bunch of nu males playing on veteran park for weeks, vets feed up confront nu males.
who's on the right?
bunch of nu males playing on veteran park for weeks, vets feed up confront nu males.
who's on the right?
Fuck veterans dregs of society I swear
Veteran or welfare queens? Really makes you think.
Land of the "free"
Fuck Veterans.
technically, pokemon is at fault for thinking they can just put shit anywhere they want
>be degenerate high school dropout
>enlist in army
>be a hired murderer
>get bennies and privileges
you can just imagine the shit this vet has seen in Vietnam, now he's seeing fucking nu-males all over catching imaginary pokemon.
Only a fucking faggot would say this is the vets fault. Those Pokemon playing retards were going out of their way to annoy them. Before you call those vets welfare queens, they were most like drafted. Fucking idiots...
that crazy pregnant bitch chimped out lol
Wait, you have parks where only veterans are allowed to go? What the fuck? What purpose does that serve?
>comparing back then to today
I'm so glad I live in an open carry state so that the next crazy grandpa sustaining himself on gibmedats tells me I can't go outside and be a sociable human being, I can just shoot him.
Everyone is allowed to go that park, but those faggots were bothering people.
The Pokemon Go people are always in the wrong. They don't care about where they go unless it is for catching digital creatures, thus they are disrespecting a lot of people for their actions.
ITT: video game neckbeards siding with nu-males
>bothering people
How were they bothering people?
suhuman 90iq vets don't deserve anything, they should be in jail, fucking murderers.
You couldn't even kick your own ass, fatso.
Wtf os that picture?
hahha no way
service guarantees citizenship!
>would you like to know more?
I sure wouldnt play that game with out carrying a gun.
Setting up hammocks, tents and basically just shitting up the place. It's not a campground.
> *shotgun blast into face*
I'd say Squirtle won't stand a chance
hockey jersey wearing hack directors are the dregs of society
I think it's a spoof of the human centipede... The human walrus!
>50 year old draftees
Which war??????
Niantec just copied over their layout from their previous game, Ingress, and put the pokestops in the exact same spots.
Ingress had a better point though and it had to do with portals that were tied to very important landmarks and old churches and whatnot as part of its plot.
>Stop using the public park for things I don't personally approve of!
boomers were a mistake
most vets, like most boots, are subhumans but their parks are designated containment zones
ask yourself this: would you rather keep 98 lb weakling pokemon go players out of a park, or keep 300 lb armed, drunk and probably brain damaged muh reens out of the nearby mcdonalds and taco bell
oil and water don't mix
>walk around with phone in your pocket
>it vibrates
>pull it up
>swipe the screen a few times
>put it back in your pocket
Man, Pokemon go players are hooligans, how can they be stopped!
I get that certain places shouldn't be turned into a campground, but that is a stretch to call that "bothering people", wouldn't you say?
Hammocks and canopies are perfectly normal and okay things to have at a PUBLIC park. They could set up a card table, chairs and eat lunch if they liked too.
Kill yourself you freedom hating faggot.
>Gain control of Pokemon GO servers
>Send players into Muslim no-go areas
>A wild Ackbar appeared
>Ackbar used Stone
>It's super effective!
>user will wake up in hospital like the racist he is
The guy clearly said he was 68, retard.
Fuck these guys. They setup tents and hammocks like it's a god damn camp site then get mad when they get asked to leave by the veterans at a veterans park.
No matter how you slice it they should've done the right thing and just left as it was apparent their presence was disturbing the peace. The fact these vets had to get this heated means they were instigating it.
Fucking pokefaggots.
Yeah fuck them for that.
Not a tent, it looked like more of a sunshade/awning meant for sun respite, primarily for beaches. I dont have as much of a gripe about that, but im also pretty biased as we are having an immense heat wave where i am.
I do take issue with the fact that these idiots were planning on chilling at that park for pokemon and not actually walking around and doing shit like the game wants.
That being said its a memorial park first and a game location second, so they could be a lot more respectful and explain their situation much more calmly then egging on old men. What the fuck is their problem?
I dont see why the game is popular. The entire game is just running around searching for Pokemon. That actual gameplay, is nothing but a random number generator with virtually no input from the user.
They could have been more respectful about it. The vet was out of line too though. That's not a good way to win people over. It's just a bunch of unreasonable people being unreasonable regardless of pokemans or veteran status.
There's a big veterans memorial in my city with tons of poke stops. I think it's actually a good thing. Every time I've gone there's plenty of people there since the game came out. Some people even read the plaques and memorials. It used to not get as much traffic.
those old men remind me of the people that post here lol
If the Pokemon Go players are in public areas the veterans have to fuck off, they have no say in what they can and can't do.
It's a fucking park, as long as they aren't littering they're fine. Like what one guy said, if they want to eat there with a tent and table and chairs they can do just that.
>vets feed up
Honestly, I feel sorry for all police. Can you just imagine if your whole job and life revolved around dealing with the dregs of society like this?
>veterans park
I still don't get the reasoning behind this place. It's just a random ass park that is dedicated to unspecified "veterans"? What the fuck does that mean?
Whatever that means.
Only tryhards care about the gameplay, people just go out with their friends to capture pokemon in real life.
They're usually parks that double as a memorial do veterans of all or some specific wars. They generally have an actual memorial area with plaques, statues, etc.
It's not a place specifically for veterans to hang out in.
While it is a park and you can do anything you would do at a normal park it's also a memorial to the dead so that's why he was upset.
But not even a tryhard could care about the gameplay as its non existent.
It means it has memorials, plaques and some are even significant for being the place of battles and what not.
It's not dedicated to veterans per say as it is a place where veterans go to mourn, hangout, talk and sometimes have group therapy.
These guys going in and shitting up the place by causing problems was just disrespectful. Especially when some of these vets could have psychological problems. Those young men could've been inadvertently hurt by triggering some vets ptsd.
>why do you even care if we are here
Fucking retarded welfare queen
>numales fucking up a peaceful park yelling and putting up shit
I'm totally not surprised he's mad
These underage faggots think they can do anything, american teenagers are in bad need of getting their fucking lights punched out every now and then
millenials are literally fucking trash
white males cannot be triggered
>shitting up the place
Here is an idea. If you have a place dedicated to violent, mentaly unstable fuckfaces, don't make it a public park? Some kids could trigger him as well.
You're more than 36 years old and posting on Sup Forums? The fuck?
Those old men are what I think of when I hear "Americans"
Has anyone dressed up as rocket grunts and started stealing phones yet?
Go to /vg/ if you need proof, there are neckbeards cheating on this watered down game 24/7 getting overpowered pokemons to hold all the gyms they can.
They're basically just doing normal park shit, if they were fucking with the memorial shit I could understand but you can't yell at someone for doing park stuff in a park.
>>high school dropout
what is officer corps
what are navy nuclear engineers
what are logistics officers
what are gunnery sergeants
what are warrant officers
the only people who dropped out of high school are the ones who stay a footrest for 8 years because they are too stupid to figure out how to leave the footrest zone
They're both retarded. There is no side to pick here. Nu-males and boomers are both garbage.
Let's play a game that tracks our every movement and has access to our email! Pokemon always sucked, this new iteration is pure faggotry.
do I even want to know the source on that
Yes, they call themselves Team Racket.
From the Canadian movie Tusk.
those kids were a bunch of faggots. When will they respect their elders, or do they think that everywhere in the world is the America built upon wholesome Christian values?
Yea that's true. Some of them are very much more normal parks. Some really aren't.
The Vietnam Veterans memorial in DC is technically a park but it's not a place you would go to play games and make a bunch of noise.
While doing this kind of thing is technically not a illegal it's still shitty.
>tracks our every movement
Using the internet and making calls on your smartphone already do that
I'm 47. Sup Forums is a good place for current happenings.
> Numales are dumb pieces of shit
> Old guy is violent for no reason
Everybody lost that day.
No it doesn't Juan.
So you have a biggas park that can't be used as a park? What's the fucking point?
>Vietnam war memorial
Destitute rice paddy farmers vs. Military-Industrial-Complex mercenaries, who wins? THE RICE PADDY FARMERS, LOL.
Anyone who was drafted into the Vietnam War, and chose war over federal prison, was a fucking LOSER idiot. Anyone who volunteered was nothing but a LOSER mercenary.
Those who declined the draft, and went to federal prison, were the WINNERS The rice paddy farmers WON. LOL.
Vietnam was a great war, for the lulz.
Waste taxpayer money.
Can someone explain to me why they all sound Canadian?
>waaaah, we joined the military and you didn't
>stop liking things right now!
>did i tell you i was military?
>am big strongk man
I just got to level 5!
Which team do I pick?
No fucking Viet Cong gonna jump out behind a bulbasaur right?
I used to pity the N. Koreans & N. Vietnamese & Chileans & Guatemalans & Nicaragua & etc & sympathize with communist causes, now I realize all forms of socialism (except national socialism) are bullshit & I sympathize with the bankers who staged these wars for the lulz.
& I hope you do too.
national socialism is socialism in name only
no seizing of the means of production
no welfare
no community farms
banks and shit
Millennials really are the worst generation.
It's not even cliche to say. It's fact.
>no welfare
Arguable. Young parents were basically paid to have kids.
> Veterans
> Welfare queens
>Millennials really are the worst generation.
>Not baby boomers who ruined your country.
>capture pokemon in real life
pretty sure this "augmented reality" shit is linked to common core under umbrella term: "How to fuck a human brain"
Going to jail back then even for declining the draft was social suicide, good luck to them getting decent jobs if they tried that.
You also seem to blame the GI when you should blame the citizenry and politicians for going balls deep in SEA
this is why we cant have nice things
>>Not baby boomers who ruined your country
Millennials are currently doing the same thing. Who do you think supports all these self-destructive leftist policies?
(((Modern history))) is what the victors have made of it.
Or what you personally make of it.
Good luck convincing others.
(((Modern history))) tells us that National Socialism's main objective is genocidal ethnic cleansing, and most people believe that.
If you want to describe what National Socialism is, then you better be striving to create a National Socialist state in reality. Otherwise someone else is going to hijack the NaSi term and form it into their own beliefs.
>ctrl f "shirt" "reddit"
>no results
So nobody felt like pointing out that the faggot with dozens of piercings is wearing a fucking shirt with an outdated meme comic Reddit stole from Sup Forums over half a decade ago?
>Who do you think supports all these self-destructive leftist policies?
Baby boomers.
stupid all around
pissed off vets walk up to a pregnant woman sitting by hherself under a gazebo, get pissed and flip the gazebo, act intimidating
nu males steeped too deeply in irony, too used to pretending to be aloof to actually take them seriously which makes them even angrier
childish reaction of 'its a free country i can do what i want' being mistaken for 'exercising my god given freedoms' and showing little respect where it is due
stupid all around, everyone involved is a retard, nobody was right and everyone was wrong, the vets for being belligerent and the smarmy numale cunts for being disrespectful little asswipes and no, i am not going to painstakingly explain why that's a problem because you should have been raised to understand, and if you dont then you're part of the problem
Look at this piece of shit.