Why don't you follow the original aryan religion Hinduism yet?
Why don't you follow the original aryan religion Hinduism yet?
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Hinduism is a blend of Dravidian practices such as yoga, village goddess worship, and meditation with sacrificial aryan rites
Literallty a docile cow-religion to create docile cow-people.
Jews infiltrated Hinduism a long time ago , their sect now rules india .
Wait what ?
>says the Turbocuck who lost entire Yugoslavia to a hole that they lost too.
Jesus Christ is the savior of the White race.
"We will defend Christianity!! And not just on paper, no!! We intend to burn out Atheism!!" -Adolf Hitler.
>Implying Christianity isn't the White man's ultimate redpill.
How can Hindus even compete?
>champion of the Christian faith
I hope you are joking.
>Abyss of Perdition
Got a new band name! Thanks, Mr. St. Chrysostom!
Not an argument. :^)
Saints changed world by changing themselves as a example for us.
Luther created his own "church" in order to fuck former nun.
You can realise that i do not take what he said into any consideration because of this.
Yes. It was an axiom :^))
>Luther created his own "church" in order to fuck former nun.
Wait what?
He certainly isn't the champion, but he told people the truth about the jews. Which makes him better than the current muslim-foot-washing pope.
Check who was his wife before they met.
Hitler lost the war because he accepted Christ in his heart
He a good boy, He Hindu nuffin!
foregiveness, yo
you wash everyone's feet
all Christians are permacucks terrified of the Jewish Satan
"After several years of religious life, Katharina became interested in the growing reform movement and grew dissatisfied with her life in the monastery. Conspiring with several other nuns to flee in secrecy, she contacted Luther and begged for his assistance."
I dunno bro, seems ok to me.
its sanatana dharma, and it is neither original nor aryan. nice spooks though
Never trust the Mohammedan or the Jew. The Pope should know that.
never trust the Christ either
everyone should know that
Catholic church is totally infiltrated.
>Being this mad about the Son of God.
not a christian m8
>spread the other cheek
well my dads indian but he be bnei israel
not iraqi merchant
so he told me most jews from bnei israel worked in goverment jobs and in teaching
You first, but please be sure to use lube.
kek you actually believe that
>all these cumskins ugh so #triggered
Christcucks everyone
Keep crying heathen. The salt in your tears will be blessed into holy salt for the next mass.
>son of god
>just a Jewish trickster
It's illegal for cucklicks to judge gay people
turbokike autistic cuck Jesus
I have enough salt from your tears for the next mass. Thanks for participating, heathen.
Do you have time to spare will your wife fucks a mud as mea culpa? Why do you think anyone cares about you repeating lol tears salt xd over and over?
I do desu
wtf did i just read
is that magic salt?
Way too many gods. Who can be bothered to remember them all.
and they all fit in one syllable!
This is paganism.
i thought hinduism didn't accept converts?
besides, the vedic religion is the original religion of the aryans.
>besides, the vedic religion is the original religion of the aryans
Literally hinduism brah
lol enjoy your rat kebab
still more worthy than a Jew Muslim or Christian
Because I practise Finno-Ugric Animism, the original Uralic religion.
But I do read a lot of Hindu philosophy and respect India for the fact that it is, as far as I know, the only nation where the native paganism is still the major religion.
Even after hundreds of years of Islamic rule.
"Don't I look tasty, goy?"
what is shown on that pic? context please.
loving yourself is egotistical
Dont see the problem. they get rid of the critters and they get fed.
You gotta play the hand youre dealt with.
black people love cosplaying.
It is Shiva and Chinnamasta, lot of tantric symbolism in that painting.
Use google my friend.
Looks like my DnD group
Well if you watch further, the way they kill the rat is by blowing smoke into its hole and suffocating it. Unfortunately because Hindus are unsophisticated cave people, they haven't developed a more expedient way than this.
Inhaling smoke causes tuberculosis and lung disease, which is how many of these rat catchers die.
so do Jews
some of them think they're white!
Well thats just personal stupidity and nothing else.
Id for one just flood their tunnel systems and wash them out.
Ancient Vedic religion is not the same thing as modern Hinduism.
And even to say that Hinduism is just one defined religion is quite problematic.
Whew so much redpill in a paragraph
By not licking niggerfeet
I like beef.
kek, underrated.
They're all representations of the same God. You can worship all or none of them and still be Hindu
>a jew is the savior of the white race
Hara Hara Mahadev
Poo in the loo, Panjeet.
The original aryan religion, as in from Iran/Persia, is Zoroastrianism. Zoroastrianism is the precursor of Abrahamic Religions, especially concerning the dichotomy of good/evil. So yeah, I'd say most of humanity does in fact follow one of several branches of the original aryan religion.