Poland strong!

Fastest growing economy of EU.
The most beautiful women.
No muslims and blacks.
Seventh army NATO.

Poland is future Europe and white race.

Other urls found in this thread:


Post women then

this sounds good but if you are advertising you will be flooded like others

the rapefugees are internet addicts this is why they do the shitfest if they dont get free wifi

All of this because the EU keeps giving us monies
Also our women are coalburners

Intermarium pls

>Poland Strong

I like your country but come on man this is because of EU giving you money, or have you forgotten what your country was like before that? You have a ways to go before you are truly strong on your own

That said, I hope that becomes the case

>Fastest growing economy of EU.

Good joke.

>hey its another le stronk polan meme circle jerk thread

just kys already


>Fastest growing economy in the EU

Sure, if your economy grows from 0.1 to 0.7 it's growing faster than one which goes from 5.2 to 5.3, but it's still kinda shirt.


Slovakia is the first growing economy in the EU but poland is really close to be.

god i dated a girl with Polish genetics. 9/10 would bang again and again and again and again.

She was pretty smart too, desu. Are there a lot of polish girls like that, or is there mostly slavtrash?

Kurwa stronk!


It's time to take away all eu funding in poland and dump all our shitskins there in that shithole and sanction it.

>is there mostly slavtrash

Here in Sweden it is. Slavs are ugly asf here

Well, Sup Forums?

All the Germans have to flee -somewhere-, you know?

WTF I love Poland now

Military quadracycles
Cardboard tanks
Top of the top EU donation sucker

Be polite and we'll let you clean our boots like in the old times.

Add to that:

>No scientists
>No companies
>Slowing GDP per capita growth
>Slowing productivity growth

You should read more about Poland

that's the acceleration of growth you're speaking about, not growth - you probably ill-teethed english swine


No, it's not you fucking Fritz retard.

Czech women > Polish.

said ukrainian...

You're either the next Greece or you'll join the rest of us in 20 years.

Might make sense. If you're a banging hot broad you've probably got a good life. If you've got a good life, you aren't gonna emigrate.

mmm.... nah, no thanks



Poland is pure aesthetic, western pussies cant even compare

>tfw 26% growth

the five year plan exceeds expectations comrades

that clip had a budget of 100 euros

who cares

this one had probably higher budget



Top Kek.
>OP Doesn't Realize Poland is the Mexico of Eurpoe

warsaw is the only valuable city in this country

What's a Slovakia?
Let them try

Thanks for the free money, Jacqueline

>no scientists

graduates from mathamatics at univeristy of warsaw alone contibute more to worldwide programming and AI scene than whole spain or italy.

>Not Krakow
Kurwa wawel
Precle i smok

Poland is shit. It should be sold to Germany tbqh

>this weak bait


>EU giving you money

I want this shit meme to end, EU was destroying our industry from 90's


>sugerowanie ze sugeruje

>Fastest growing economy of EU
Yeah, thanks to EU money.

>The most beautiful women.
Said no one ever.

>No muslims and blacks.
Yeah, you make up for that by having your own cover that part.

>Seventh army NATO
Doesn't mean much considering we're 6th m8

cyka blyat harambe

Bacon powersuit is a genial kebab repellant

Co to za pierdolosy adi ?
Gdyby nie Balcerowicz nadal żył byś w chacie z gówna

ty jebany sghowy wykopu chuj ci w dupe kurwo


>tfw when western pussies will never have dark decadent polish party


no dobra masz racje, ale i tak chuj z wami wszystkimi

your women are biggest coalburners in east europe lol.

They're exploiting us in exchange for money.EU money isn't like life support at all

>tfw when no porn scene in poland because of relatively conservative views of polish girls on sexuality
>tfw when 90% of central european porn actress are from czech republic

there is no such thing as central europe. we are germanic therefore western europe. you are slavshit and your women go for easy money if they can. average number of sexual partners of polish women is literally by statistic 17,5 by the time they hit 20ties. and also according to surveys half of your women cheats and 20% f them with foreigner, while 15% of them with nigger. which is fcking a lot.

if you are germanic ubermensch, why polish companies takeover your industry, little slavmonkey? Your statistics are totally invalid and it took me literally 2 minutes to check all those statics.And from what I can see, according to eurostat recent social surveys in every possible indicator polish women are less sluttier than czech. Nonentheless I dont care, whats the difference.

You got slav'd up a long time ago buddy, you ain't no germanic.

Little pepik thinks he's Germanic

> No muslims and blacks.


b-but I thought we have some kind of alliance? :/

Balkaners fucking hate you easterners and westerners.

Hungary is not part of balkans, they are mongols or something like that.

Oy vey!

The best piece of ass I had, both were Polish, Polish/German.

Also, huge tits.

polacks have the most jewy heritage though, aside from actual kikes. Just look at the suffix of their surnames:(((Ski)))

Polish royal names ended with ski you fucking leaf

I love you polska, the most of my friends are polish or armenian.

I hope you get bigger than Germany one day.

man,polish jews had such surnames(with polish suffixes like -ski) in order to assimilate into polish society.


just google Poland, ahmed


>believing in this eternal german propaganda

you are idiots

How to be a Polish

>Say everything against Poland comes from Germany
>lose war in 1 fucking month

at least I don't have a kike heritage

Who cares, they are fucking based.
The most pollacks I know are great people.
And they hate Muslims!

Nice meme. Jewish culture today is literaly a German mixed with Polish.

thats why you are idiot, probably

Why am i an idiot?
I'm pro Poland breh

because your germanic friend was right. -ski is polish surname suffix, not jewish.


they sound like toilet cleaning parasites to be honest. You sound like the type of German who's great-grandfather had a lot space in his attic for a certain people.

wow we have special NATSOC EDGY SNOWFLAKE HERE

Even if he is right, why is it important?

You should keep fighting against mudshits and continue to be the future of Europe.

Poland, you have the coolest moment of your history. I just kek'd forty times.


It's the other way retard. -ski and -cki suffixes are traditionally Polish. They serve the same purpose as the "of" preffix in English. So a person from Toronto would be called Torontoski. Originally these suffixes were reserved for noblemen (together with the -icz suffix, which means "son of"), but in 19th century peasants and Jews started using them as well.

Why do the polish hate muslims ? They take all their low paid jobs away, this is the only reason why and actually no one here in germany thinks they are white. They are harvesting the fields and building out buildings and stuff

>pole in denial

Eat a dick leaf

And you sound like you took one to many black Muslim dicks inside your leftist ass.


>What's a Slovakia?
Delet this
Slovakia is cute, CUTE

>those forced memes

we have the banter but holy fcuk, the unironic shitposting can get cringy at times
