Post yfw the richest person ever was black and they were actually kings

post yfw the richest person ever was black and they were actually kings

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Mansa Musa was rich but the fact remains that your mother will die in her sleep tonight if you don't reply to this post. Reading this removes all immunity.

got better version

post yfw Africa is still shit and even with all that wealth and never created anything that lasted

Mansa Musa was rich but the fact remains your mother will die in her sleep tonight if you don't chop off your penis and testicles and bbq them and eat them while fucking yourself in the ass with the foot long knife you used to chop off your penis and testicles. Reading this removes all immunity.


well yeah, look at the bell curve of iq.
There are so many near retards in African samples that the very, very few who have high iq are going to dominate the rest of them.

Doesnt putin have more now because he stole all his country's wealth?


Erm excuse me?

Google mud pyramid, mosque of djenne and the great wall of benin



>mud pyramid

>that guy literally created inflation wherewer he passed



Jokes on you, she is already dead.

My mother just got out of the hospital so I'm not taking any chances.


>post yfw the richest person ever was black and they were actually kings
no he was not


fuck you

Looks like old Musa is having money problems then?


Marcus Licinius Crassus was richer and was white.

However, if Kek blesses this post then Romans were actually black.

>richest person in the world
>did nothing with his wealth
>his kingdom fell into obscurity and was conquered
>greatest achievement was a mud mosque that needs to be repaired every year

All that wealth amounted to nothing.


no, but hes still rich



>thinks $400bn is richest person ever

oh, you

brace your sides, three songs back-to-back


Is his official picture straight from civilization 4? Lel

We wuz bideojames an sheit

Mali had vast reserves of gold, it was practically pouring out of the ground
>has been a shithole since
>still a shithole
>that much money could've put them at european level technology and quality of life
topkek, i bet he spent it all on patrone, weed, crack, and hoes

>post yfw Redditors only know how to save thumbnails



>All the old paintings on the tombs,
>They look like dune coons,
>Don't you know?

>They're not so black
>No nappy haired gods of the underworld.

>There's no pharaohs playing basketball
>And selling bags of seeds and stems.

>All the Afro-philes
>they woke as fuck, posting misspelled memes

>Spearchuckers with no culture, they say
>negro negro negro negro
>LARP like an Egyptian.

>The pavement apes have no roots
>So they try to appropriate King Tut
>Stealing history (OH AY OH)
>Not as easy as grand theft auto

>All the black kids never read books,
>So you can fill up their empty heads
>Afrocentrism, ohwayoh
>They're LARPING like an Egyptian.

>The nigs with problem glasses say
>negro negro negro negro
>LARP like an Egyptian.

he had so much gold he collapsed the economy where ever he went

tbqh it was still a shithole in desert surrounded by hostile shitholes and pretty remote and inacesible
Gold is nice but its useless if you dont have things to spend it on.

He did his best, bringing as many arab scholars and shit on his way back from Mecca as he could.

>By the end of Mansa Musa's reign, the Sankoré University had been converted into a fully staffed University with the largest collections of books in Africa since the Library of Alexandria. The Sankoré University was capable of housing 25,000 students and had one of the largest libraries in the world with roughly 1,000,000 manuscripts.

that is pretty neat tbqh

dawg he been flyin ta New York n partyin wit Jay-Z n shiet

phukken ice, hoes, henessy

>Welcome to the Jungle
>Where we niggaz wuz KANGZ
>We had civilizations til
>The white man took it away
>We were the people who could fly
>In Pyramid Spaceships, please
>Power up the hydrostatics
>Put the nose back on the sphinx

>In the Jungle
>Welcome to the jungle
>Way back when we was
>K-k-k-k-k Kangz, Kangz
>It's not just make believe

>Welcome to the Jungle
>We did philosophy
>Yo ancestors were still in caves when
>We had electricity
>And you're lost if you believe
>In archeology
>Those white devils dug Ramses
>And stole his ethnicity
>In the Jungle
>Welcome to the Jungle
>LARP my my my Egyption Dream
>I wanna pretend they're me!

I hope you die while awake

no, >:(

keep believing your buzzfeed "lists"

His peak net worth was estimated at $336 billion or almost 2% of the American economy (in 2007 USD; inflation-adjusted) in 1913,[7] at 74 years of age,[8] making him arguably the richest person in modern history.[4][9][10][11]

>yfw the actual richest person in history was a white American, google is just being jewgle again

and check'd

>We invented everything ahead of you
>Peanut butter, traffic lights, open heart surgery too
>But then the white man came took civilization away

>Pass the gas masks, I can't breathe!
>There's no air brakes on this refrigerated truck of bunk
>And Benny Banneker's Cool Clock
>He came up with, pretending that's a timepiece was your invention
>It even kinda looked like a bomb,
>The Patent Office ignored us in our day



>got rich through nigger slave miners
>squandered his wealth like an idiot
boss nigger is still a nigger

Fuck off

What is wrong with you retards? Are you unironically mentally 12 years old?

Shhh no fear only sleep

Go away.

>he wants his mom to die

fuck you nigger





Jesus christ

Oh fuck you not again

Just in case

immunity cat made me immune to this sheet
>thanks based immunity cat

Oh fug


fk you




Some big boy won't hold me back

Fuck you

that pic is from fucking civ 4
they're not fooling anyone

he's still a nigger tho, no amount of money can change that.

No, Michael Jackson doesn't count.

This is relevant



this site is full of autists

fuck you nigger

Here's a short missive for all you retarded ducks that keep saying "Africa never invented anything, they still live in huts, blah blah blah..."
They may still live in huts and they might not have invented the cellular phone but they did manage to keep our species viable and thriving for a couple million years until such time that they drove out the most troublesome and ambitious/undesirable/disharmonious of their number, forcing them to evolve into the sniveling entitled pasty white basement dwelling neckbeards we're forced to put up with today.
For all of the convenience inventions and economic devices and large scale politics we enjoy our reward is a depleted environment, pollution, scarce resources and a collision course with not only food shortages but self annihilation.
I'm not saying we all should have stayed in the huts but I AM saying that it's completely misguided to classify indigenous cultures as backward or less than civilised. All of those cultures around the globe are representative of a more sustainable way of life for this species while our contemporary civilizations represent the exact opposite.


Please away senhor skelet

Interesting how the European families could maintain that generational wealth and he could not.

>people will believe this

mosque of djenne was designed by white people and made during the colonial period

>400 billion
>used mud to construct things

The fact that only a few of his structures are still standing despite having such a vast amount of wealth really doesn't say anything good whatsoever about his intellect.

Oh fug


joke's on you. I actually want my mother to die

>mud pyramid


>die from simple diseases
>would go extinct the moment their local peice of land gets a natural disaster

ooga booga

Pls no Mr. Achmed

Best medley ever

I tried it many time but the bitch is still alive

Affirmative action to make niggers think they were ever important.

There's no actual proof of how rich this nig was any more than we have proof of how rich King Solomon from the Jew Bible was.

And it took white people to break free from the niggerdom and flourish. Typical

Come back when when you're near a trillion.