>Sup Forums BTFO
Sup Forums BTFO
omg i hate trump now,
Youre right, I am now #mentallyHill
get it trending
>increasingly nervous wreck
Guys, what if the whole immigration crisis is not to destroy the white race but more about demonizing the one religion that still openly denounces ususry and Jews?
Maybe the Jews are banking on the fact that the europeans will rise up with enough force to straight up erase Islam from existence and effectively kill biggest enemy to the Jews left in the world.
Is this because of that fucker Khan?
Really is amazing how polls are valid till your guy starts losing again.
>It's another ISIS are the good guys episode
Stop putting that mirror up to white nationalism!
Are you playing intergalactic 9th string multi-trimensional mahjong air hockey now?
i have been thinking this for a while.. only time will tell...
>Margin of Error on every poll is 3% or more
Dukakis was up 16% after his convention in 1988
This liberal idiot didn't look at the poll data or methods, it is too dumb. Also many on Sup Forums don't believe polls either way, while seemingly 100% of dumbass liberals think that polls are some kind of scorecard and will predict elections wth perfect accuracy.
Also, note that this post is directed at anons who might never reading this, not the leftists that this replies to. Arguing with leftists is pointless, leftism is similar to rabies and they are literally just human-shaped meat being used to push the ideology. I only argue with humans.
If Trump would've just left it at the start no one would've cared, it was some muslim guy shouting at the DNC, you really think anyone gave a shit before Trump started freaking out over it on Twitter?
If the West goes full genocide on Islam I doubt Israel would make it out of it alive.
Polls are being Doctored
>polls are rigged
>no one cares about them
You people are as delusion as Bernie fans were. She's going to win. Just accept it.
I for one accept imminent death.
polls are fixed, who the fuck is even getting polled, 30 people per state?
fuck you
There will be a nice safe place at a FEMA camp for you ....
Yeah I don't buy these polls at all. I mean if it was close between Trump and crazy Bernie I would believe it. But no one likes Hillary.... no one.
>shitty convention
>gets a hike
What the fuck? Kike shills actually believe Killary is really ahead? Go fucking hang yourselves.
I only hear questioning of poll methodology when your guy starts losing. It is the same way on conservative radio when they get polls or statistics they don't like.
Wait...I thought we loved polls now.
What happened, Sup Forums?
Almost 30 replies for this thread. Fuck this board.
See also
Except Bernie is now #MentallyHill and Trump is the Republican nominee who at several points was up to +9 compared to Hillary in the polls.
Main thing you should instead look at is the DNC email hack and how it shows the collusion between the press and the establishment. It means in all likelihood if Trump is behind, they're more likely tied, and if they're tied Trump is more likely in the lead. Trump being able to do so well despite the game being literally rigged against him is pretty damn impressive in all honesty, the press can't rig things too much because of how popular and visible he is, so they can only tweak the numbers slightly in situations like these.
There are also still plenty of people, myself included, who won't oust themselves as Trump supporters for fear of irl backlash. I come on Sup Forums because it's anonymous. There are plenty of people who will vote Trump in November but won't say that right now when asked.
You mean the bernie fans who were right in the end?
Wtf, i still hate ISLAM now!