You have to choose immigrants for your country:
Black people or Arabs.
Who do you choose?
You have to choose immigrants for your country:
i already live in nigeria so its simple
Depends where the blacks and Arabs come from.
of course arabs
What kind of question is that
>Who do you choose?
The Tatar Girls.
keep in mind a lot of black people worldwide are muslim too
Like choosing pest or cholera but I would chose Arabs simply because their genes are slightly less destructive when they mix
I was going to say niggers first because they do not blow themselves up but I would think niggering causes more long term damage then arab shit
Blacks because the first romans was ruled by kings who was black. Tarquinius superbus the last black king of rome was overthrown by the whiteys who ruled rome for a couple of centuries. Until sulla the great black general overthrew the whiteys and exterminated them in the social war. Now blacks was running rome again and a whitey wasnt seen in the region again until it was sacked by alaric and the whiteys eventually killed or sent the black romans to africa. Julius caesar was black
Calling dibs on Christian Arabs
I'll take the blacks, they'll just rape and shoot you
The arabs on the other hand will mutilate, rape, and then behead you with a rusty machete
We can take both desu
It's not about religion, it's national culture. Black Muslims don't explode.And most of Blacks are Christians anyway.
that's cheating
>black muslims don't explode
>what are boko haram/al shabaab/etc.
Not in Europe and Boko Haram is despised by majority of Muslim blacks there.
So I would choose blacks even despite Arabs have hookahs, qt grills and tasty food.
>Black people
Kill each other
Kill each other and everyone else
ISIS are despised by the profound majority of MENA Muslims too
Bad apples can always spoil the bunch
>ISIS are despised by the profound majority of MENA Muslims too
>he fell for the taqiyya
homicide rate in arabic countries is 30 times lower than ssa.
5 times lower than usa too
Arabs to the US usually assimilate pretty well and when they kill people they only pretend to be islamists because they dont want to admit theyre gay and are killing gay people out of spite.
Blacks from Africa usually end up as dishwashers and refuse to learn English and suck up more EBT than the descendants of slaves
So Arabs.
In the United States, African immigrants, and to a lesser but still significant degree Arab immigrants, tend to be successful, integrated, and contributing members of society.
The only groups that the US has had trouble integrating are, ironically, the only groups which are not immigrants / immigrants per se: Slave Descendant Black Americans and Amerindians.
On the contrary we assimilated indians just fine. That's one of the reasons why you don't see many of them around today
>The only groups that the US has had trouble integrating
what about mexicans?
>and to a lesser but still significant degree Arab immigrants, tend to be successful
Arabs have more household income in USA than african American immigrant ( and non immigrant) . And more education too.
You have to choose you will be raped: rectally devastated into the butt or orally penetrated. You also may choose the nationality of your raper.
Black people. They are easier to train.
Obvious blacks.
Lol, do you seriously think that Arab Christians are better than their Muslim fellows? They all are Arabs who usually go together. Palestinians both fight against Jews, in Lebanon civil war orthodoxes fought Catholics together with Muslims etc. They aren't different.
Number of Islamist blacks is much lower compared to that of Arabs. Most of blacks are Christians anyway.
Other than Chattanooga, none of the major Islamic terrorism in the US has been from Arab immigrants. Orlando guy was Afghan Persian and San Bernardino couple was Punjabi.
9/11 guys weren't really immigrants, they got their F1's in order to commit the attack.
>russian defending their negro counter parts lol
No wonder you're under half of arab countries, and even turkey/lebanon who has no ressources ayyy lmao. Africa tier.
comedy gold
>Russia and black africa same color
not a surprise kek.
How about neither because that's a really dumbass question from a dumbass poster from a dumbass country
>under north korea
We've had good luck with Lebanese/Syrian maronite Catholics, we accepted quite a few early 20th century (no Muslims) and they've integrated fine...
>Arab food
I guess whichever are Christians
If Christian arabs that's perfect their girls are qt but if Muslims... I don't want more of those what ever race 2bh
you're right. I made that statement more based on my personal experiences with African international students at the university I went to. Come to think of it, neither of them stayed in the US post-graduation. One transferred to McGill University in Quebec, another started working for a Swiss bank, and another got involved in Côte d'Ivoirien politics. Arabs at this school tended to be thoughtful and hard working but also self-segregating and often ideologically at odds with the rest of the students to the point of sublimated hostility: at least in my major coursework for Political Science. (I also majored in Linguistics, a field which, interestingly (or not) enough, attracted neither Arab nor African students.)
I took a road trip around different parts of the United States this summer, during which time I drove through reservations/Amerindian-majority areas in Arizona, New Mexico, North Dakota, Manitoba, Alberta, BC, Oregon, Oklahoma, and Washington. Seeing as (the majority?) of Amerindians live in these sorts of isolated, dysfunctional, and generally impoverished areas, I would really struggle to call them integrated.
I grew up south of San Francisco in a town with a very large Mexican and Central American population. They were poorer than average, but that is more due to the circumstances and backgrounds by/with which they arrived than their success or lack thereof in integrating. The Anglophone competent of the second generation were not self-segregating, performed well, and were socially integrated. The non-anglophone component struggled significantly in early elementary school, was maybe a little behind for the rest of school after becoming anglophone, nominally self-segregated, but still was socially integrated, cohesive, etc.
Those are the ones were didn't assimilate you moron. The ones that are don't live on reservations and don't call themselves indian
As anything bad. But I guess Russian posters choose blacks because there are no black people here so they don't have anything against them. We don't have Arabs either but people may extrapolate their experience with Caucasians on Arabs. I would better choose Arabs even despite different religion (and Russia has always had tons of Muslims so it's not a big problem) because they are more developed. I would just choose less religious to prevent Islamism spreading. Arabs don't eat people and have real culture unlike black people.
>implying kebab is not a pinnacle of all the dishes creates by humanity
we have some syrians from commie era who became doctors and shit
plus some uni students from black africa (rich as fuck)
arab students are trouble though
oh and I like legit syrians they remind me of balkanites guess I can forgive their muslimness if they're secular
>Those are the ones were didn't assimilate
Exactly. It's a huge percentage, just looked it up. Not a majority, but 22%. That percentage isn't just not-integrated, it's not-integrated to the point of requiring a national distinction. No other group in the United States parallels that.
na man middle east is a shithole alright but if there is one thing that region got right is food my man, Arab food is top tier, turks ripped off a lot of it and claimed it was Ottoman
>middle east is a shithole
>From macedonia
stop acting smug, you're above ME in shittyness.
>people choosing arabs over black bros who are Christian mostly and integrate way better than ayyyrabs
What a retards
Depends if we're talking oil baron ME or rest of it, but no matter which we have more freedom 2bh and better climate
Can a group be considered "integrated" if it's average income is radically higher than the average citizen's?
>Slave Descendant Black Americans and Amerindians
You mean the two groups of people the US has neglected for the past three centuries? No shit.
> Lebanon : 11,237$
> Macedonia : 4,787$
no oil in both case. Weather is mediteranean.
"neglected" might not be the most fitting word. I wouldn't consider slavery and removal neglect.
But I agree with your point.
Depends which type of Black or Arabs. Ethiopians are decent people, but Somalis are rabid
In Arabs Lebs are messed up but Turks are alright
>American American
doesn't Lebanon have sharia chimpouts?
yes, you're two times poorer than a country with no ressource that has been in a civil war and now religious war for decades.
Congrats. At least you can make of them on the internet!
oil man, but in those countries even though gdp is huge average person lives like shit, like in Azerbaijan with their horrid wages despite high gdp, at least here I can count on my 350 euro month wage...
>Depends which type of Black or Arabs. Ethiopians are decent people, but Somalis are rabid
In Arabs Lebs are messed up but Turks are alright
>In Arabs Lebs are messed up but Turks are alright
>but Turks are alright
Oh hol up they don't have oil that's commendable idk what's with their high gdp hehe..
>they remind me of balkanites guess
thats because you are turkoslavs
same here, tunisia doesn't have oil and are better than all africa.
>Sophie's choice
Music wise ottomans left that levant style or what ever it is we all share yes, but hey at least we kept glorious Orthodoxy (most of us)
High quality olive oil probably
Through a rigorous selection process, it would be best to choose irreligious Arabs. Easy.
If they despise them, they are the ones responsible to do something against it seriously. Christianity fixed itself just because Christians themselves were not happy about it. Islam will always be the vermin of this planet, if changes doesn't come from those who cause this trouble. And I don't care if I condemn innocent muslims. They are only innocent as long as they let their brothers do all those crazy things.
I'll take those Portuguese and Italians please
how about both?
Go read fuckin Wikipedia, idiot.
I like Arabs more but they would integrate worse as Europe shows so I would better choose blacks even despite I like Arabs (especially their girls and cuisine).
Arabs have more children than blacks and they blow half of them up. I would say black.
I know there's a difference. Just baiting turks
>Arabs have more children than blacks
African blacks have even more children.
Not always mudslimes + can't afford thug lyfe and other amerinigger things because welfare is laughable here, so they will be normal people.
I want to be gangbanged by 4 black so... But hiv... hmmm...
>Arabs have more children than blacks
>american education
A bit of both so that they won't be too much of them.
There are good example of both being well-integrated.
And all the guys ITT bitching about race and "muh genes" make me laugh.
Arabs but if I were living somewhere else than the us I might choose blacks
The issue is that there's an ungodly cancerous african american culture here that black immigrants actually from africa assimilate to over like a single generation
If there was no defined black culture here things would go better
A lot of blacks from Africa are legitimately alright
100% blacks, at least they have some culture and some of them may be educated.
Arabs are literally brown monkies with dark age religion.
Here, African immigrants are Nigerians who become Episcopalians. Arabs are bringing their Islamic shoot 'em up games and bribing our politicians. Easy choice.
Really pisses me off that we're so melting pot they have to fucking specify that
Arabs are going to be Europe tier with their birth rate in next 10 years, they are finishing demography shift.
They are almost always not Muslims except some countries bordering Sahara. Also thug life isn't linked to welfare, welfare is not so big.
Don't think I'll fall for your Muslim tricks to accept Syrian horses into my country Ahmed.
>Slavs ultimately choose blacks while westerners prefer arabs
Now we are legitimate niggaz. Slav-black unity forever!
Dont worry, syrian don't want to get shot again.
Read about demography shift. They don't produce children really much nowadays. And in Europe they accept european birthrate next generation. In France their birthrates are similar to French ones.
> thugg lyf isn't linked to welfare
Are you sure about that?
Employed people don't have time to sit on their porch and smoke weed all day. Unemployed people can get money either from robbery or from welfare, and robbery is not something a nigger can do on daily basis.
No, thugs are linked to robbery instead of welfare. People usually commit crimes massively when they aren't educated enough to have a job.
Most jobs don't need any education beyond 9 years of school. Some of them don't even require education at all.
Well, saying "most" is big exaggeration, but I think you got the point.
Ivan is right. Welfare in the US isn't just free money. It's usually in the form of food stamps.
"Thug lyfe" is usually funded from minimum wage jobs or selling drugs.
I would welcome our Christian brothers. Orthodoxy or death!
t. ivan ibn vodka igorovotic
probably blacks
muslims would fundamentally destroy america and conspire its complete annihilation
Arabs, the iraqi ones are fairly pleasant here but Lebanese can be awful (heard they're not like this in other countries though, strange). Blacks have only recently been coming to Australia and they already cause problems.