Muslim who objected to trump at DNC is obsessed with shariah law

The muslim man attacked Donald Trump at the DNC, Khizr Muazzam Khan saying that trump didn't understand the constitution, is ironically obsessed with sharia law which is the opposite of everything the US constitution stands for.

But he is ALSO a Muslim Brotherhood agent, working to bring Muslims into the United States to turn it islamic from the inside.

"After reading what we discovered so far, it becomes obvious that Khan wanted to ‘trump’ Trump’s Muslim immigration. But not so fast. Trump we have your back."

Other urls found in this thread:

"Khan’s fascination with Islamic Sharia stems from his life in Saudi Arabia. During the eighties Khan wrote a paper titled Juristic Classification of Islamic [Sharia] Law. In it he elucidated on the system of Sharia law expressing his reverence for “The Sunnah [the works of Muhammad] — authentic tradition of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).” A snapshot of his essay can be seen here:"

"At the bottom of the page, Khan shows his appreciation for an icon of the Muslim Brotherhood: “The contribution to this article of S. Ramadan’s writing is greatly acknowledged.” S. Ramadan is Said Ramadan, head of the Islamic Center in Geneva and a major icon of the Muslim Brotherhood."

And since it's the goal of islam to institute sharia law in all nations of the world thusly replacing those nations current national laws, which in the US's example the US constitution.

It is fair to say that Khizr mentally keeps his pocket constitution UNDERNEATH his copy of the qur'an.

And that he only tries to slam trump and pretending to be "patriotic and like the constitution" because trump is wanting to do a ban on muslims immigration from conflict zones to the US till they can be vetted. Which puts brakes on attempting to implement sharia law in the US.

Burgers please send this to trump he has to be informed about this connection because the dems are currently using him to attack trump.

This will completely vindicate trump with regards to this whole matter.


(as a commenter points out in the articles comment section)


Spread this around.

shut it down


My fat brethern, it is your duty to spread this, if you don't want to do it for yourself, do it for the world

holy fuck im fucking dying

>yfw he dosent even agree with the constitution
>yfw he agrees with the silencing of his own wife

>all this taqiyya

Why did you write this in a way that makes you sound like a shill

what the fuck is

why would they use this man if any of this was true?

also 15cent have been deposited into your account

>muslim raised in saudi arabia
>not obsessed with sharia

OY vey this will not help the narrative!

>derail shill doing damage control
go away 15 cent.

everyone show your righteous indignation for big bad meanie calling out this snake in the grass
its current year i mean come on

But he immigrated to the U.S if he was a fanatical he would've stayed where he's at.

A paid shill would say that wouldn't he
[15cents deposited]

Just like those Saudis who immigrated straight into the twin towers?

>what the fuck is
A site run by an evangelical Christian Lebanese guy whose son is a lunatic and makes shiity videos from his parents basement in which he call for monarchy and other shit.

A sheckle for the good goy~

They were from Canada but they didn't infiltrate the government, I'm sure if there was anything even remotely suspect about this man it would have made news but all we get is shit like this
You truly must be a moron.

They were from Saudi Arabia, you fucking retard.

he was former muslim (al ikhwan) brotherhood operative in the US before he apostasized and he's been exposing them for over over a decade and knows their plan, this is why they're trying to discredit him. Including some within the christian community who are more pro muslim and think that "muslims christians live in peace" which he slams for not not understand what the bible says or what muslim law teaches. So they retaliate and try to attack him aswell. debunking the "walid is fraud" nonsense.

Why are you shilling for shoebat?

>Not the most based goverment system ever

Amerifat pleaes go

Donald Trump is shaping up to be the most important hero of the 21st century.

>why are you not supporting muslim brotherhood to infiltrate and subvert the US
>shows a "i love islam" picture
Sorry not my cup of tea.

You do realise that Sweden is a monarchy, right?

>attacking the source
>terrorists were canadia
Good day for you. Hillary will be pleased with your work

You may even get to eat her dusty cunt later

I'm not even surprised. We saw this coming a mile away

Now THAT'S a reliable source!

A monarchy without power is not a monarchy but a figurehead that's nothing more than a figurehead tourist attraction.

What is all this about? What did Trump say?

All Muslims are shit. You dig deep enough into any Muslim's history, and you will find shit.

>i only get my news from DNC-controlled mass media and so should you, stupid goy

This guy is an idiot


Holy shit they are trying to use him to grab neocons. Crafty jews.

You could actually read the fucking article before attacking the source. They have links to papers written by Kahn himself in support of Sharia law and using Muslim Brotherhood figure Said Ramadan as his main source

What does Sup Forums think of this video?

It's his name

Is it too much to say: "The only good Muslim, is a dead Muslim?" Fuck Khan's son and fuck him.


The media blitz this guy has been on is ridiculous and transparent.

>Grieving father
>Let's spend the next week appearing on 500 news programs all slamming Trump.

>asaudi plant
we all know the mudslime was a ploy to get a rise out of drumpf so he could further bury himself... and it worked a treat

drumpf knows nothing about how dirty this campaign will get -- the dishevelled republitards aren't even a party any longer, let alone comparing to the wiles that the dems are capable of

HOWEVER, the dullard drumpf is not the man to lead the fight against the mudslimes -- he's simply not (read: nowhere near) au fait or intelligent enough to understand the rich tapestry of what's at play here... he gets his info from the Alex Jones of the world, FFS!

all drumpf is in it for is to relieve billionaire ennui in the twilight of his like (*the guy's also 70... he miht even die in his first term!) and to see if he can 'own' another piece of the U.S.... as is the pathological money junkie's wont

he'll only make things worse

Man if this is true and is exposed....

Trump has been slowly red-pilling the nation on so many issues, this could be another one of his ploys.

7D underwater chess move incoming?

This is getting shilled heavily
>muh source
Fuck off


And Hillary will open our borders and make things worse. So we might as well all kill ourselves.

>this could be another one of his ploys.
Have you ever considered that Trump could just be an incompetent buffoon?

Why isn't anyone calling this guy out as an idiot?


That's a satirical account.

UK, wtf are you doing letting this pig live in your country?

Muh dick

>we might as well all kill ourselves.
I'm afraid - given you did not support Sanders or Rubio et al. - that's about the only humane option left

this is what happens when you do not actively partake in politics and let the lunatic run the asylum... you should have nipped in the bud after 9-11, then after Iraq II, then after Afghanistan, then after Libya, then Syria...

but, noooooooooo.... too busy chest-thumping to a shit-spangled banner and fantasy faggotball to see the water recede before the wave

now you're at the precipice and your only choice is what implement you'll use to martyr with...

What did he mean by this?

Great source faggot

>"in days"

>there hasn't been a terrorist attack in days
Well holy shit guys, he is right. I guess they all gave up and went home right? Golly gee we sure showed them
But in seriousness it's a fucking problem that we have to say we haven't had one in days.
>Hey guys I haven't had alcohol in a couple of days
That means you have a alcohol problem
>hey guys I haven't been bombed or killed by a terrorist in a couple of days
That means you have a terrorist problem


You can tell CtR shills are scared when they won't even read the article.

Just wow. Why isn't THIS all over the media.

JK I know why.

> t. Bong with US proxy.


Whatever he has been doing has been working pretty well so far hasn't it Bongistan. I trust that Manafort and him know what they are doing.

Islam is cancer

Amen to that

>muslim gets in verbal fight with Trump
>turns out muzzie is a shariah extremist who hates america and americans
>mexican gets in verbal fight with Trump
>turns out mexican is illegal/kid of illegals who hates america and americans


You CANNOT stump the Trump. He is Trump the Unstumped and Savior of the Free World. He is so unstumped that attempts to stump him backfire. His enemies do his argument for him. The more you criticise him the stronger he becomes as his points are vindicated.

user. user I'm dying. You're a marvelous bastard.

>in days

Wow. He thinks that's an accomplishment. You're right, let's go home, it's been days since the last time a muzzie jihaded a bunch of innocent people to death. Days. Are we goldfish now?

I bet the last group's funerals aren't even finished being conducted.

Okay Shillary.

>Whatever he has been doing has been working pretty well so far
No not really.

American politics is a cult of the personality - people emotionally invest in their candidate almost to a brainwashed level.

Look at what happens when a candidate drops out . . .people breaking down in floods of tears and as is common with this sort of false idolising - people only hear what they want to hear.

I don't see this sort of stuff anywhere else in the world . .. apart from North Korea?

>How do we know this?
>We found documents with the same name


No wonder trump has been hitting this muslim cunt shamelessly

>Sorry not my cup of tea.

shills be abound


bumped for sake of the usa

Watch this if you want to know how deep the rabbit hole goes.

The entire left has been infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood, one of Obama's speech writers was a literal Al Qaeda terrorist that we later ended up bombing. Muslims are behind all this SJW bullshit because they learned that if they put Islamaphobe behind "sexist racist homophobic", then they could get the left to enact all of their policies without most of the left knowing about it.

>American politics is a cult of the personality

That's why Trump is winning. Nobody is enthusiastic about Shillary and she's going to get very low turnout.

Haha wahhabi fucker

Kek. Fuck dude, savage.

I'd tread carefully boys. This guy is totally good at playing to people's emotions. He's a very sympathetic witness. You need to get this guy out of the news. The way to guarantee he won't be out of the news is to attack his character and call him a terrorist sympathizer piece of shit. He will return, and make every housewife who watches him think twice bout our boy. This guy is damn good. I watched him on CNN last night. With the help of the Kikes, his little show, is gold classic. And that's not to take away from the genuine human factor here. He's obviously a mudslime piece of shit, but it reaaaaly doesn't seem that way. He's perfect for them. He's poison. Get him off the shows.

Yeah and now what we gonna make 5 threads about it and that's it ?

He does have a charming face, almost like that of the buddha, a happy chubby asian. Truly best korea, 10/10 would worship.

>I'm not a shill, but a shill posted this, move along goyim.
Fuck off schlomo.

I'm serious guys, Muslims are great at playing the weak victim but they are the ones in control here and we could be in big trouble if we get another 8 years of them in power behind the proxy-left

>using the meme "Drumf"
Opinion discarded

No kidding. Really makes you think.

>While people around the world are developing new technologies to innovate society. People in Muslim countries still argue and debate over a near 1400 year old text.

Nothing fucking new under the sun. Islam is a cancer and should be expunged.

Damn, can someone tldr that whole shit. And I mean bullet it well to spread it to normies cause they won't read all that shit.

You should also bullet the concepts of Sharia law to further enlighten people as to what these morons are planning.

>Wow just wow, Trump is like, literally Hitler

sounds like bullshit to be honest, familia

I know mudslime hoodies, and they would NEVER let their sons join the american army, they don't even let their sons join muslim secular armies (e.g. Egypt's), so I can't imagine them doing it for the kuffars

Only leftists believe this because their programming does not allow them to reason through Trump's actions. If they did, their brain could potentially form a genuine thought, which might clash with the programming and turn them into bad livestock reducing the chances of propagating the ideology. It's similar to rabid animals fear water because it reduces the chance that the virus will transmit to another host.

You didn't read what I said.
You just looked at the picture and invented your own narrative, much like Trumps followers.

>Implying he didn't join the military for the training and combat experience

Just like gang members.

Your whole post was senseless, try again.

>Muslim Brotherhood

this is very silly.

Muslim brotherhood is an arab organization. Every knows that. Khan is probably indian (maybe pakistani/bangladeshi). There is just NO way he is muslim brotherhood.

Sometimes its really weird to see for what shit people fall who do not understand context and have no knowledge of the matter.

>Khizr Muazzam Khan saying that trump didn't understand the constitution
Evidently neither does he, otherwise Khan must be arguing for his right to vote to be revoked.

>implying leftists have emotions
All of their actions serve only to propogate leftism and are simply the result of the state machine programmed into their heads. Only humans and animals can feel emotion.

I just watched the video of him. Wtf American politics?
>Trump has no empathy because he actually wants to help people rather than saying a bunch of empty platitudes and making sad twitter posts
>Has Trump even read the constitution
How can that be considered an argument in America?


I do not like the Trump post-fact Sup Forums.
The only reason I was redpilled in the first place were facts. Like the Bellcurve of IQs by race and studies testing IQ of adopted kids etc.