Mc Donalds". She just laughed and said "I probably negated the calories with that hamburger XD", well no shit. Fats gonna fat.

"One pound of fat is 3500 calories your body doesn't need."

Barring any extreme cases of health disorders, which are also extremely rare, obesity is simply a matter of calorie in, calorie out.

2000 calories a day is a meme, and should be repudiated by every doctor in the world, but here we are with a weight epidemic that seems incurable.

No one can defy the laws of physics. Fat storage is nothing more than energy retention at the molecular level, as handled by the human body. The process of storing fat is MUCH more efficient than extracting it; hence why it is difficult to lose weight.

im not even sure they could be considered humans at 300 + pounds

Is that real? Seriously i dont believe it can be

Like is she a real person in her head, does she think about things except food? Is she an intelligent creature or just some consumption machine?

Former fat cunt here, I had no excuse I was just extremely lazy and unmotivated, I would eat until I was ready to pop then go straight to bed or lay on the sofa.

I'm sure there's legitimate reasons for being a land whale but most just need to understand reality and find some motivation.

You could burn a carrot and it wouldnt look edible

its a load of shit.
they're just lazy and weak willed

i'd consider that. good point though. I wonder though, since she did have diabetes so idk. i myself am a binge eater. i can't eat when i wake up but can't sleep unless i do. i need to turn that shit around

>Former fat cunt
You'll get fat again. They all do. It is inevitable.

Nah I enjoy being able to see muh dik

fatty here.

was on the wrestling team is highschool so lost lots of weight but put it all back on when i graduated. its definitely doable and any fatfuck telling u they "cant" is bullshit. we're just lazy and have no motivation. i do my best to not be all in peoples way tho cuz ironically enough, i hate other fat people and the fact that they act like theyre "proud" of it or some shit. I'd rather it be looked down upon heavily cuz then maybe id be more motivated to not be fat. the whole "body positive" bullshit is annoying as fuck too. no fucking fat person thinks they are healthy, i certainly dont. delusional fucks making us all look more retarded than people already take us for just for being fat in the first place.

i should really lose weight l0l fml

Christ, imagine being the guy that has to cut shit like open

Fat people are either lazy or a misstep in evolution and will be removed from the genepool


t. fat

>imagine being the guy that has to cut shit like open
They do not get sentenced to that job as punishment for committing crimes.

They are weirdo fucks who enjoy that sort of shit. The freakier the better.

The thyroid issue is bullshit. It can account to ~10 lbs. My mom and sister have hypothyroid and had a hell of a time getting diagnosed because they're both around 110 lbs and weren't "fat enough" I'm borderline hypo as well and a 158lb 6'4 fucking white male

im fat and thats funny as fuck. how the fuck do these people actually think that looks "arent allowed" to matter when selecting a fucking life partner LOL. jesus christ

No kidding. I mean, how long did they have YOU for?