Just when you thought you had seen everything in the world
Fuck this shit Earth
Just when you thought you had seen everything in the world
Fuck this shit Earth
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>shillary voters
American degeneracy at it's finest
read the comments on the video
There is no hope left in this fucked up world
kind of hot
Top kek
Its sad really, there's obviously mental health issues that are going untreated and they keep living on with their delusions. What happens when they see themselves in the mirror 20-40years later.
Having fetishes are ok to some extent. Only doing that every now and then but not everyday,
>And we wonder why we are getting invaded.
Would fuck/1488
>Only doing that every now and then but not everyday,
yeah they're probably taking it a bit far
>there's obviously mental health issues
the giveaway are the tattoos and piercings.
Who would have thunk? A millennial woman literally wants to be an adult baby. Shocking!
I'd like to change her nappy.
Then gas her.
The hairy legs were by far the worst part. That, and the boyfriend's teeth.
Fuck off kike
These stupid fags are in all white countries, you don't have to turn it into a country vs country thing
>not shitting the diaper
Casuals are worse than normies
what the fuck. who pays for these """people"""?
Really? How fucking new are you people?
my dick is diamonds.
This is why our countries are being invaded, the fucking beta enablers of such degeneracy just encourage this shit.
>They will hang on the day of the rope
just end me please
Its bad man. This new blood is not bro tier
Really? I feel like punching women in the face when they do a little baby talk...I can't even imagine handling this shit.
>Getting buttflustered over ABDLs
Your GNU is showing.
This is autism manifest.
Fucking anglos always being shit at english.
I'm surprised by the amount of americans disagreeing with this here, isn't this like your cultural habit or something?
someone pls nuke us
>I feel like punching women in the face when they do a little baby talk
yeah i'd have to tell her not to do that
>have what many would describe as non-usual relationship
I would describe it as fucked up living in illusion without diagnosed mental illness
what the fuck did i just watch
that poor betafag will put up with anything just to be around a human female
>jesses real childhood life was troubled
No shit sherlock.
This, go hard or go home
I would put up with this if I had a gf
Tell me then where bullshit like gay pride parades and their marching hordes of faggots originated and spread from?
Just one fine example
Apologies for my spelling mistake,i promise it will not happen again.
Wasn't there a 50 year old man who wanted to be an 8 year old girl?
He even found a family (with a young grandchild) to adopt him. He divorced his wife and left his half dozen children to live a life as an 8 year old girl
These people are like this because of America's degenerate nature. People who are like this in Europe are like this because of the disease created by the US.
How could she know she was molested when she was only a baby?
>That missing space before the I
>That lowercase I
Will you be going back to Poland once the UK leaves the EU?
Yeah I remember.
However, don't all girls do a little bit of "ageplay" once in a while?
Are you going back to Turkey?
Yes, I think this is quite mainstream as a fetish. It might have been in the 50 Shades of Grey movie.
Besides, a woman calling her lover "daddy" or "papi" isn't that rare.
oh fuck, that's hot; how do i get me one of those? there goes another "not gonna jack it today" resolution
this. since I've got no guy friends due to autism i spend a lot of time with women. i can confirm that calling your boyfriend 'daddy' isn't as rare as Sup Forums thinks. heck even my gf calls me daddy in bed.
> i spend a lot of time with women
Teach me, sempai
They should get together with Stephonknee and have a playdate.
cool story
>his post in the comments
Remember when we were growing up, our parents told us to stay away from weirdos?
Now this shit is accepted and nurtured...
After the whole Rainfurrest image gallery, I can't look at furries without physically shuddering in remembrance.
Can't spend my data on this
Please can someone tell me what is going on?
This sickeningly perverse sexual degeneracy is absolutely fucking disgusting and beyond the pale of humanity. These subhuman reprobates, of a status less even than that of animals, guilty as they are of the most repulsive and abhorrent deviancy I have ever witnessed, are worthy only of summary extermination by specially trained medical personnel in a sterile facility. My mind boggles and my stomach churns at the filth I have just watched. This moral degradation is beyond my imagination, beyond reason, beyond sanity. This isn't mental illness. This is evil, pure evil. It's a sin, a terrible sin, but what gets me is their casual shamelessness. It's like they've never even considered the possibility that what they're doing is wrong, or maybe they've never cared about being right in the first place. Even if there were no Hell, they would still deserve to go there. I can only recoil in disgust and pray for the swift annihilation of this forsaken world. Is there a link where I can see more of this?
>Besides, a woman calling her lover "daddy" or "papi" isn't that rare.
Pretty sure it's just a thing niggers and spoilt rich white girls do. Girls with daddy issues basically.
Living As An Adult Baby: EXTREME LOVE
LOOKING at Jess’s collection of dummies and sippy cups, you’d be forgiven for thinking the pretty 21-year-old from Florida had a baby of her own to care for. But Jess’s collection of babygrows aren’t sized for a newborn - they are designed with her 5ft 5in frame in mind. As an ‘adult baby’, Jess likes to wear nappies, drink from bottles and ‘regress’ back to her infancy. A sexual abuse survivor, Jess, who lives in Lakeland, Florida with her 24-year-old boyfriend, David, says that regressing has helped her make peace with her troubled childhood. Now a confident and happy young woman, Jess says wearing diapers, babygrows and drinking from bottles has done more for her self-esteem than years of traditional therapy and medication.
Videographer / director: Eric Coughlin
Producer: Katie Mercer, Ellie Winstanley
Editor: Sonia Estal
I feel the same way about bdsm. I'm into it, I enjoy it occasionally - but as a bit of sexy fun once in a while. I view lifestyle fetishists as mentally ill no matter the fetish.
[continued laughter]
White culture, this crap even rubbed off on Imperial Japan.
You whites are gonna be the end of the human race. STOP
At the end of the video I was shocked I finished it. Feels like I regressed a little. Wtf man I hate regressives now.
The only thing they're doing wrong is being overly public about it.
stay mad, Sup Forums
Post the Danish one.
>Islam is the cancer to the West
They're both white, average weight and fairly attractive. What's so bad about that?
OP is probably ugly anyway.
>tfw I'm in a relationship similar to this
I'm getting real sick of this shit appearing in the media sporadically, but at least there's more OC coming from Tumblr I can rub one out to, but seriously keep it on the DL.
Its nearly the only kink thing we're into in which she agrees in doing. Rope is too intricate and I doubt her pain threshold could handle physical abuse.
>Shiiiit I'd jump over that cott like I'm the ultimate warrior and beat her pussy up! She can call me daddy while she drinks my nut milk
Saw it yesterday or something like that.
Is it only me or the face of David is the typical mix of Cuck and R9K?
>shitskin lanklet
I love that he takes a big glug of a Mike Harder in the video.
The dude has yellowed tar teeth like the little retard back in middle school who always had dried spagethi sauce around the mouth and couldn't swallow properly. The girl look like a rancid bag of hepatitis and flock of birds/featers tatoos on girls mean they have borderline disorder. It's a secret code like the spade for cukqueens.
They are literal subhumans.
same thought
nose ring is pretty repulsive tho
That's actually prettty sad, she was abused as kid and just want to be an innocent kid because she neved had that in her live. It's not some sex fetish (at least for her).
Now is the slippery slope real folks?
I gotta be honest, i would fuck the shit out of this girl.
This girl is a solid 6/10. And id fuck a 6/10
That's a good way to get out of doing your womanly responsibilities like cooking and laundry. Find a beta and role play as a baby.
every fembot's dream.
POO POO PEE PEE, free tendies, free house, etc
If this harmless shit makes her happy who are you to judge
God damn it. At least the kid is white.
You guys realise there are daily threads on /soc/ from people in this community? I'm more into little boy/mummy stuff myself though.
>tfw no daughter-fu to pamper with chicken tendies
We know you would abdul
That guy is like an anime protagonist or something.
>user-kun unexpectedly runs into a girl at his new school. She invites him to her home to 'study', but had no idea what was going to happen next... Will he be able to keep her strange secret a secret?
> current year
> not being your gf's daddy
WTF? The cringe level is too high, i can't make it past the 20 seconds.
>It's honestly not that bad. I think it's actually kinda cute. but it's not hurting you, so why worry?
>tfw social libertarianism is now mainstream
Who even post pics of there baby on a dating website?
Nintendo should hire her
This man's soul has been sucked out of his entire being by this succubus.
>not being in a DDLg relationship 24/7
you guys haven't lived.
though i will say this thing specific lifestyle fetish and agepaly has become more popular over the years..no idea why.
>the fucking comments
Would anybody want to listen to that annoying voice for more than 10 seconds? I don't know how the guy lasts for 1 day. I would go crazy.
Maybe he's average weight in poor Vietnam, but he's the weight of a well-fed Auswitz prisoner
Wow, he mad. But he's right, he did appear indifferent and bored and tired during the interview
no end in sight
i bet she has one of those tattoos of a baby around and above her pussy, so it looks like you fuck a baby, anyone got pic related?