Can somebody give me that article about a swedish greenparty feminist who was mad about thai female migration?

can somebody give me that article about a swedish greenparty feminist who was mad about thai female migration?

I don't find it anymore.

It can also be a swedish source

Other urls found in this thread:


Bump for curiosity

This is why women need to be dressed modestly, this stupid whore is ready to flash her underwear without a care in the world. Not only that but she looks like a boy, this is why the bible says men should have short hair and women long hair. We need to stick to our traditional gender roles!

Do not speak ill of our Frau Petke, soon to be Frau whatever that AfD man's name is, Marcus something

The one she's having an affair with

Are you sure that's from Sweden? Sounds too based.

>iPhone 4C

>having an affair
Disgusting degenerate atheist, these disgusting sexually immoral people are not fit to lead a country!

Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.



I want to sniff between those thighs

>short hair
GTFO faggot



Amen brother Hebrews 13:4 also see 1 corinthians 6:9, revelation 21:8, and Matthew 5:28.

Hellfire for fags, adulterers, and sexual freaks. Jesus Christ is King. White race will prevail.

But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
The bible isn't your KKK crusade fantasy. Anyone who follows the bible is a good person in my book, unfortunately the majority of people don't which is why you have so many disgusting killers and rapists and sexual deviants.

>worhipping a dead kike who said you should love him more than your family

Jesus died for our sins, your family probably voted for merkel to let in an invasion from ISIS.

she has a juicy fucking ass for a boy

Jesus is the White man's ultimate redpill. Jesus was born into the jewish race in order to take it down from inside. After he died Jerusalem was destroyed, jews kicked out, and for the next 1,900 years gentiles trampled it underfoot.

Jews hate Jesus more than anyone else in history. More than Pharaoh, more than Haman, more than Tiberius, they hate Jesus above all because He did what no normal human could do.

He destroyed Judaism from the inside and exposed it for the filth it is.

Lust is a sin Ireland, you should know this. it's a shame your country in the 1970's had a 90% church attendance rate but today you're liberals who voted for fags. At least we didn't get a choice

>One verse cancels out a thousand pages of rules

Sure bro

You liberal fags' bible would only contain "Love thy neighbour" and "neither Jew nor Greek" the end.

Deal with it, the Bible contains rules, punishments and "opressive" wordings.


Name is frauke petry




I'm not a liberal, I believe in the literal interpretation of the bible and I won't ignore that verse either. The bible isn't your skin head nazi cult.
I learnt to control my lust, I don't masturbate anymore.



reminds me of the czech pornstar emylia argan

>hey user

oh shit shes so tiny too
you could just pick her up and fuck her fat ass

everyones now fapping so the thread is quiet

My pleasure plum is pumping out pre like crazy and making my assault sausage leak all over my tighty whities...

How are you supposed to not look up her skirt right there? Like, even accidentally not being a perv?

stfu I can't cum when you talk god damn bitches i swer

wtf i hate my family now

If you believed in a literal interpretation you would know that a woman should use her hair as a natural cover. iow long hair.

I don't see how long hair is "nazi skinhead". Racism has no biblical grounds.

1 Cor 11:15

So you're just shitposting, next time try harder because this is so obvious.

>assault sausage

also, nice alliteration.


This reaction image always makes me sad. Gwendoline Christie is cute.

>worshiping a chancellor that even normies have said is worse than Hitler and who says sandpeople that want to murder you have more right to be in your house than you do


Trust a fucking pikey to have shit taste.

>This reaction image always makes me sad. Gwendoline Christie is cute.

sauce found?
sounds hilarious

She's so fucking uncharismatic.

Worse female politician ever.

puh, for a second I thought you were Italy.

>"But how can based Italy be into such hideous women"

Then I realized you are Ireland. I am relieved.

Are you autistic?

You don't agree with what I said? You think it's okay for a man to show their naked body? You think it's okay for men to look like women and women to look like men?


Show us where you piss from

I'm not a faggot

Is she a Slav?




why she dressed like an elf

no, she doesn't have the body of a 12 year old boy
she's german

its the thick legs and ass kraut
a low test cuck german wouldn't understand high test sexual preferences

>tfw you'll never be allowed to sniff her shoes

>no shoes
>not showing feet /soles

wtf i hate sweden now

Damn I would like to smash dat fuggin ass

No, Meuthen is just a tall aryan Übermensch.

>these disgusting sexually immoral people
are you talking about priests? :^)

I am a male with long hair.
Religion is just a scam. Christianity is Islam's sister.
Not swede so I'm not cucked.


fucking cockblocked by edward snowden

Dude, do you realize you sound like a roaming street-bum? Shut the fuck up, leaf--we don't have any cash on us.

You're not better than the islamist.
I don't give a shit what jewsus did because he didn't even exist.
Even mohamed is more real than jewsus.
How do you feel christian fag?

Sadly a lot of priests don't follow the bible
Long hair means you're trying to look like a woman, sorry I don't like trannys. Get a hair cut and get a job.

Jesus did exist, this is a historical fact

She's such a tiny little fucking whore.
I'd love to pick her up and fuck her tight little fat ass and cuck her beta german edward snowden bf.

I have a job you feminist and I like girls. Envy that my gender isn't defined by how long my hair is?

>He destroyed judaism.

Turns on the television. Hm. Nope...still the electric jew.

Where are the sources? There is 0 evidence of his existence.

I'm a feminist how? And yeah it is, sorry you have a girls hair style. Go get it cut

There is zero evidence for the existence of masculinity in Sweden

what about that biglats horseface guy who is gathering men currently for a race war?

I don't give a shit about sweden males. I'm not swede leaf.

>80 posts
>no one answered
When has this board become just a big shitposting contest? Whatever, here you go:

>Biglats Horseface

He truly looks like a cuck

Sorry I forgot the questions when I saw those thick legs. Men are visual creatures.

Yes, that ass deserves better.

I literally just want to bend her over and hear her gently squeal in a thick East German accent, "Aua, aua! Mein Arsch tut weh!"

At least she is not a leftist

She has a nice frame. The haircut needs work.

Only feminist speak without logic.

No, I wont. Not surprised that a leaf is not enough confident to grow his hair.

>Worse female politician ever.
Are you sure?

I like it actually,reminds me of a filthy lesbianic whore. And a certain porn star I am very fond of (pic related)

She looks excited.


That's because she's creaming at being handled by a real man since her cuck edward snowden bf can't satisfy her. I bet she hasn't had a real fucking her whole life. Imagine how horny she is.

You act like a man and say, "What is your issue? Cover yourself up. If I wanted to see your crotch I'd ask."

Then file a lawsuit for sexual harassment before she does.

>a leaf

What a surprise




>Swedish governor wants limit on Thai women marrying Swedes

>Sweden has emerged as the country with the highest percentage of local men with Thai wives or life partners.

>Over 80% of Thai immigrants to Sweden are relationship partners or Thai wives of Swedish men and Sweden, like Germany has a long tradition of men seeking Thai women as life partners.

>Last year, a female governor of one rural Swedish province requested that the government look into this situation, investigate abuse and perhaps even limit the number of Thai women permitted into the country. She has now been given a mandate from the Swedish government to investigate the trend although government agencies and leading academic have also conductive a qualitative studies into the nature of the growing number of relationships between Swedish men and Thai women. Although Sweden portrays itself to be one of the more liberal countries in Europe, the Swedish government is concerned with this as immigration becomes a powerful and divisive political issue.

>Those lobbying the Swedish government highlight the number of Thai women who appear to be discarded by their male Swedish partners or seek help from Sweden's welfare agencies. Women's groups claim many Thai women have been subjected to abuse by Swedish men. However, like Finland and Norway, while there are documented cases of abuse, most relationships between Thai women and Swedish men are successful. Although there is no accurate data on relationship breakdown between Thai women who marry Swedish men, it is likely to be lower than the overall divorce rate in Sweden which is now nearly 55%. One UK man living in Sweden estimates that over 85% of marriages between Thai women and Swedish men are successful.

Read this people it's gold!