ITT only the top ten big boys can post.
European Military Power
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>European military power
I have bad news for you.
Fuck off shill
your list looks like bullshit
Holy shit Poland is quite far up there.
>European Military Power
How is Ukraine not in Europe?
reporting in bois
>UK below France
I've seen firsthand French military power
no your list is bullshit, its from a fucking swiss bank. OP list is from the CIA and international militairy experts from GFP
best european air force reporting for duty
yeah so where's russia?
Move over you supplicant pieces of shit.
The TRUE and ONLY global power is here to throw you illusions of grandeur into the dirt.
>France number 1
>Poland in top 5
We're doomed
Behind Ural
On France and the UK have any business calling themselves military powers in Europe.
Where is binland, I thought they strong?
>the ten tallest midgets
France, Uk, at least you try.
i can tell why you're mad
how the hell is france stronger than china? how is this shit even measured? Do they get bonus points for multiculturalism?
well, technically france is overrated
half of "defense" expenditures are used for "security and police/gendarmerie/intelligence"
a quarter of the real defense budget is for nuclear detterence
So speaking of conventional warfare, i'd say germany, then UK/France
i'm in the military, we still have 1950's trucks and shitty combat vest...
European Big 6:
UK, France, Russia, Germany, Italy, Spain.
I think that's a ranking number of Muslim immigrants
im not mad German miltairy sucks but your wiki list is still bullshit.
The list puts the UK below Italy,not sure if its accurate.
They're winning because they don't kill their enemies.
Force projection. China vs France in say South Africa, France wins. China v France in Taiwan, China wins. France has force projection, China only has regional power for the moment.
european """"""""""military power"""""""""" is just an american """"""""""loan""""""""""
Germany aka The Broomstick Brigade is third?
Only strong if you invade them. Otherwise not worth mentioning
Why is Russia not in the list? Russia has always been part of Europe.
>no Russia
Nobody know what is like to the bad man
To be the sad man
Behind Ural
We are, but big nations can't into glory of conscription. Also take note of globalfirepower is shit.
Then why Poland is fifth on the list?
>third most powerful military in Europe
Holy dongs, you guys fucking suck
>uk second
gr8 banter m8
Can we even call those slavs European?
Russians are more European than Hungarians.
>Can we even call those slavs European?
You can't even call them human.
How are we at third?
We literaly havent had a proper army since the reich fell.
All we do is build and export.
>Ran its own military industry into the ground just so they could spend EU handouts on overpriced American bling that they cannot even service by themselves, thus requiring even more EU handouts that end up lining the pockets of USA's tycoons
>We wuz military 'n sheeeit!
>he doesnt know
Lol get crushed faggot.
Yes. You aussies though...
They have more rights to be called human than your degenerated nation.
>regional power
But the only other country in their region is the US.
So, um, like, what power?
Your entire country is made out of funds.
>Greece better than switzerland
They probably lose meme points for being landlocked
wait what
what the fuck are we doing there
Most of Russian population is in its europeon part.
>They have more rights to be called human than your degenerated nation.
You're just saying that in order to protect your genetic heritage, seeing how Russians have been planting their seed in your mothers, wives and daughters for centuries.
>france number one
How many of those soldiers are ISIS I wonder. Sure doesn't seem like you're interested in defending your country.
JIDF doesnt count
>Poland calling someone else a beggar.
Greece's army is way better.
based bolan
And Ethnic Russians are obviously Europeans.
At least Poles will scrub your toilet for a small handout. Greeks won't even do that.
I know that. :^)
We came second in Eurovision this year. We are European now whether you like it or not
>wanting to be niggerapean
Aussies are new race.
The irish army isnt half bad seeing on what you spend on it and how shit your economy is
>france ahead of uk
>Anywhere near the Top 10
Don't make me laugh, this underfunded band of ronnies couldn't beat a class of special needs children with cancer
ov vey, goy, have you finally spent some more on guns?
>The under equipped and under trained and under payed German Army is on that fucking list
I call BS.
All of these added together equal less than 1/2 an America
Get fucked niggers
you silly Europeans are hilarious
The only comparison to Australians are Australian provinces.
US is the strongest military in Europe, all you yuropoors can fuck off
Reporting in
Germany has a lot of potential to be a military power. You have to take potential into account
A fucking nigger flag LMAO
There are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who believe Germany couldn't single-handedly destroy USA in a week
Oh believe you me, us Germans are ITCHING for a war with USA. We will fucking ANNIHILATE your dirty country. There wouldn't be a square meter of American soil that has running water, electricity, or petrol that isn't on fire, once our airforce and navy is done bombarding your defenseless country. Then, our army boys (we'd send the niggers and other mongrel races first) would swoop in, raping your women, and killing EVERY American pig shit they see. When Germany’s done with you, we will have committed acts of genocide. Of course no one is gonna do shit about it
I'm surprised germany even makes it on the list.
Are you baitfags even trying anymore?
Finally something told the truth that Russia is a Asian country.
Korea strong
fight me france
They have the industry, but they don't buy any of their own made equipment.
>Are you baitfags even trying anymore?
Are you toothfags even brushing anymore?
guess which country is behind that chart :^)
korea strong
>getting absolutely btfo by bunch of borsch gobbling vodkanigger irregulars
>implying russia is not european
Nigga I'm pretty sure we have more US soldiers in Germany, than Germany has German soldiers in Germany
Are you cuckfags even prepping the bull anymore?
Funny hearing that from a german whose women and children are being raped by arabs as we speak.