What makes you proud to be '''''''''cis'''''''' Sup Forums?

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smash dat muthafukkan dislike



Even the supplements i take every day to combat my genetic hemoglobin abnormalities arent anywhere near this irony


kek, couldn't believe it when I saw it. They really have no self awareness what so ever.

Back in the day people were proud to be Americans and that was enough.


Slide detected


Cant you just ignore it? It seems to make them happy and as far i know it does not affect those who do not participate.

>What makes you proud to be '''''''''cis'''''''' Sup Forums?

Feels good no needing surgical mutilation to keep up my game of pretend.




careful. there's a tranny mod that works on Sup Forums.

Is slide the new 'edgy'?

>all those midlife crisis trannies only now "becoming who they are"

What's worse, the liberal media pushing the degeneracy or the mentally ill patients?


Getting bad from Sup Forums wouldn't be the worst thing to happen to me desu senpai. This board is the only compulsive behaviour I haven't been able to quit on my path away from degeneracy. I don't know why I just can't stop, quitting drinking, eating, junk food was nothing compared to stopping shitposting on a Bhutanese Legal high reviews forum

Extra points for faggotry

Buzzfeed is the most cancerous shit on the internet.

I'm proud because I'm not mentally ill.

Both, anybody who becomes a tranny at age 50 was already a worthless sack of shit. The real issue is when they force this shit onto children.



f u

>What makes you proud to be '''''''''cis'''''''' Sup Forums?

I don't need to validate myself through my sexual identity like these mentally disturbed morons.


Ok, i hate this bitch.


stop please

Why don't these stupid people fly to the middle east and advocate such things

Real talk here, they did a study at some University in the US in one of their sexual health areas.
The study was on shemales and gay men.
Gay men are not attracted to shemales.
They look and act like women.
Same reason why straight men like them.
Also, gay men do not watch shemale porn or get turned on by it.

So if you like shemales and you're a dude, you're not gay. You like a girl with a penis is what it comes down too.

I love them trannies.

Will this degeneracy ever end?

No wonder everyone on this board has such a low opinion of leafs.

fuck off

>Gay men are not attracted to shemales.
They look and act like women.
Same reason why straight men like them.
Also, gay men do not watch shemale porn or get turned on by it.

If that was the case why do male fags not fuck dykes? They look and act like men. Fuck off you stupid leaf.

Hit dat dislike button niggas

Sure thing pal

If you are male and like something with a dick after finding out it has a dick you are gay.
No two ways about it. Your denial is just another form of mental illness.

oh the ironing

>I can finally be normal after chopping my genitals off and mutilating myself!


Real talk here, they did a study somewhere by someone, so I apply some unreasonable logic and "facts".
The study was on adults and children.
Adult Christians are not attracted to chidlren.
they look and act like children
Same reason why muslim men like them.
Also, christians do not watch kiddieporn or get turned on by it.

So if you like children and you're a muslim, you're not a pedophile. You like little grownups, is what it comes down too.

I love them children.

>fucking people nowadays, I just justified pedophilia by that dudes logic

No she wont

Pride is a sin, you fucking faggots.

What does that even mean

>mutilating your body is normal

in the 1960's these people would be getting electric shock therapy

You should have listened to her, Sup Forums.

What a natural smile. Surely these individuals are mentally stable. Just look at this!

I can relate, I'm a trains person too. Sometimes it's really hard, people are rude to you but you're just doing your job. But it's all worth it, you get people to work and take them home to their family, without us society would collapse. Stay strong, we trains people need to stick together.

>they even have a cripple tranny


It means that she is unable to see the world without looking through a filter created by her own degeneracy. Also, nice 88 get.



>in the 1960's these people would be getting electric shock therapy

As we can see today that clearly was a failure, we're going to have to go back to the real tried and true method of dealing with sick freaks.

It just keeps getting better.

And better.

check'd. kek smiles upon this thread.

>All those comments demanding comments to be disabled

"muh safespace reeeeee"

aaaaand better...

So... I'm assuming this is supposed to be a woman?

Transsexuality is a mental illness and the suicide rates of people who have "gender reassignment" surgery are 4 times higher than those who don't.

This SJW nonsense needs to be stopped.

t. Faggot in denial

Which one is the biggest freakshow?

I honestly cannot comprehend how it's gotten to this point. How our entire society tries to celebrate mental illness. How our entire society tries to pretend the laws of nature do not exist.

This shit is only getting worse.

All of them look hideous.

They're attention seeking faggots, so they're bound to get negative attention. Which they deserve more than positive

im gay sometimes, i fap to trannies but im pretty particular about it.
my ex was a CD no idea if he transitioned.
I will say i was not into the idea of having a tranny gf because i was attracted to his masculinity and i didnt like the idea that he would probably end up killing himself because he was super depressed and i felt like it was only a matter of time and i didnt want to be heart broken over it.

I'd reiterate as a gay dude id still fuck trannies and ive fucked girls as well but my preference is for dudes and im certainly not romantically into the idea of dating someone ever again with that mental hangup.

we should have wheelchair parades and #proudtobeaddict campaigns, I mean who are people to judge who are addicted to what?

I think these signs are there as a joke?


This guy doesn't want to kill himself at all..

Christ. I want to punch this faggot so hard.

Trannies are totally not insane and just like you and me goy!

You see this is why I don't share Sup Forums enthusiasm for the next generation. I see threads where they believe the upcoming generation is the anti-millenial, hard working and conservative.

All I have seen is the opposite. At least when I was a kid it would have been impossible for someone to be trans at school. Their life wouldn't be worth living, the shit they would get.

Now? The kids just seem fine with it all. They still all want to be rock stars or actors. Except their ultra virtue signalling morality has already started at school and not at college. They might actually be worse than millennials.

You pray daily to Kek, don't you?

The truly disturbing thing is that people believe that the trans movement is the next big civil rights thing.

It actually highlights how fucked up the way we go about mental illness.

Instead of treating the problem, people want to enable these fantasies, and encourage mutilation surgeries.

Forcing the rest of society to conform to these progressive views on gender, is cancerous.

Damn. Kudos for succeeding.

>T-this is the face women make

Going trough this tranny's head.

as a mtf i am not proud to be trans
it fucking sucks

I'm digusting and ugly and will never be a woman and then all these other trans fucks are out there just trying to get attention we're supposed to pass and appear to be the other gender not fucking swinging your dicks around in parades like some faggots


>says all that shit
>uses reddit milofag meme

Into the it goes

I'm not even that old (born 1992) and throughout primary school and secondary school anyone who was remotely camp was bullied and ostracised until they either stopped acting like a faggot, became pariahs or were forced to seek shelter with fag hags.

If a guy had come to my school wearing a dress he would probably have been bullied until he killed himself.

And this guy had this face throughout his clip. He didn't even blink.

Well. He was the last one. Every single one of them looked like it hurts to live unsurprisingly.

>as a mtf i am not proud to be trans
it fucking sucks
>I'm digusting and ugly and will never be a woman
If you're being truthful the only thing you can do to preserve what little honor you have left is to an hero.


These were the worst ones in my opinion.

I'm planning on it. For the moment I'm working to support my mom. When she's financially stable I'll check out.

You really can't just stop being a tranny? What made you be one in the first place? And don't lie to me and say nothing.



All the people in this video regretted their decision to change their sex and committed suicide. Do you feel guilty now?

No I would much rather die than go back to presenting as a man.
I don't know, I've been dressing up in womens clothing since I was a kid, around 8. I just want to be one even though it's impossible. Being perceived as one is the best I can do.