Give me one reason why racemixing is a good thing
You literally destroy your genetic heritage and fill the world with angry bastards
Give me one reason why racemixing is a good thing
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You're preaching to the choir mate.
who are you asking? hillary shills?
>You literally destroy your genetic heritage
You literally can't if you're a male, learn biology.
Why the fuck did you post this on Sup Forums? This question is more for Reddit and Tumblr and other leftist websites.
Specific question for everybody
whats better - inbreeding or mixing? and why?
There is none unless you are an inferior human so for niggers it is a good thing.
>black guy fucks white girl
looks like a guy just destroyed her genetic heritage
What genetic heritage?
Unless you live on some isolated inbred island your ancestors came from fucking everywhere.
in europe you fucking dipshit, meaing they're all white and similar
but his too
what he gets?
>fucking everywhere
>England and Germany is "fucking everywhere"
Only british isles lobsters are white to be honest.
Inbreeding is only a problem in populations smaller than 100, in populations bigger than 10k it's not even a thing
well he destroys their heritage and fucks up his own
what the fuck are you even talking about
It's fun how national geographic can get away with nudity/child nudity as long as they're africans/south american villagers.
in USA many ''black'' talk about Black pride...I only see bastards...What pride they claim to have?
none they make it up by believing shit like how they were pharoahs are something kek
And Iceland. Jews can't survive when it gets too cold.
really unfortunate behaviour
Because muh dik. Prove me wrong.
>Pro tip: you can't
Is that real life?
face is pretty shitty
i wonder if theyd let me buy one to take home
It eventually stops racism.
Killing every single race besides the white race would stop racism too. Faster and without any low-IQ, ugly looking mutants with no sense of identity that would result from your proposed solution.
no it won't
look at yugoslavia or any arab country or USA
Increasing the gene pool is always a good idea.
Is fun how you lack the capacity to differentiate between nudity and pornography.
>implying I'm so alpha I don't fap to naked breasts even on renaissance statues
Man i could give less of a shit what you think about where my dock should be. I'll admit i hold my fair share of racism but all that goes out the window when a cute girl of any color is flirting with me and expressing interest, i love women too much to limit myself like that. Unless shes a muslim then deport kebab
The purer the bloodline the more likely you'll see genetic flaws repeatedly.
Look up the Hapsburgs.
oops i said dock. >murican education
>Your genes magically disappear when you reproduce
Take a fuckin biology class
do you think human evolution relyes on genetics anymore? everyone survives for the god shake
it's cultural you idiot, now everyone survives no matter what, there's no longer a biological natural selection, it's cultural/society evolution what determines most the shit
increasing the gene pool will never mean it's possible to spread it's characteristics, because it will remain as a minority trait
to put an example, modern humans are not going to get adapted to our current diets with high amounts of simplified carbs and saturated oils because there's no survival&reproduce factor on natural context anymore
it has been solved
If IQ is your concern then maybe we should steralize all racists as studies suggest that they are dumber on aveRage
they are washed away
When they arise, don't allow the afflicted to breed. You get non retarded racial genes at the cost of the odd defect not being able to breed.
Selection never stops, it just selects for different things than 100 years ago.
DNA does not work that way, idiot
*traits, not things.
it does
Biologic facts are made up jewery \s
>Have blue eyes
>Kid has brown eyes, Bb
>Grandkid has brown eyes, BB
Roll for 85.
That's because intelligent racists don't reveal their power level.
Yeah but HOW? Your proposed solution is a greater hinderance to your own race by the massive bloodletting backlash of the rest of the world.
Wentworth miller?
Looks like a man, you're gay.
Learn the difference between a genome and phenotype. Even if you and your mating partner have brown eyes younstillmcan have a blue eyed kid assuming that both of you had a blue eyed ancestor.
Let's start with you because you can't even figure out averages.
Most of the rest of the world hates niggers too. Only countries that have no niggers think niggers are people.
Apart from Muslim countries where they fuck their cousins even when they have a choice.
no german white suprematist Häli David ßonbolistein
Do you seriously think that if we'll be able to kill all the niggers, spics, chinks and other subhumans in the world anyone will be right in their mind to stand up to the military power that handled such a global genocide?
>implying we won't kill the traitorous whites as well
Wishful thinking, pal.
Here's my cock, convince him not to dump a fat load into some negress because he wants to
>you are a lost cause, if you find a negress willing to eat your semen, go on tiger
honestly betas should have a pass
Yeah but "Niggers" are the tip of the non-white iceberg. You can't kill all of them. What are you gonna do? Turn all of Africa and all its immense natural wealth into an irradiated heap? What about the Indians? The Chinese? There isn't even solid agreement if Russians count as white.
So again I ask, How?
What do you mean by that, that there smart racists? Of course but younmiss the point, which is that thr "x group is dumber, lets discriminate against every member of it" is total nonsense i wanted to prove it to the racsitmbymusingntheir logicmagainst them.
That's just it, I DONT think you'll be able to. Tell me how you will.
>woman rubs her pussy in front of his face
>he says no because she is black and people on Sup Forums don't like it
Maybe sucking a big fat cock would be more of your liking, fag
typical homophobic racemixer
I obviously have no idea. We'd need a full-scale global war against inferior races and every single white nation would have to contribute. We would have to get the asians on our side, and since they don't have problems with being civilized I think they wouldn't hinder the world's affairs after the war. Besides, they clearly hate blacks.
Jews and Asians have higher IQS on average than whites.
So stop talking out of your arse.
You're Polish, basically bottom of the barrel. Unless you're in the Anglosphere you shouldn't be allowed to breed.
But why do you excuse yourself from your twisted logic, shouldnt anglos suicide as well and make room for the jews and asians?
World is ALREADY full of angry bastards, if you hadn't noticed, so why not try something new?
Uh, no, we don't. You should really get some counselling or other help with this aggression - or is it fear? - of other skin colours.
Asian/white qts
As long as you don't mix with any shitskins everything is alright.
>Give me one reason why racemixing is a good thing
>You literally destroy your genetic heritage and fill the world with angry bastards
Depends on how narrowly you see race.
The European races for example came from various tribes intermingling, and as we all know were off better for it.
Race mixing creates supreme gentlemen.
>You literally destroy your genetic heritage
>and fill the world with angry bastards
It's a terrible thing. The top kikes want a world of raceless, genderless , cultureless, consumerist, irreligious cattle. At that point they can finally justify the fact that the world os subhuman
Yes it does.