How do you like russi*n soldiers Sup Forums ?

How do you like russi*n soldiers Sup Forums ?

me ? like that

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There is no pain, He's receding


>It's a frog post

>How do you like russi*n soldiers Sup Forums ?

medium rare.

i love USA

keep supporting syrian rebels, they do a good job killing russian shits

"syrian rebels" are actually ISIS, al qaeda, al nusra. various terrorists supported by USA and Saudi government.



>be muslim
>get regularly bombed by russians
>finaly shot something
>lost 300 only to get close to pilot
>pilot order airstrike on own position to avoid be caught alive
>anotcher 300 muslims killed
>find a someone white enough to be an russian pilot and record some barbaric shit
>Go back to base
>basement masturbators locate your base,
>there is no more base
>fuck this and run to france
>"we wuz killing cruzaderz and shiet"
>Go back to base
>basmend masturbators locate your base, there is no more base
>say fuck this and run to france
>"we wuz killing cruzaderz n shiet"

i'll take some dead algerians

Cool story mohamed


Fuck off Ahmed

Your goat molesting brothers are going to get murdered 10 times harder now. 1 white life is worth 1000 sand niggers

Nice. I prefer them like this.

Nice postal card. Translation : "Remembrance from Agouraï - Our soldiers angry about the mutilations done to their dead are retaliating".

This only confirms that the civilian population are ISIS supporting slimes.

Now we'll see if Putin pulls out like americans from mogadishu.
My personal bet will be that he doubles the amount of bombs dropped on Syria instead.

Lol keep telling yourself that literal idiot

They got one Russian soldier. Wow.....
How many goat fuckers did he incinerate before they got him though?

Пoжaлyйcтa, пpeкpaти.

don't worry brother he is with god now.

Yea, but for every 1 ISIS kill, Russia kills 10000

You have been visited by based Russian soldier of kebab removal

Many kebabs will explode but only if you post "ON MY POSITION" itt

Kill yourself Mohammed.


pootin paid meat is done. good very food

Russians bombed three Syrian hospitals today. They are asking for trouble.

muslims like to use hospitals as staging areas, thinking nobody will bomb them.

it's a common tactic used by them to hide in hospitals and schools, as evident during the gaza airstrikes.

Shiptar faggot, still don't have your own flag in here?

The main question is,why is this so surely a Russian pilot? I see a body burned beyond recognition and some fires. Why is this somehow attributed to sandmonkeys killing our pilots? For all we know,one goatfucker could've fucked the village goat out of turn and they burned him and his house down.
Anyways,Ahmed,the day of the mass graves is coming.

I love this post.

> as evident during the gaza airstrikes

Your evidence that they used hospitals for war is that the Jews bombed them?

Anyway, Russians shouldn't destroy all their hospitals. It will piss Muslims off and not just Syrians.

And 6 bakeries. And 4 schools.

Boasting about your 1:1000 kd sure is impressive.

So these are the "civilians" that are reported killed every now and then, from now on I'll know nothing of value was lost when civie deaths are reported

They even used a hotel reporters were situated in as a staging area.

It was uncovered during a livestream from one of the reporters, where one of the armed terrorists passed by his room by accident.

They legit used a school as staging area for missile launches, and hospital as an ammo depot.

Making sure the people they have bombed died. Nothing wrong with that. The doctors and nurses who help the Al Qaeda and other terrorist forces deserve it too.

> muh proofs

Go away, vodkanigger. No one wants to hear your bullshit on this board.

Do you know that Israel dropped hundreds of tons of dumb bombs on Gaza? But I'm sure each explosion was justified and guided by Jahveh.


Who cares? Mudslimes aren't people anyway.
Maybe they should ask their proud freedom fighters not to hide in schools and hospitals before whining.

Shitskin rapefugee stuck in Hungaria detected.

they deserve it

terrorists the lot of them.

в мoeм пoлoжeнии!

Who cares. A dead sandnigger is a good sandnigger.

>The doctors and nurses who help the Al Qaeda and other terrorist forces deserve it too
Sup underage Drumpfster

> Who cares?

1.6 billion Muslims.

Is that you on the left?


>1.6 billion Muslims
Prepare the ovens, we've got work to do.

On my position

Then why don't all the good billion of Muslims do something about that small radical part of their religion? Maybe they don't really mind the shit they pull,ever thought of that? But then again,you are probably a filthy sandnigger yourself.

Russiabro, how does the average Russian citizen feel about helping Syria?

Also, when shit like this happens, are average Russians pissed at Putin for getting them into warzones, or do they sharpen the blade for Goatfuckers?

Tue toi fils de chien

That's not even funny you half muslim cuck country.

You should be even more careful how you fight wars against them.


a couple of Ruskis down.

nearly 400.000k mudshits dead in Syria.

wow impressive shitskin. Remember to hide your mommy because more bombs and planes are coming tonight :^)

>Turks give pilot they shot down treatment
>Try to save him.
>Send him home with full standing salute.
>That's just how it is.


We're joining the Russians in joint operations soon. I'd like to see media painting this.

God help us if Clinton gets in though. Flat out said she's stop that.

Well,we have always had good relations with Syria,but people don't really care about the politics. Or even Syrians,for that matter. But everyone hates radical Muslim filth,seeing as how we just recently had our fair share of shit with them,Chechnya,Beslan,Nord-Ost. So people really fucking hate the terrorists and are happy to see them die.

Some people are pissed,mostly liberal faggots who think Russia is somehow responsible for all the bad shit that happened in the last 80 years. Regular people just get more pissed off at terrorists and whiny faggots like the UN who don't authorize completely carpetbombing the sandniggers because big bad Russia is opressing good-hearted rebels.

>We're joining the Russians in joint operations soon.

With a Hillary presidency in the works? Hardly.

Sup underage Clinton shill. How much they pay you for this?

>completely carpetbombing the sandniggers


For once listen to the Russians. Its what is needed.

Get the fuck outa here muhamad

Theres going to be an anti-russian alliance group formed as soon as Trump starts working with Putler. You know that, right?

Fuck civilians burn the whole place down, no one will miss them, otherwisw they will be coming here. Win win for everyone

"moderate" hospitals no doubt!

this. Killing sandnogs its not like fighting humans. You need to exterminate them completely or they will recover and start shit anew.

It has always fascinated me how all the governments completely ignore that option. Fucking hell,if they were hiding in the forests at least,I could understand the desire to not destroy the wildlife,but it's literraly just sand and shitty huts as far as the eye can see,all that could be lost in the destruction can be rebuilt in a couple months,but no,that would be "too drastic",let's get dragged into a slow-burning war of attrition,turning the place into a hotspot for years.

Atleast russians can fight and don't surrender like bitches.

This will only make the Russians much more angry and only cause them to bomb you harder.

Good job Abu Hajaar.

Oгoнь нa мeня

Cheapest strategies often have the costliest failures. Its cheaper to not fully glass the region in the short term, but if that does not work, it drags the entire thing out like hell.


We do not want to bomb them completely and merciless because that would cost too many lives.

So instead we try the soft approach which does no work and then we end up applying the soft touch so long that we end up killing even more people.

Top mention

> Maybe they don't really mind the shit they pull

When it comes to Syria they all hate Assad, you fucking vodkanigger. Why is every one of you so fucking stupid ?



Assad is too friendly with christians i hear.

You completely ignored my point. What,all the other Muslims,not even Syrians,who constantly whine about how "Don't lump us together with those cunts,our countries are peaceful" can't muster the effort to nip these in the bud? Or they just don't give a single fuck if filthy unbelievers die,but just don't say it out loud?

tl;dr For your small refugee brain : If muslims hate radicals so much,why don't they deal with them themselves? There's plenty of people.

speak for your self,we love assad

>completely carpetbombing the sandniggers
>Its what is needed.

Yes, more refugees, more diversity. Very good idea, eurocuck.


Egyáltalán magyar vagy te csótány?


Because going against your faith is Haram.
They're not going to solve the problem, but they dont want to see them die either.

This is why nukes must be deployed.



They can't because according to the book the radicals aren't wrong.

>Club med in algeria.jpg

>implying you cant just turn the refugees away

they are not European so we have no obligation to shelter them.

Let their own help them if they wish.

will he make it?

I was talking about Sunnis, moron.

you're still wrong though, moron

You will just turn the refugees away, Dencuck ?

And yet radical Chirstian sects get persecuted by Christian police in Christian countries. So the only conclusion I'm left to draw from this is the entire population of Muslim faith followers is so brainwashed and inept they can't even be allowed to self-govern. And yet we still tolerate their existence.

I know a Afghan guy he who fought against the Soviets, maybe i should ask him why he didn't fight the Taliban and instead fled here.


just like we are during now.

about 65% of the danish population wants to end all refugees coming to Denmark. Even the mainstream parties are talking about how out of date the European human rights are and that we cant act like we want because of them.

If people flee from Germany (and are german) we will shelter them. Just like Swedes, Frenchies, bongs and so on.

However why should we take in complete utter foreigners who have nothing to do with us? We share nothing. Not culture, not faith, not history and not even genetics.

I care not what happens to the muslim world. Really I dont. You can be successful or not. It does not matter to me.


no need ill answer that:

>gibs me dats
>more Germoney!

which are like 80-90% of the population, lol
good look being stable when they feel totally powerless