Welcome to South Africa, we hope you enjoy your stay. Take care to avoid our local chimps and stick to the major cities.
Welcome to South Africa, we hope you enjoy your stay. Take care to avoid our local chimps and stick to the major cities
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I bet you're black
Get out while you can.
I like how all the white SJWs that's left in South Africa basically live in gated communities with 24/7 private security guards.
Come back to Europe,white man
But avoid Germany, France, GB...
Well stay in SA.
Are you full there ?
Check out Constantia, Llandudno, Camps Bay and Clifton
Dont pay taxes. Dont fucking breath life into a government that hates you.
Grab all the poor whites and get out of dodge!
Where are we supposed to go? Everything north of us is black africa and we are surrounded by a massive ocean. Most of us doesn't have money to move, shiiiiieeeeeeet I dont even have enough money for internet sometimes.
remember to vote ne
Of course. Things are looking a bit better of late.
Depressing to hear about, bro. I would say come here, but it's tiny and expensive as shit. No necklacing turbo niggers tho.
>avoid Germany, France, GB
Nah, we need as many whites as we can get.
fucking hope so, apparently DA has a big chance of getting Johburg and a large part of pta but that's only what I've heard
What is going on in the OP pic?
Are they planting rocks on the road in the hope they grow into buildings?
Where is this Mayerton?
I don`t like the DA nor will I ever but I'd ratehr have them than more of this shit.
Man, I hope so.
that's how our nigs protest, block the roads bring the country to a grinding hault until they get their gibs
Nah m8, they know potholes will form in the road, so they fill in the gaps before hand to stop car tires and rims from been damaged.
That's America you idiot
They seem to be protesting against the South African goods not allowed into Zimbabwe, so they looted a warehouse and burned down the goods and are blocking the road. Also attacked the Zimbabwian border guards.
It doesn't make any sense.
Joburg is on a knife edge and could well fall to the nogs yet again, but it's definitely possible that they'll lose it. I'm sure DA is going to take PTA and PE.
Racist! They're kings!
Why are you lie, afrikaaner? I walked google maps to check how doomed your country and there are no bars on the windows. Later i checked youtube for some info on that famous scycrapper you say nigger fill with shit. Its nice and cozzy, renovated, blacks are chill and city is fine. Seems like you basically lie and whoring for attention.
It's near the Zimbabwean border, you pompous, top hat wearing queer.
You are especially fucked because the same SJW's that destroyed your country won't let the US provide visas to white South African expatriots because that would be racist. Sadly genocide is the only option, and I don't think you guys have the numbers anymore, and certainly not the will.
if they do prepare for mass ANC butthurt chimpouts
Nothing in Africa makes sense, leaf.
Come here, SAbro. We find your accent amusing.
Either that or take up gunsmithing and form a militia.
we haz kangs
Nice try Angela.
and so the evolutionary rejects travel back to the great rift to revert back to savage chimps
Brother stahp pls
the same type of baiting technique as
>Crimean people wanted to join russia
>Crimea was russian all along
>Ukraine is basicaly a non-country land belongs to russia
get a load of this guy
Europe. It is desgusting that we are not helping you.
Europe rejects her own children while inviting hordes of shitskins in and paying for their journey and their existence once they are here.
I cant even begin to describe how fucking corrupt and disgusting europe has become.
That vid for example. If you are white, you are an enemy of the state.
To Holland? You can't get enough money for one plane ticket and claim asylum?
>claim asylum?
He is white. That wont work and you know it.
Come home Anglo man. This goes for all other Anglos as well.
You could check it for yourself. Avarage Afrikaaner life is much better than for Eastern European, yet they whine and complain despite every fucking one of them owns pile of agriculture land sized as small european country. They basically lie on internet to get some attention and look weak.
There's a good chance that Wilders Freedom Party wins the election here next year. One of their main foreign affair points is helping the Boer's population. Might even include visa's and payment for transportation. We are brothers and sisters after all.
literally just buy a plane ticket and overstay your visa in USA forever
shit witheh were my free electrizity an shiiiieeet?
People don't believe this guy. SABC say South Africa is great. And non of this shit. You people was just trolled.
>leave farm
>get attacked by 30+ niggers and robbed and/or killed
>wife leaves farm
>gets forced to submit to the BBC by 30+ niggers and robbed
sounds like the dream buddy.
I watched Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid,
No way Im going there.
will that be possible? shit I'd love to work on those farms
Oh, what a sad story. I bet you survived that horror only to tell us about.
not an argument.
Ukrainian farmland is the cheapest and the best in the world. you have no excuse to not own your own farm. Boers are bro-tier
I want CБУ to leave
>You got me
I have bars on all my windows, I don`t know a single person who doesnt
Hillbrow tower is still closed and Ponte is only lived able higher up. Moreover Hillbrow is still fucked up dangerous.
I want to burn things like the Kaffirs do.
Right, me a white semi-skilled person claiming asylum.
This is where I know you are baiting.
Sure people in the nice part of the country live well, some are even white too.
Looks good to me m8
Sad thing is that I am an Anglo.
I wish I could, but I know I would be caught. I really want to be a free American.
SABC can`t even show protests, now I have to pay for the Lawsuits between the two.
No, my dad did. My entire family was deported from Zimbabwe after Rhodesia fell.
Liao Yang would be pissed if he saw this happening to his road.
"Its all so tiresome"
First you made up a story, just like your greatest allies do, now you write in cirillyc and made some shit about my country. There is a ban on agricultural land sales in Ukraine so farmland nor cheap nor expensive.
Are you guys yet at the point where qt Afrikaners will marry fat but well off Europeans?
Fuck off burger, Aruba is not common by any means
So Die Antwoord isn't right?
Join us senpai.
Kek this guy is a proxy account probably. SABC is the best channel ever. There isn't protests in South Africa. South Africa is great. The only protests we have is BLM protesting at USA embassy. So thia was probably this.
We're planning for the Afrikaner exodus at /Namibia/
>My entire family was deported from Zimbabwe after Rhodesia fell.
We don't talk about Rhodesia here. That is your problem. You not an Afrikaaner, you are Rhodesian after all.
Australia takes you guys in all the time
Jews aren't white.
why don't you make like a tree and leaf?
How many Europeans are still in ZA? What is the standard of living like for you?
This you nigger lover
Its uncommon at best and you're clearly a new summerfag
Fuck yourself with a parking meter
Sauce on pic?
Sup Forums Colony in Namibia coming soon.
South Africa is gonna Balkanise and poor Afrikaners need a home.
Better than Poland in a lot of places, Liberia-tier in others.
4.3 million.
jew isnt a race and askhenazis are germanic/slavic mixes
Whats the potential for a biblical exodus of European descendants coming back to Europe?
Hey OP.
I recently read an article about a russian that traveled to some south african city where niggers basically just waltzed in and started squatting in every apartment in every building. Literally The Walking Dead tier. Is there any truth to that or was it bullshit?
Godbless the new Afrikaner state
Political noise, they've been saying that for years and I've seen you shill in our threads. Disproven.
Fuck off cuck toothpaste.
That doesn't matter, they self identify as anti-white. I disagree with them on a lot of things, but not when they say they aren't white.
There is such a thing as whiteness and they ain't it. An ex-jew can be white, but a jew can't.
Very high at the rate we're going. All the details are on the website. Go read there.
DeKlerk was a mistake.
You whiteys need to dig up PW Botha's corpse and reanimate it so he can wag his finger at all of these uppity assholes and restore some semblance of order here.
You guys fucked ip by not creating a bantustan for white people during the bantustan era. Just an area set aside to run to in the future.
I don't want you guys to leave ZA. I want you guys to take it back.
this is retarded
unless it's a bunch of multi millionaire farmers starting the project and billionaire raycist
then it's not going to werk
Read on the website and decide if you want to apply South African anons.
Zambia had a white president within the last five years.
Chew on that fact.
There is a pic of obama hosting him in the White House. The irony is pretty intense.
We're planning for the Afrikaner exodus at /Namibia/
Your funeral.
IMO the only good black neighbour is a heavily outnumbered black neighbour. Or outgunned if you have the ability and willingness to force your will on them.
Go to China at least for now
I have no idea, but it's definitely possible with these primitive beasts.
4.3 million whites vs 2 million Namibians.
Lol but we plan peaceful settlement. Namibia is a nice and stable country, plus it has a very scarce population density. We're settling in a Karoo-like region. Almost 1000 kilometers away from the blacks.
We peacefully establish a community, much like Orania but in a safer place.
Read more about it on the website famalan.
Let JHB go.
Let Gauteng go.
You already lost them to the (((international ))) set. The chimps just are window dressing.
Make your stands in the Western and northern Cape provs
fuck rugby
Fuck gold
Fuck (((diamonds)))
Fuck highveld
Fuck rooiporte
Fuck all that shit anchoring you to Gauteng n shieet.
Move, start over south and west.